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"Can I talk with Yuri?" a strange boy with blue hair asked Kai staring at me. It looked that he knew that I am Yuri. His gaze scared me so I hid myself behind Kai's back. Strange guy only could see my little head which was sticking out behind Kai's back.

"Yuri, do you know him?" Kai asked me turning his head behind himself to see me. I shook my head fearfully.

"Sorry but who are you?" Kai asked him curving his head on right side. That looked so sexy.

"I am Kris." the strange guy who was all in back and he was wearing a helmet, uttered simply while his face was so calm.

Kai nodded him and than he looked at me "Would you like to talk with him?". At that moment when Kai asked me, I looked again at that guy and nodded slowly.

"Ok, be here I will be with boss, If you need something call me." Kai said and than he left looking at Kris like some enemy.

When Kai left Kris sat on chair in flower shop showing me to sit opposite him. I nodded timidly and sat for table opposite him.

"Why you have blue eyes , Yuri?" Kris uttered with his hot voice staring at me and making me awkward. Who is he and why he is asking me thing like that, does he know me ?

"Who are you?" I asked him wanting to know more about that guy.

"How old are you?" He asked me again getting up and leaning forward his body over the table so that his face was very close my. I was fearful with his behavior, so when I could see his magical blue eyes which were just few centimeters separated from my eyes, I swallowed my saliva awkwardly and fearfully uttering number "Eighteen."

He immediately raised corner of his pink lips staring at my eyes. What? Does he know that I am lying?

"Don't lie?" he whispered warmly, that I could feel his breath on my lips. Who is this guy? Does he know that I am angel? Does he know that I am not human? Kai.. please help me!

"This is flower shop guys, if you don't know." Suddenly I heard someone voice. Kris immediately separated of me looking at person who said that.

I got up from chair and turned to see who was with us.

"Kyungsoo?" I uttered his name surprisingly. His red eyes searched Kris' body.

"You can see him?" Kris asked me immediately. I confusingly stared at him. Kris is angel to? But how? I nodded him timidly. "I knew" he added angrily.

"And you can see him?" I asked Kris, he wanted to answer me, but D.O interrupted him.

"So when you found that she is angel please go now." Kyungsoo uttered coldly staring at Kris.

"Why you are here?" Kris asked me ignoring Kyungsoo's order.

"I.." I just wanted to explain everything but in flower shop entered some customers, so I stopped to talk. It was very crazy for customers to see me and Kris how watched in empty place in front of us.

But we started to behave normal when we saw how they looked us.

"The Lord of angels expelled me." I whispered on Kris' ears that customers can't hear us.

"But why?" he wanted more.

"Sorry, can you give me this flowers?" the one customer asked me when I wanted so talk with Kris while D.O was staring at us all the time.

"Sorry." I uttered Kris disappointedly and ran toward costumer.

"What wanted that guy?" Kai asked me approaching me while I was choosing tulips for customer.

Angels [EXO's Kyungsoo and Kai]Where stories live. Discover now