Chapter 46 - MI6 & Wine

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So I had just sorted through a few e-mails, planned a couple of videos and accepted Ben Cook's response of featuring on Becoming Youtube and as you can guess Melody is still asleep. I wouldn't say I've become successful because of youtube, it's just become a thing that I now love to do and all the support I get is making me want to do more and letting me do amazing things I was snapped out of my thoughts as Dan said "I'm going to the shop to get more cereal also some wine for a video anybody want anything whilst I'm there?" I shouted "No thanks" a few moments after I heard the door as Dan left the apartment.

He returned I knew which video he'd be filming so I said "Dan is the wine for the Internet Support Group?" he said sarcastically "how could you tell?" I laughed and said "Well I did watch your videos before I moved here" he began to set up I helped a little then I let him film so I headed to the lounge. I had just got my book which was Ready Player One when I heard "That's it where's the wine!" I laughed as it probably got to the point where he needed alcohol for support he said "right let's try this again" I heard his room door close as he continued filming.

Moments later I heard his door opened and then "I should have got another bottle" I shouted "Dan if it's that bad I've got a bottle" he said "where is it?" me and Phil laughed as I got up I headed to my room opened the bottom draw of my desk revealing the red wine I noticed Dan was behind me I said "if I catch you trying to steal the wine from that draw I swear to god I'll put a lock on it" I saw a very hungover melody walk into my room after Dan had left she said "ugh what happened last night?" I chuckled and replied "well you sort of tried to chat up Dean then he tried to hit on you" her mouth was wide open because of what I told her I said "Mel close your mouth you'll catch flies" she realised and then said "ugh I'm going to get some brunch and probably ask Phil for some pain killers".

I laid on my bed and put MCR - Helena (so long & goodnight) on I closed my eyes and sang along letting my inner emo out. As I was scrolling through the Internet as I do I came across a quote that was in French "Nous vivons dans un monde où l'échec des autres devient plus important que notre propre réussite." It means "We live in a world where the failure of others becomes more important than our own success." Why is the internet so beautiful when I find things like this? I scrolled down on Tumblr hoping to find more beautiful things but I was wrong as I scrolled down I saw someone had been to M&M world and put Don't Cry, Craft on M&M's I got up and immediately went to go show Phil I knew at that point my faith in the Phandom had been restored.

A few hours had passed and melody had a phone call she said "Yellow Fox here what's the problem?" she suddenly got really serious ad then said "I'll be right there" she hung up and said "Bee I've got to dash I've been called in by the chief I think they have some new info" I said "what about?" she sighed and said "I'm sorry Bee I'd love to tell you but it's classified" she packed her things and head home since she was needed back at SIS HQ (secret intelligent service headquarters) as she is a MI6 agent she had been in the job for about 3years to be completely honest I don't even know what she does. As she left I waved goodbye and she waved back as a black car parked at the side of her and she got in then stuck her arm out of the window and continued waving.

I headed back inside where I saw Phil immersed into Seconds by Bryan Lee O'Malley book Dan had bought it him for his birthday and I bet he has read it at least 50 times I'm not surprised if he can close the book and still know the pages off by heart like he was still reading. I went to the kitchen and made a coffee in my Stitch mug and I made one for Phil in his Daddy mug which I have no clue where he got it from. I saw Dan walk out of his room I think the wine was slowly taking effect I asked "Dan you alright?" he said "yeah I'm fine" then he stumbled to the floor I said kneeling down "you're not I know that come on I'll get you some water" I helped him up and put his arm around me so I could support him I said "Dan did you drink both wines?" he said slurring "maybe" I laughed and then kissed him. I headed into the kitchen to pour the boiling water into the mugs and got a water with a bit of ice in it for him I carried Phil and Dan's in they both thanked me then I grabbed my drink and sat next to Dan to comfort him, then I thought "wait he can't edit drunk can he?" I asked "Dan how the heck are you going to edit?" I heard light snoring he was asleep and Phil couldn't hear me as he got his headphones as I got Dan into the lounge. I decided to do it myself I got up and headed to the nerd room after I had retrieved the SD card from Dan's room and also stole his eclipse shirt which I had got back from Dil or that I hid in his room then I headed up to edit.

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