Chapter 2 - The Surprise

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I finally rolled out of bed on Sunday morning all I remember last night was getting up to Course 2 Chapter 3 on Portal 2 since Phil was absolutely useless so Dan took over and we managed to get to that level before I got bored and took the blindfold off. I got up and stumbled to the kitchen to see what was for breakfast I saw Phil in his pj's and holding a cup of coffee he asked "want a coffee?" I nodded and asked "what is for breakfast?" he said putting the coffee into the cup "either Lucky Charms or Bran" I said "I'll go with Lucky Charms" he passed me the box and I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and poured the deliciousness into bowl, I grabbed the milk poured it in and then handed it to Phil to add to my coffee. I walked into the living room with my cereal to see Dan asleep on the sofa with his Ds stuck to his face, I placed my bowl down took a photo and then said "Phil! come here!" he walked in laughed and did the exact same as me then he tweeted it "@AmazingPhil: looks like @danisnotonfire played a bit too much Pokémon last night!" he locked his phone and went back to his coffee. It was about 11am and Dan was still asleep I nudged him and got nothing, I then tried blasting music still nothing I asked "Phil what do you do to make him wake up?" he said "try the Ds it normally works" I walked over to the squished Ds on his face and carefully took it, I pressed the power button and the usual chime happened then Dan shouted "Get Off My Ds!!" I laughed and said "haha, morning Daniel" he said "what time is it?" I said "11:13am" he flopped back onto the pillow and muffled "it's too early!!" I turned the Ds back off and placed it on the table I grabbed his foot and shouted "Phil! I need back up!" he came in and said "what the hell?" I said "don't ask just grab his left foot and pull!"

It was about 1pm and saw Dan and Phil start to set up for a video in the living room I left them to it and headed to my room all of a sudden I was shouted I got up and headed to the living room to see a spot in between them but before I got into shot I asked if it was recording Dan said "just trust us" I sat in between them and Phil said "I'd like you to meet Phoebe Michele Lester! my twin sister!" I said in a surprised tone to the camera "hey everyone!" Dan said "you see Phoebe thinks she's just here so you could meet her but in fact we have to ask her something" then Phil said "Bee, would you like to move in with us?" I was completely stunned I couldn't believe it I was about to answer when Dan said "but there's a twist you have to become a youtuber like us" then I asked myself 'am I prepared for this?' the Phil asked "so will you?" then without realising I said "Yes!" I ended up staying until they finished the video, as I got up Dan said "do you want to create your channel now?" I said "sure" I grabbed my MacBook and logged onto youtube, well this was it! I clicked on Create Account I started filling the document parts like name, email address, country, language and age. Then it said "Youtube Name:" I was clueless I went through about 100 usernames but they didn't fit until Dan said "what about PhoebeBee?" that was it I typed it in and it accepted it after an hour my channel was set up and I was sat next to Phil watching the footage back as he edited. Then out of nowhere Phil said "do you want to edit a section?" I nervously said "sure" since I didn't want to ruin his hard work we swapped seats I asked "would you tell me what to do and guide me since I don't want to mess it up" he laughed and said "it's easy and you can't mess up that's the beauty of Youtube" Dan walked passed putting on his jacket and said "I'm going out to get something" we shouted back "be back soon!" we heard the slam of the door and Dan had left.

Phil jumped up and said "we can edit later let's make cookies!" I don't know what had got into him i think he has had too much coffee but I went along with it and saved the video and followed shortly after i pulled my phone out and search Cookie Recipe it came up with Chocolate Chip Cookies i read out the ingredients and Phil grabbed it before I started saying the list he said "make sure it's a Delia Smith Recipe otherwise Dan won't eat them" I laughed and found one of her recipes and started saying the ingredients "110g spreadable butter, 150g light brown soft sugar, 1 large egg, beaten, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 175g plain flour, ½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, 75g toasted chopped hazelnuts, 100g dark, milk or white chocolate chips and Pre-heat the oven to 180°C, gas mark 4" he managed to get everything somehow and I set the oven and we started to bake. After about half an hour later Dan walked through the door and I was taking the first lot of cookies out of the oven, he walked in and said "I smell Delia Smith Cookies!" we laughed and I said "typical Dan" he was about to grab one when i tapped his hand and said "they've just come out of the oven!" he stuck his lip out and sat on the floor like a 6 year old not getting their own way, after a few minutes Dan was still on the floor staring at me I checked the cookies and they were cooled a bit so I said "go on Dan you can grab one" he jumped up and grabbed one shoving it in his mouth I laughed and then he went to grab another.

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