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Funeral finished very soon, despite not being his family, we all acted like family, this is reason why we miss him. Yuri, Kai and I cried a lot, Kyungsoo was there too but he didn't cry he just had sad smile on his face and on that way he showed us that he cares. But I understand him, he wasn't long with mister Lee like we were. 

After funeral we all entered in flower shop which looks very sad after death of mister Lee. I felt that flowers cried for him. He knew to take care of flower the best, and without him everything will be different. 

"What will we do now?" Yuri said sitting on chair near flowers.

"We will continue with work and we have be strong for all, understand?" Kai consoled her.

I sighed. "Yes, this is true, we all have to be strong."  I swallowed my tears trying to act sinewy for all. 

"What will be with me?" Kyungsoo spoke up looking at us. I know that he has very bad relations with Kai, and I really don't why? But mister Lee was that person who gave him job and without him Kai can throw him out.

"You will wok with us." Yuri stood up.

"No, you have to go." Kai yelled angrily.

"No Oppa, we now need help here." She insisted staring at Kai.

"Ahh, we'll think about it later." Kai sighed annoyingly. 

There is big silence now, nobody talks. I think that this is great time to tell them that I am going to live with my new parents. That people whom I had a conversation in cafe shop last time, they really have seemed like very good people. They need daughter and I need mom and dad. We found ourselves.

"I am going to live in my new house tomorrow." I uttered nervously rubbing my arms, I always do that when I am nervous. 

"What?" Yuri was shocked, I understand her Kai was right when he said that she really likes me like sister. I know that sometimes I act toward her like some trash but for these several months I have loved her a lot. She will miss me. 

"Some people want to adopt me so I will live with them." I tried to smile, but inside my heart I am hurt. Kai is just looking at me disappointedly because he knew already what will happen.

"But we have to graduate next week, I want to be with you." Yuri started to cry.

Slowly I approached toward her and hugged her strongly "We will be together I promise you." I whispered comforting her. Her tears really killing me.

Door from flower shop opened and one man in a nice business clothes entered in holding some papers in his hands. We really don't know who is that man. 

"Hello, I am mister Kim , a lawyer of mister Lee." that man in cool clothes bowed looking at us. 

"But mister Lee is dead." Kyungsoo spoke up.

"I know and this is reason why I came here." lawyer said and he sat down on chair near Yuri and started to search something in his papers.

We all made eye contact looking confusingly at each other.

"Yes, what I wanted to say is that, this flower shop belonged to mister Lee, and because he is dead someone have to inherit it. Your boss made testament for you. In this testament he wrote that whole flower shop will belong to mister Kai." lawyer's words was very surprised for us. I made look toward Kai and he really looks so shocked, he couldn't believe what he heard. 

Lawyer got up and shook hands with Kai. "I think that your boss is very proud of you, he trusts you and after his dead he thought that you're the only his successor, please take care of this shop, it meat him a lot." One more time Kim bowed and just exited from shop leaving us in wonder.

"Mister Lee loved me some much that he gave me what he loved." Kai wanted to cry. I wanted to give him big hug but Yuri, who was bear him, hugged him making me to stop.

"Oppa, he is great person, you are boss now." Yuri wiped his tears.

"Congratulations Kai." I uttered staring at him, he made look toward me and gave me slight smile.

"Thank you." his soft voice makes my heart to flutter for him more and more. I really think that he will be great boss, he likes flowers and mister Lee made good decision when he chose Kai like his legatee. 

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