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Slowly my hand touched the left side of the bed while my eyes were closed.  The bed is warm but also empty in the same time. That means that Kyungsoo has already got up and left. Lazily with big smile on my face I took his pillow and hugged it. 

"Hmmm, smells like Kyungsoo." I cuddled pillow of my cheek sleepily. In that moment I asked myself where is he? Where can he be? 

I got up and rubbed sleepily my messy hair. "Wow I really sometimes look like zombie." I murmured and got up realizing that I am naked.  I looked around and I realized that my whole clothes  is scattered on floor. 

"Oh my God." I was ashamed, very quickly I dressed myself and went outside. 

I began to looking for Kyungsoo, so I opened door from my room and he wasn't there, than I went in bathroom, slowly I knocked "Kyungsoo are you there?" but there is silence. Than I opened door from bathroom and I have been convinced it is empty.

"He is in garden for sure?" I smiled and went outside making way toward garden. I was walking trough labyrinth of flowers. "Kyungsoo are you there?" I yelled happily hoping that I will find him.

"He is not here." the angry Kai's voice scared me. He appeared next to me out of nowhere, all in white and surrounded by flowers like an angel. 

"What?" I started to act like some fool in front of him, all nervous and lost in my mind.

"I said Kyungsoo is not here. He has left." Kai's voice is so serious and what is the worse I became the serious too.

"Where?" I stuttered while my voice trembled. 

"He has become devil again Yuri, all the time he was playing  with you and your feelings, just one more jerk." Kai uttered so coldly with no one emotion.

At once I couldn't feel any part of my body, my arms my legs my head I couldn't feel them. Expect my heart which was hitting my chest strongly and strongly in any second. Also I didn't realized that tear stared to roll down on my cheeks. 

"Come on don't cry." Kai tried to approach me and hug me but I pushed him away screaming at him and crying in the same time. 

"Don't lie, I hate you!" I screamed angrily crying strongly. I started to run toward flower shop crying like some baby. I was sure that Kai is lying to me, but when I entered in Kyungsoo's room and opened his locker it was empty. 

I just cannot explain how I was feeling in that time, like the whole world crashed on my heart I couldn't even cry. It was obviously that he didn't fell anything toward me, that last night was just one more game for him. It was obviously that he didn't love me. Everything what I had with him is just big lie. How stupid I am, I disgust myself.


It's killing me when I see Yuri sad like today, but this is good for her. Kyungsoo has to stay away from her once and forever. I worry for her this is for own good, she will suffer a little and than time will heal everything. 

I entered in our room and saw her on bed, she was crying so sadly like some baby. 

"Yuri?" I whispered to her sadly wanting that she pays attention on me. 

"Get out." she yelled through tears. I couldn't do anything expect to close door from room and get out. 

Suddenly in flowers shop entered Yoona, she was so beautiful I got heart attach. 

"Yoo.. Yoona what are you doing here?" I asked her stuttering like some moron. 

"Hello Kai I have came here to visit you guys, we didn't see each other for very long time." She smiled so happily, she had the most wonderful smile on her white face. 

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now