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"S.. Sehun what are you doing here you really surprised me?" I was stuttering so nervously while I was talking with Sehun, he never used to visit me and Kai here on the Earth and now his visit really surprised me.

"I just came to visit you guys. Where is Kai?" Sehun's eyes began to travel around the flower shop looking for his friend Kai. Two of them were in Angels Academy, so let's say that Kai and Sehun are very good friends. Sehun also was my first love. I really liked him some time, but now is different I have Kyungsoo. 

"He was there a minute ago." I answered. 

"He hasn't changed a bit. Kai is always same, he just disappears." Sehun smiled sweetly. 

"Sehun, thanks for visiting us. If you want I will just show you a city. Here is so nice." I suggested. Because I know Sehun, he is like some little baby, he would like if I show him some parts of city.

"Aa really?" he looked so happy. "Thank you so much let's go."

"Okay, but we will go on some place where there are not many people, because I will talk with you and people will think that I talk with myself, you know they cannot see you, so it will look little strange." I tried to explain him.

"Okay don't worry." He said and he just passed trough wall while I had to open a door. So two of us went out and we started to walk toward city.

Sehun is really angel, Kai always talked about his friends in Angels Academy. Baekhyun, Lay , Sehun and Kai were the best friends on Academy and Sehun was like some little errand boy between them. Because he is angel of love so they used to provoke him on some funny way. But I really loved him. Despite being my friend I was feeling true love toward him, but I never told him that. But in this moment this is not important now I love Kyungsoo now. 

"Ahhh look them Yuri." Sehun spoke up sadly showing me with his finger on some couple who is having a fight right now. Girl is crying and boy wants to solace her but she is pushing him away. that really looks sad and suddenly Sehun took out one arrow and put it on his arc. Very strongly he stretched his arc and than he let go the arrow and magic happened. The arrow who hit the couple just disappeared and couple make up. 

"Woow" I looked so surprised. 

My reaction made Sehun to smirk. "What, you just forgot what is my job?" he laughed.

"No, but your job is so great, I really love it." I was astonished. Although I know what is his job every time when he make up some couple, I got ashamed like I saw it for the first time in my life. He is just adorable. 

"Hhaha you are so cute." Sehun smiled happily and he just raised his arm wanted to touch my head but his arm just passed trough my body making that his smile disappear from his wonderful face.  "I.. I forgot that you are human now, I just wants to touch you." he was very sad.

"Ahh sorry, angels cannot touch real people." I said lowering my head.

"I know, so when will you come back in angel style?" Sehun tried to smile.

"I don't know yet." I uttered unhappily. 

"Ahh okay, okay, let's not talk about sad topics. Let's go." Sehun acted very brave so he started to walk and I was behind him. 

I showed him a lot of good parts in the city and Sehun looked very satisfied. And it was very late, we really walked a lot and what is the worse I didn't tell Kai where I am, he worried for sure. 

"Yuri, it's late you should go home. Kai will be angry."Sehun sad looking at me.

"You are sure, I am going, but don't forget to visit us again okay?" I smiled like some little kid.

He was staring deep in my eyes. "You know, your eyes are still the same that sea blue sky still exist in your eyes." his sentence made ma heart to flutter a little. 

"What?" I whispered confusingly.

"Hahha nothing, you know me I always babbling, I hope that you and Kai will come back soon, go home now." Sehun smiled and he spread his wings and started to fly going to heaven as an angel.

"I will miss him for sure." I whispered staring at him while he was leaving. I waved him and now he just disappeared between clouds. "Uhh.. it's better to go home." I said when I realized that it's very late. So very speedily I made way toward flower shop.

When I arrived, very slowly I opened door in hope that nobody won't notice me, but because I don't have luck these days, Kyungsoo's angry face was in front of me.

"Where have you been?" he hissed.

"I was with my friend outside. Why are you angry?" I acted like some wet bunny.

"Why I am angry? Ahh... really, you just went with your friend even not saying me where will you be, you made me worry Yuri!" Kyungsoo yelled irritably staring at me, I really got scared from him sometimes. 

"But I am okay I just went outside you overreact Kyungsoo." I answered but Kyungsoo grabbed me for my shoulders and pushed me on wall that my back hit the wall so strongly, his dark eyes were so close to my face also his warm breath ,who was touching my lips, sent shiver in my spine. I started to shake. 

"K.. Kyungsoo, what are you doing?" I stuttered looking at him nervously. Really? What's wrong with him?

"I will punish you." he whispered making me confuse.

"What?" I frowned. In that moment Kyungsoo grabbed me for my hand and started to drug me toward his room. We entered in and he locked the door looking at me while his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Your Oppa Kai is not here." Kyungsoo said ironically.

"So what?" I said while my voice trembled from nervousness.

"Let's have fun." he uttered and slowly approached toward me hugging me, than he started to kiss my neck and lips sending me in other dimension. I realized what he wants, he wants me!

"You.. you want.." I stammered.

"Yes." he answered simply continuing to kiss me more and more making me warm and hot. I enjoyed in any kiss which he gave me. Because all kisses all from heart and full love. 

Kyungsoo took of my shirt and pants. He also took off his clothes and than he carried me on his arms kissing me all time. He put me slowly on bed and just took off my underpants, making me more uncomfortable. I have never done stuffs like this with any guy. This things are forbidden in paradise, so let's say that this is my first time. 

While my mind was on cloud nine he entered in making me to scream his name "Ahh, Kyngsoo!"

"Shhhh....Its okay now, be quiet." his kiss stopped me to scream and he just continued to do his job while I squeezed my eyes from pain. Kyungsoo was on me, and his soft kisses were reducing pain. Bit by bit feeling was fantastic, his skin was touching my naked body while his strong arms were traveling on my legs. I forget for pain and started to enjoy in his touches which are making me horny. He was constantly entered in getting out making me to breath crazily. 

Kyungsoo, this night, showed me other things which are forbidden for us, and I made mistake like angel. I got dirty because of devil.  Devils are there to show you what is wrong and than persuaded to do it. I was wrong but I don't regrets. I like Kyungsoo and I did it because I love him.


 Did I make a mistake? 

No, I love her truly and I did it from love. I loved  when she screamed my name while I entered in her, I know that she was in pain, but I tried to hard to be gentle toward her. 
I was tired so I just collapsed next to her covering our naked bodies with blanket. Yuri's head was on my chest and I just cuddled her arms and back. 

"Are you scare?" I asked her breathing deeply. 

"No, I trust you." she sighed, I felt that she is tired too.

"Your body is now dirty because of devil." I commented.

"I don't care I did it from love." her sentence almost killed me. I was happy and sad in the same time. I had feeling that Tao will come again, and he will ask me why I didn't kill her and what will I say? I cannot say that I love her, Lucifer can kill me and her. Ahhh really, what will I do?

While I was thinking I felt how Yuri slowly breath. So I got up slowly moving her head and I saw that she slept on my chest. I put her on pillow beside me and covered her with blanket.

"Ahh.. what will we do now my little angel." I whispered moving her long brown hair from face. "You always make me worry." I added kissing her, than I just laid down beside her and closed slowly my eyes. 

to be continued...


Sooo... hello guys, this is little perverted chapter, so I hope that you will forgive one day hahaha... XD XD XD XD XD 

Enjoy if you can <3 !! 

Also my friend has a great book about BTS so please if you have time check her book, it is very amazing. Her profile is @iva-tk  and name of book is Not okay.

Thanks a lot, love you all.

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