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"What are you doing here, you monster!" I shouted angrily pushing Kyungsoo on wall in our room. I was totally mad when I saw that Kyungsoo transformed in human.

"Ya! Oppa just leave him alone." Yuri tried to take off my hands from his dirty body.

"What are you planing to do now!? Huh?? What is your plan now you dirty devil. I and Yuri are here on the Earth because of you, how dare you to come here! Huh?" I was hot-headed, in one moment I wanted to destroy him.

"Kai!" Yuri shouted at me. I looked at her and took off my hands from Kyungsoo.

"Just calm down!" Kyungsoo uttered fixing his clothes. "I will explain everything." 

"You don't have not.." I yelled on him but suddenly Yuri interrupted me giving me her angry look.

"Come on let him to explain."

"Thanks Yuri." Kyungsoo uttered searching her body while his eyes literally wanted to eat her all. I totally lost my temper and started to yell on him wanting to hit him.

"Ya! Don't look her like that do you want to die?" I attacked him again but Yuri stopped me.

"Kai please calm down, let him to explain." 

"Ahh, Ok." I rubbed my head angrily. "Come on say what you have and go." I said sitting for the table. Yuri sat too and Kyungsoo sat opposite us. When I see his face he looks now totally different If I don't know him, I will say that he is simply man. But I know his heart very well, devil always remains devil. Always.

"Ok guys I know that you don't like me because I am devil, but I am human now." he sighed deeply making pause. "Lucifer expelled me from spirit world. He was mad on me because I wasn't doing my job. Let's say for the devil I am good person." his sentence made me to burst in laugh.

"Hhahaha ok come on are you totally insane." I laughed crazily but suddenly Yuri hit my arm making me to get serious.

"I know that you don't believe me." he uttered calmly.

"This is first correct sentence what you said in your 400 year, so please go now." I ordered showing him with my finger door.

"No, I won't go, because I came here to help you guys, I really want to help about Yoona. I'm only guilty for death of her family. Please let me to help you guys." he talked so softly wanting to convince us in his story.

"Look, because of you Yoona is alone so it's better to stay away from her." Yuri uttered.

"Please just let me to help guys." he persisted. Yuri looked at me making some cute facial expressions. No Yuri, damn don't do that.

I looked at her confusingly. "What? You believe him?"

"Come on Oppa maybe he really wants to help." she uttered sadly.

"You are crazy Yuri, he is devil do you forgot that?" I raised my voice angrily.

"Please Oppa."

"Aghh I cannot believe ." I groaned.

"Come on Kai just give me a chance." Kyungsoo persisted again. What will I do I want to protect Yuri and Yoona from him and look Yuri now she wants him here, this is totally crazy. Yuri!! You will get hurt.

"So what are you planing to do?" I asked him.

"I will work here in flower shop. Also I want to sleep here. I am sure that mister Lee has some room for me." he declared.

"What? No way, you can't work here with me, are you crazy?" I raised my voice on him angrily. He cannot take my job and also sleep here. Devils and angels can't be together in the same place. This is impossible.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now