Chapter 21 - Vidcon Day 3 - The last Day

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I woke up and the first thing I thought about was last night it was like it wasn't real. It was nice to sleep in a bit longer since I wasn't on stage till lunch and I needed the lads anyway I got up out of my warm bed I could see the sunlight wanted to shine through my curtains so I got changed into a short black dress and a red jacket and I got my knee high boots so I was slightly taller than Dan which I was pleased about. I opened my curtains letting the sun in and I started to deal with my bed head hair I decided to have it simple so I brushed it through and then straightened it but I couldn't find my straighteners anywhere. I looked round my room and I couldn't see them then I thought "would my brother acquired them?" I knocked on the partition door and I heard them say in sync "come in!" I opened the door to see I was I was correct Phil was straightening his hair and it looked like Dan had already used them I said "Phil I need my straighteners I am not going out of this hotel with my hair looking like a bird's nest!" he said "let me do the last piece of my hair then I will give them to you" I knew he'd take forever so I made the choice on to start brushing my teeth and applying my make-up. Soon enough I head "Bee I'm done with them!" I ran and yes I do run when I need or want something anyway into their room carefully grabbing them and quickly doing my hair. I noticed it was 11am and we still had to have breakfast I said "guys we got to go!" I grabbed everything I needed and headed out of my door a few seconds later Dan and Phil did the same we headed for the lift and I held Dan's hand but as we got down to the lobby we soon unlinked which made me feel sad.

We had only just managed to make it on time I mean Phil was still eating his pancakes as were walking into Vidcon we grabbed some pieces of paper and put Dan on one side and Phil on the other I searched for who's more likely questions then before we knew it, it was time to go on stage. Dan and Phil headed on to the stage the screams were loud it was like we were at a concert, I waited for my cue to go on I heard Phil say "we can't do the questions ourselves since it wouldn't be fair so I'd like to welcome to the stage my sister Phoebe Lester aka PhoebeBee!" I walked out from backstage and the same level of screams hit me I said into the mic "hi everyone! we are going to play Who's more likely to questions with Dan and Phil let's see what happens!" we all took our seats and I said "who's more likely to die first during a zombie apocalypse?" I started to heard the crowd shout and Phil said "Dan" and Dan put Phil and questioned "What!? are you kidding me?" Phil tried to explain "because... the underdog who's really clumsy always survives in the movies..." Dan tried to get Phil to move on by agreeing with his explanation but he continued "I'd think I'd survive till the end" then Dan started explaining his point "you know when the zombie apocalypse happens and the door breaks down and there's that irrelevant extra that gets like eaten as it happens that would be you, that's about three and a half seconds" as soon as Dan said that Phil turned his paper to his own name and Dan started to laugh I saw "aww poor Phil" then started to laugh with Dan, Phil said "I would die" Dan chipped in "honestly yeah" then Phil continued "I wouldn't even make it outside" Dan said "we are going with Phil for that one" Phil agreed and I began to say the next question. It went like that the whole show, picking a name then explaining the reason behind it then agreeing with each other.

I had reached the last question I said "Who's more likely to leave their fly undone and not realise?" Phil burst out laughing, Dan stood up pointed to Phil and said to "stand up! stand up! stand up" Phil said "I did it their done up now" Dan said "your safe today! okay" and gave a thumbs up Phil said at the same time "I'm safe! thank you" Dan said "well I'd say we know each other quite well then" Phil agreed and said "we're real friends!" then Dan said "we're real friends!" and they both hugged each other both saying "we're real friends! Yeah!" everyone started to scream as they hugged and I just smiled they both started laughing, we said our goodbyes to the crowd then headed off the stage. We all did a small group hug backstage I said "we absolutely smashed it" Dan said "thanks for helping us Bee we would have never have thought to do something like that" I said "your welcome" then Phil said "it was nice having my sister and my best friend on stage with me all at once" I said "I hope in the near future we get to do more things like presenting together" we all stopped hugging and I checked the time and I had an hour till my Meet and Greet so I said "guys do you have anything planed?" they said "no why?" I replied "well I've got an hour to waste do you want to come to Starbucks with me?" Dan said "of course I want my own drink what you had the other day" Phil said "what drink?" Dan started to explain what I had as we set off.

We made it to Starbucks and I said to them "so do you want to have the Iced Passion Tango Tea?" they both said "yeh" I walked up to the counter they recognised me and said "hi Phoebe do you want the Iced Passion Tea again?" I said "yes please but make it 3 Passion iced teas please" she said "sure thing" I was about to pay when Dan handed the money over I said "I was going to pay for it" he said "don't worry about it Phil paid for his since I don't want to start an argument with him and I bought yours" I sighed and said "ugh fine then" we made our way to the bottom of the counter and  heard "3 Iced Passion Tea's for Phoebe" we all walked up and grabbed one each then I said thanks and walked out following Dan and Phil. I was walking by Dan's side I knew we couldn't hold hands or do anything a couple would do since there's viewers all over and if they knew me and Dan were together a whole s**t storm would happen. We made it back and I had to leave them to go to my meet and greet they both hugged me goodbye and headed off to where ever they were choosing to go whilst I headed to my Meet & Greet. I have already have done one yesterday but this was different I was alone.

I stood behind the curtain once again and when I was told I saw tonnes of people waiting to see me I thought I'd only have a few hundred but nope it was a sea of people that wanted to meet me. They were allowed to start queuing and I started to meet the first people who were at the front of the line. I have lost count on how many people I have met, how many times I've signed something and how many times someone has asked me to follow them on twitter! A boy called Reece said "Phoebe you have been an inspiration to me I know I'm not a girl but I watch your videos and you seem so care free and happy" I said "Reece I don't mind that I have male subscribers to be honest I'm glad that I'm hitting both genders and the only reason why I am happy is that at the end of the day I can make other people's lives better which makes me smile" I gave him a hug and we took a few selfies also signed his Vidcon badge. It was nearing the end of my meet and greet I was ready for the next person when I turned around I saw Dan and Phil I said "ok what are you guys doing here?" Phil said "well we knew your meet and greet was ending soon so we thought to come and surprise you!" I said "alright but let me meet these last couple of people then we can venture somewhere" Dan said "Bee, can I finish your Starbucks?" he said pointing to it I said "no it's mine!" I went over to the last few fans and said "sorry about Dan and Phil crashing my meet and greet" they said "no its awesome!" I heard Dan say "see Bee at least someone appreciates us being here" I said "yeh fine I'll remember this you'd better watch your back" the girl said "should the Phandom expect a pranking war then?" I said "it may result in one" we signed the girl's things such as phone cases and the merch she had with her then we took a few selfies I said "well you were my last Meet & Greet fan of Vidcon" she hugged me and said "thanks for creating a channel and being there for me when no one else was..." she whispered "I ship you and Dan" my body tightened for a second then we stopped hugging I gave her a reassuring smile then she left. That was it Vidcon was done for me! the next stop for me was to film and edit a video of all the things I had been given then I could go to bed.

The video was finally filmed I had been given a plush Bee, a few foreign sweets, loads of letters and drawings of myself. Now to make this hour long video into a 15min or shorter video but before that I got changed into joggers and a vest then put Dan's hoodie over the top, I climbed into bed and before I knew it, I had fallen to sleep.

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