Chapter 16 - Pre-Vidcon

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It was a few hours later we have unpacked, had a sleep and sort of adjusted to the time zone. I heard a knock on the door that was attached to Dan and Phil I said "come in" it was Phil he walked in and said "can I sit in here with you Dan has gone out with Alfie" I said "sure why not" then I heard another knock at my room door I got up and answered the door to see Zoe I said "let me guess you wanted to come here since Alfie has gone out with Dan" she said "yeah exactly that how did you know?" I moved out of the way revealing Phil sat on my bed he waved and said "hii Zoe" she said "hi Phil!" I let Zoe in and since we were bored doing nothing Phil suggested Tokaido, we got the board game out it looked complex but we soon explained the rules to Zoe then we began to play.

We spent about an hour playing the game when Dan and Alfie arrived Dan said "ahh this is where you all have been hiding, we couldn't find you anywhere" I said "well you could have rung us we do all have our phones on and have American sim cards in them" Alfie said "urm Zoe I need the key so I can get changed and I need your help to edit a video" Zoe said "sure here and Dan you can take over my place" we all moved about Zoe left with Alfie and Dan sat in Zoe's spot which was right next to me. After a few moments I received a text from Zoe saying "I got some really big news please meet me poolside in 10 mins -Zoe x" I replied "okay hopefully I can escape in 10mins - Bee" I continued to play the game then I said "I just got a message from Zoe she wants me to help her pick her outfit for the first day of actual Vidcon so this will be my last round" I played my round then I gathered my sunglasses, phone, purse and my room key and put them all in a bag, since the partition door between my room and Dan and Phil's room I said "right I'm going don't forget to close the door when you go back in your room and no nicking my chargers or my laptop!" I headed out of my hotel room and down towards the pool where I saw Zoe sat on a sun lounger she waved at me and I waved back I made my way over and I asked "so what is this big news?" she said "well you may want to sit down first" I sat on the sun lounger across from her I said "come on tell me!" then she started to explain "Well Dan sort of confessed to Alfie that he has feelings for you and that is why I had to leave not because he needed help editing but then I told him about you liking Dan and he was shocked.." I said "whoa whoa wait what did you just say?" Zoe said "urm let me simplify this Dan told Alfie that he likes you" I couldn't even believe it, Zoe asked "Phoebe are you okay?" I said "it all makes sense my birthday, the sub-apartment room, the flight, sitting opposite me in the taxi!" I covered my face with my hands trying to let everything sink in.

About 20mins later me and Zoe headed back to my room which was now empty I looked around and saw nothing had been taken which was always a good thing I flopped onto my bed face forward letting my head take the impact of the pillow I could hear Dan and Phil in the other room talking about who actually won Tokaido, Zoe sat next to me and I turned around and sat up, I grabbed my laptop and me and Zoe began to watch a film I had downloaded she picked 'Into The Woods' we got ourselves comfy and I pressed play.

We was midway through the film when we heard a knock at the main door I paused the film handed my laptop to Zoe and went to answer the door I opened it to see Dan dressed smartly "hi Dan one second need to get changed myself and stuff" he said "alright Bee take your time" I closed the door and said "Zoe, Dan is at the door looking quite nice if I do say so myself I need a nice outfit pronto and you need to use that door to get into Dan and Phil's room so you can sort of listen in" she said "right okay" she grabbed some black jeans and white t-shirt with a skull make out of flowers. I quickly shoved Zoe into Phil's room and got changed super-fast threw my hair up into a bun then went to let Dan in.

I walk back to the door to see Dan still stood there he said "wow nice outfit" I smiled and said "thanks I got a little bit of help" I let Dan in I headed for my bed but Dan said "can we sit on the balcony?" I said "sure I don't mind" I opened the doors and we each took a seat and Dan put a box on the table it was the same box I saw when we were at the airport, I was confused he said "Phoebe why do you look so confused?" I stopped staring at the box and said "oh urm it was nothing I just got caught up in my thoughts" he said "there has been something on my mind for a while now and I just need to find the answer" I felt so sorry for Zoe and Phil right now if they could hear this I said "maybe I could help to find the answer"

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