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"Hyung where are you?" I sighed deeply entering in my house quickly. I entered in living room looking for my adopted brother. My older brother in not my really brother, because my parents adopted him when I had thirteen. He is older than me three years so he finished the school. Now he has twenty one while I have eighteen. And this is not fair because all girls fall in love with him, because he is like FLOWER BOY.

Suddenly I noticed that he was sitting on the chair with a book in his hands. He was reading again. His head was engrossed in a book, and sunlight which was coming through the windows illuminated his face and head so I could't see face of my brother.

I approached him timidly wanting to startle him. I grinned in my mind knowing that this time I will startle him. Because my older brother is very VERY smart person and he always catch me when I want to scare him.

I walked toward him very quietly  and slowly. I will scare him, I will scare him.

"Xiumin. What's up?"  he uttered so coldly not taking his eyes off the book. Ahh shit he knew that I am here.

"You catch me again" I said disappointedly taking off my school beg.

"Mmhm." he murmured reading the book. I sat opposite him.

"You wanted to talk with me, you  sounded worried over phone." he  uttered calmly leafing through the pages of book.

"Oh yeah Hyung." I said remembering that I wanted to talk about Yuri. "Hyung today I met one very sweet girl, and.." I started to talk but he interrupted me.

"You have fell in love?" he murmured reading.

"Aisssh No hyung, it was something strange about her." I continued to talk. "She talked with somebody alone, I want to say that she talked with herself." I didn't know how to explain him.

"I don't understand you Xiumin." he murmured again. I irritably rubbed my head wanting to explain what I saw.

"Aa.. Ok look, she talked with herself  but it really looked like she really talk with somebody. Understand? Because she uttered word ~devils~ and she also has blue eyes just like you." I finally said what I wanted. Suddenly hyung when heard all that he raised his beautiful face and looked at me with his blue eyes which were covered with sunlight. Ahh Kris always kill me with his look.

"Are you sure about that?" Kris uttered seriously putting the book and the table and looking at me.

I nodded him continuing to talk. "She talked as you usually do with your angels friends, Kris. I mean that she is like you...Angel." I said it calmly. He looked at me frowning his eyebrows, he was thinking.

"Is it possible that Lord of angels expelled her?" he murmured thinking. "Xiumin!" he uttered my name quickly watching me. "What is her name?" he added.

"Oh, her name is Yuri." I said simply.

"Ahh Yuri, Yuri, Yuri." he was uttering her name when he was conceived. "Her name is not familiar to me." He said frowning his white face.

"Kris, is there any possibility that she is just like you, Angel?" I timidly asked him. He gave me  his gaze with blue eyes and than he got up. I could see his beautifully shaped body in black tight shirt which was covering his muscles.

"I don't know" he shook his head. "But please find where she lives, ok?" he added and I nodded him. Than he exited from living room.

"Ahh Kris, what now? We will have a mission? Aissshh!!" I talked with myself rubbing my head annoyingly.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now