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I timidly entered in Yuri's high school holding in my right hand pink box for food. Great Kyungsoo how will you find her in this so huge school?  They were a lot of students so many innocent souls which may one day be under the Lucifer's control or maybe control by The Lord of the Angels. Who know that.. that is why we exist. Devils and angels. Some of us make things more difficult for people while some of us make things more easier.

While I was walking trough hall girls stared at me. I really didn't know why. I tried to ignore them but it was very hard not looking that red cheeks and also not listening sweet giggling. 

It was totally weird when I see that humans look at me. I used to be invisible. 

"Hello young lady can I ask you something?" I approached toward one girl very politely wanting to act like normal boy.

She looked at me and blushed like tomato "Y..yes."

"Do you know Yuri, I want to see her?" I asked staring at her. She nodded nervously shaking her hand  showing me that I follow her.


We had a little pause between two classes so while other students were screaming in classroom I sat behind Yoona who was learning a lot.  Her head was above the book as always. She was writing something on her notebook ignoring other students. Her place was near windows so sunlight was covering her face all the time.

"Hey Yoona come on let's hang out." I yelled happily looking at her. While I was sitting behind her I leaned my body on table that I can be closer her. In fact I wanted that she can hear me better.

"Don't bother me Yuri I am studying right now." she said so coldly not raising her head.

"Ok sorry, but I am so happy that we are going to eat ice cream after school." I chuckled. How wouldn't I, this will be my first really conversation with her, our first meeting just Yoona and I. We will talk like really friends... Ahh I can't wait.

"Yeah yeah ok ok" she ignored me again. But I understand her she really want to be best student. Heheh my Best Friend.

"Study well chingu." I whispered getting up to have fun with other students.

I was laughing  while other students were throwing papers on other students. I am so glad that I have so crazy classmates in my school. We always have fun.

 Suddenly somebody touched my left shoulder making me to turn my head. 

"Hey Yuri." my classmate greeted me "I didn't know that you have so hot boyfriend" 

What? Boyfriend? I don't have boyfriend?

"What?" I murmured staring at her confusingly. 

"Yes, come on, he came here to visit you he is totally hot, please meet us please." she asked me making sweet facial expressions. I really don't now what she is talking right now.

"To visit me?" I frowned my eyebrows. She just nodded me smiling. "How does he look?"

"Ohh he is very sexy he has a black hair also dark eyes, very white and soft skin, and he is also little low aahh like some sweet puppy."  she explained trough smile. 

Wait a minute.... Kyungsoo came here IN MY SCHOOL!! Yeahh Sweet puppy all my eyes HE IS DEVIL!

"Where is he?" I asked quickly.

"He is waiting you in front of classroom." she whispered showing me the door. I gave her a smile making my way toward door. He is totally insane!

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now