Chapter 4 - The Job!

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It's been about 2 weeks since I've moved to London everything has been normal well that's if you class Dan and Phil dressed in their dinosaur and lion onesies trying to do challenges for Krave when we were filming Dan's challenge Phil had the catapult I had the camera, the amount of cereal across Dan's room was unbelievable. Anyway I was laid in my room on my laptop just playing Minecraft and listening to Linkin Park - Numb (yes it's a song that came out in 2007 but I like it) since I was so bored I suddenly heard Dan start playing the piano I turned my music down slightly and sneaked to his door but before I burst in I grabbed the Edward Cullen mask and pulled out my IPhone I pressed record and counted down on my fingers from 3 to 1 and then burst through the door he let out one of most girliest screams ever and at the same time falling off his chair, I couldn't stop laughing he said "oww thanks Bee for scaring me s**less on a broadcast" I stopped filming too off the mask and helped him up. I stayed a bit but then I needed to do all the boring stuff like answer emails, sort out meeting or plan videos it was no fun but it needed to be done, I said "right guys I'm gonna go now since i need to do boring admin work and Dan you can have your livestream back, Byeee everyone" as I was getting up I saw the chat start filling up with everyone saying bye I left Dan's room and headed to my room where I was before scaring Dan my laptop had gone into sleep mode so I'd have to type the password in which was easy to remember, as I typed the password in and my laptop showed everything i was on I looked in my email tabs to see one that caught my attention the subject was 'Internet Takeover' I started to feel giddy I pressed on the email and it read "Dear Miss Phoebe Lester, upon hearing you have moved to London with your brother Phil Lester, we would like to offer you a opportunity to work alongside Dan and Phil on presenting Internet Takeover also travelling to festivals like Glastonbury and Radio 1's Big Weekend to bring the radio to the internet. If you are willing to take this offer up, please email us back and we can schedule a meeting so we can discuss what you will be doing and how to operate the studio. Your Sincerely BBC Production Team." I couldn't believe it I jumped up and started screaming round the house! Phil saw me and asked "Bee why are you so happy?!" I shouted "I GOT A RADIO 1 OFFER!!"

So it's been a few days since I had the email from the BBC and today was the day I had to go to the meeting, I was so nervous I mean this could go really good or horribly wrong. I got dressed into a black dress and then put my red leather jacket over the top then grabbed my long black boots and slipped them on. The time was nearing so I headed to the door but before I left i shouted "Right! I'm going byee" they shouted back "Bye Bee! Good Luck!" I smiled and headed out I knew I had to catch the underground from Notting Hill Gate which was a few minutes' walk away then to get off at Oxford Circus then it's a 5min walk up to the BBC Broadcasting house. I finally stood at the front of the BBC I was petrified I headed in and went to reception and I asked "hi urm I'm here for a meeting" she said "sure, what's your name?" I said "Phoebe Lester" she typed on the keyboard and said "yes, you're on the system let me get you your pass" she started to put all the information about me on the system then the card started to print, she handed me the pass with a lanyard and then she said "your in room 142A" I thanked her but I was still clueless on where to go so I said "urm I don't know where I'm actually going" she smiled and said "take the lift to level 1 then it's down the left corridor and it should be on your right if you get lost just look at the room numbers" I thanked her again and headed to the lift. I was greeted by Rebecca Frank the editor of Station Sound on Radio 1 and 1Xtra.

It was finally over and I had done it I walked out of the BBC beaming I got my phone out and called Phil he answered "Hi Bee, how did it go?" I said but almost shouted "I got the job!!!" he said "Omg let me go tell Daniel" I heard him walk and then I heard Dan shout "WELL DONE PHOEBE!!" I said "thanks Dan! anyway Phil I'm jumping on the Oxford circus line then I should be back in about half an hour or so depends when it's due" he said "alright no rush and I still can't believe you did it" I smiled and said "I know and got to go, about to go into the station byee Philly" he said "bye Bee" I hung up and went to go catch the tube.

I made it back to the apartment everything was unusually quiet I closed the door and said "Dan? Phil? where are you?!" I heard movement it sounded like it was coming from what Dan likes to call 'The Nerd Room' to see the computer on a video on the screen with a play button i sat down and before I pressed play I heard the apartment door open then close which was strange but I just shrugged it off I pressed play I saw Phil sat in the chair I was sat in he said "Hi Phoebe, you're probably wondering why no one is in the house or where we have vanished to well we just needed to go get a few people and a few things we will be back soon love ya Bee" I was so confused I got up and wandered around the house then decided to complete a few quests on Skyrim so that's what I did, I couldn't remember how long I was playing Skyrim for but as I finished yet another quest I heard the door I jumped up and Dan grabbed me and dragged me to my room I said struggling "ow.. Dan?.. why.. are.. you.. doing.. this?" he said "it's mine and Phil's idea, just stay in your room and I will be guarding the door" at that he closed the door so I decided to film what was happening "Hey guys! Bee here, so I would normally film in the Nerd room but I'm sort of been shoved in my room by Dan or as you may know him as..." I raised my voice a little "DanIsNotOnFire. So yeah I'm clueless on what him and Phil are up to but I will keep you guys posted so hopefully I'm out of this room soon" I covered the lends and stopped recording how long was I going to be imprisoned in my own room?

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