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"When will wake up Kai, what doctors said, is she fine?" Yoona attacked me with questions while I was trying to answer on every question but I couldn't talk. I was speechless.

Because Yuri was in hospital and her body had bruises. Yoona and I found her in library on floor and her body was covered with books, a lot of books. When I saw how she was laying like that, I was totally scared. I didn't have courage to touch her injured body. Than Yoona helped me a lot, she helped me to took Yuri here in hospital. But one is true, in library she couldn't be alone. Someone attack her.

"Ahh I.. I really don't know." I uttered sadly holding Yuri's hand. She has been sleeping very long.

"Kai, you should call your parents." Yoona said sitting opposite me, actually she sat on the other side of the bed. I raised my head and faced her.

"My parents?" I stuttered confusingly.

"Yeah, your and Yuri's parents, from America." Yoona explained and at that moment I remembered that I said how our parents are from America.

"A.. a yeah America." I stuttered nervously rubbing my head. She looked at me frowning her black eyebrows. Great! That's happen when I want to lie. Why are angels so bad liars?

"Is everything ok?" she asked me noticing my strange behavior.

"Don't worry I will call them later." I explained trying to get out of the situation. But she was still looking at me confusingly.

"Hey guys." Suddenly Yuri whispered opening her sleepy eyes.

"Yuri, how are you feeling?" I asked her worriedly approaching her closer that I could see her face. Yuri got up and sat on bed rubbing her tired eyes.

"Oh, I ... I am fine." she uttered slowly raising her head to see me and Yoona.

"You scared us Yuri." Yoona finally said something.

"Ahh sorry guys." She uttered sadly. I want to badly to talk to her and to tell me everything what happened.

"What happened Yuri?" Yoona asked her worriedly and I looked at Yuri waiting her answer.

"Ahh I am so thirsty." Yuri murmured lazily touching her neck with right hand, so Yuri just ignored Yoona's question.

"OK I will buy you a bottle of water." Yoona got up and exited from room. It was my chance to talk with Yuri so I looked at her worriedly.

"Oppa... there was Kyungsoo and one more devil!" She finally said something rubbing her neck painfully.

"Ahh I knew that, I knew that you wasn't alone." I said irritably. I was so angry and annoyed, actually I thought that I will burn inside.

"That Kyungsoo." I murmured his name angrily but Yuri touched my hand.

"Oppa, I think that Kyungsoo wanted to save me from that other devil." Yuri explained me but it was unbelievably. He is devil and he always want to destroy me and Yuri. How can that be possible?

"What? But how?" I was totally confused. But she just shook her head disappointedly.


Kai started to attack me with questions but I was to tired to talk. He was confused when I said that Kyungsoo wanted so save me from that other devil Tao and I understood him. It was totally unbelievably but it's true.

I took off a blanket from me because it was very hot in my room and I noticed that my legs was covered with bruises. I was shocked. Wow I am injured so badly.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now