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"So, where you want to go?" Kyungsoo asked me shyly while we was walking through city. This is my first date in my 395 years, I really don't know what should we do. But actually I saw a lot of couples in my life, we can act like that. I hope so.

"Uh.. I don't know we can go and eat something, we can walk, a lot of things actually." I stammered while my cheeks warmed up. I didn't know what can we do actually. 

"Okay, if you say so. Are you hungry? I can buy some food. You know boss Lee gave me salary. I have to treat." Kyungsoo smiled proudly. 

"Hhah okay this is great, we can eat than." I smiled embarrassingly. 

We went in some fast food in city and we ordered big pizza and french fries with a lot of ketchap. I really like it and on Kyungsoo's face I saw that he likes it too. We were putting pizza in mouth like we never eat before and what is true a lot of  couples was around us. The couples were enjoyed in food and they acted so sweet on some way. 

While we were eating our food Kyungsoo turned around and saw one couple who were near us. The boy was giving food to his girlfriend and they smiled so happily. Kyungsoo's face got pale on moment and than he turned his face toward me slowly.

"Should we do like that?" Kyungsoo murmured nervously while his mouth was full of food. 

I lowered my head down and started to smile like some crazy girl who is on love. I grinned "If you want, we can act like that." I blushed like tomato.

Kyungsoo made some big smile and he took one  fried potatoes and dipped in ketchap, than he slowly leaned forward and put fired potatoes in my mouth.

"Eat." Kyungsoo smiled happily and I nodded. Wooow he really makes that my heart flutter and flip in front of him. Am I really in love with devil? 


After lunch we went outside and there was some building which on wall was graffiti. Kyungsoo stared on that wall and when I made look to see in what he looks my eyes widened when I saw the picture of big angel's wings. Somebody really made good graffiti. Suddenly Kyungsoo grabbed me for my shoulders and put me on that angel's wings.

"Stay calm I want to take picture of you." he said and took out his phone. I nodded him and I made some sweet smile. When he took the picture of me he approached toward me and showed me his phone. The picture was so great the wings very suit me. 

"Is good." I uttered smiling. Kyungsoo stared at that picture like some crazy boy who is in love. I saw in his eyes some glow while he was watching my picture. Does he really like me?

After that we were walking through city again and we looked around. There were a lot of stalls selling, I really enjoyed to watch colorful things. 

"Hey little boy!" Someone called Kyungsoo and we immediately turned around and we saw one very old woman who was behind her stall selling.

Kyungsoo slowly approached her "Grandmother you called me?" he asked.

Old woman just nodded "Yes, you should buy couple rings for you and your girlfriend." she said smiling and she showed him a lot of couple rings on her table. I immediately got nervous. He will buy it? Oh... come on Kyungsoo don't..

"How much is it?" Kyungsoo asked looking at rings. No No!! Kyungsoo!! I will die here oh my heart is going to explode. 

The old woman said price and Kyungsoo just give her money and he took two almost the same rings. My whole body started to shiver from nervousness. I can't believe that he bought this for us. Oh can I say us actually?? I am not sure yet.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now