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"You were not supposed to die!!" Those were the words of a girl who was crying at the graves of her mother, father and little brother. I still can't believe what happened yesterday.

That girl was sitting next to graves and cried a lot. I stood opposite her and looked at her sadly. I am so sorry. Really I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to kill your parents and your brother.

"What will I do without you?" she cried hugging grave of her brother. These words made me cry too. The tears that streamed down my face turned into small crystals and fell to the ground. I am an angel who makes people unhappy. I am devil. I don't deserve to be an angel.

I didn't know name of the girl who cried helplessly on graves of her family. But she looked beautiful. She had a long black hair falling all over her back and big brown, now swollen red, eyes. Her skin was so white. Her face was red due to crying.

"Only if I can hug and apologize you.." I whispered wiping my tears. Suddenly, I felt  warm hug from my back.

"You are not guilty." I heard low whispering on my ear. I turned and I saw Kai.

"Ahh, Oppa, what will I do?" I cried a lot hugging him strongly. He patted my head.

"Everything will be fine, I am here." He whispered and leaned his head on mine. I could hear a sob of the unhappy girl. Many people, who were on the funeral, tried to calm her down, but they failed, she cried more and more. Kai separated from me and approached her. He crouched behind her and watched her for a while.

"What are you doing, Oppa?" I asked looking at him. But he didn't answer. He moved his fingers gracefully, creating magical sparkles. He raised his hand and threw the sparkles on girl's head. Suddenly, she fainted and fell on ground near the graves. People run towards her and lifted her off the ground.

"Oppa, what did you do?" I said approaching girl but Kai grabbed my hand and I stopped in my tracks.

"She's just sleeping right now, don't worry she will rest." Kai said staring at me. I nodded sadly.

"Yuri, I want to say that The lord of angels waits for you." Kai added. What?? The lord?? Oh no!

"What? But why?" My eyes widened. The Lord of angels is main between angels. He always gives orders and he is always a boss.

"He wants to talk to you." Kai said worriedly.

"What will he do to me?" I asked lowering my head sadly. I am done.

"I really don't know, Yuri" he said hugging me.


"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT!" The lord yelled on me loudly, he was so furious. His long white hair was pulling behind him like as long white gown. His wings were bigger than ours, he was so frightful, he was holding a big blue scepter in his left hand. The lord use that scepter that manage with time. He is much more powerful than us.

"It was an accident, mister." I whispered with head bowed. My voice was not comparable with his voice.

"Accident? Yuri, you are angel, you shouldn't let it happen!" he was yelling with his deep voice that his voice echoed in the chamber.

"I am so sorry." I whispered again. Kai was standing near me and he didn't talk while Lord was walking angrily around me.

"You disappointed me, Yuri." he said so calmly. Then he sighed deeply and added,  "I am sorry but you must correct your mistake."

"What do you think, mister?" I asked lifting my head toward him surprisingly. The lord stopped walking and looked at me seriously.

"You will become a human." He said calmly staring at me. What?? No please! I felt the fear in my body while my heart was pounding so fast. It won't happen, I don't want to! No, please!

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now