Chapter 53 - I Am Awoken

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I looked out of the window and saw thing were the same but slightly different like the clouds darkening I've always felt like I've connected to the weather but everything feels different now I'm apparently different. I heard a light knock it was Phil he came in and said "hi, how you holding up?" I replied still looking out of the window "I'm okay, but I don't feel ready" I got interrupted I heard his voice inside my head "come to me Phoebe come to me and take your rightful spot next to me" I knew he would mess with me I couldn't join him I have too much to lose and besides I don't have any powers! I mentally said "where are you?" He replied "follow your thoughts and you will find me..." Rage began to flow around me this time no holding back. I grabbed my jacket and ran out of the door with no questions to be asked. I focused on my thoughts and it was like a map had appeared in my mind telling where to go. I kept running till I reached the place then I walked slowly to the figure that was Jordan.

I stood in front of him ready to face what could happen, he shouted "welcome young Phoebe, brought anyone with you?" he grinned keeping eye contact with me I replied bluntly "Jordan. And I haven't" He walked slowly towards me and questioned "Are you prepared to die?" I didn't respond I put my fists up since I had no weapons and he just chuckled "fair enough, I see you have made your choice" I began to run at him but it was like it was in slow motion, as I reached him I began to throw my punches trying my best to hurt him but i knew he'd be hurting me mentally I could already feel him slowly taking over even though we had just begun. I could hear him chuckling in my mind like the type where he isn't sane anymore. I felt a huge blow to my chest snapping me out of my thoughts and pushing me to the ground,I fell to the floor out of breath and lifeless I knew I didn't have powers why did I believe them. They were different but I was normal nothing special why am I the one that has to suffer? Why am I important?

I gave up I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. Rain began to pour heavier and heavier like a storm was surrounding us, all of a sudden, a bolt of lightning hit me I felt like this was it I had died nobody should survive being struck by lighting and being this injured. But I felt something deep inside me I can't explain exactly but its like something happened to me that's when realized what had happened. I got up off the ground and shouted "Is that all you got! I'm never going to give up that easy!" My eyes glowed silver and rage filled me I screamed and threw lightning at him and all the anger, upset and hatred I had filtered into the lighting making it more bright. On impact the whole area around us shuck and he had fallen. I closed my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing. As I did I could feel the storm begin to fade and then the warmth of the sun on my back. I said to myself whilst looking at my hands "I defeated him" reality started to slowly sync in I wasn't normal not anymore, I felt light headed and then my knees buckled beneath me and I fell to the ground once again but before I hit the ground someone caught me.

I woke up and noticed I was in bed, I questioned myself "was all that real? did I defeat Jordan?" I rolled over and picked up my phone, still the same day just a few hours later. I looked at all the notifications that I had still the standard stuff like how many chicken nuggets can you eat in a minute or who's uploaded what to youtube. In the back of my mind I knew if this secret got out it would just be like my dream but I wouldn't be in control this time. I walked out of my room slowly to be greeted by Dan he said "good you're up I was getting worried" I asked "was all the Jordan thing real?" he said "yup looks like you found your ability" I sighed and tried to ignore the topic "can I please have some paracetamol and time to process it all please Dan, it still feels like it was a dream to me" he replied "sure you know where the paracetamol is so i'll just hop on Dark Souls on the playstation and try not set the apartment alight with my rage" at that he walked out. Before I got the tablets I opened my hands and thought of my powers I noticed a storm started in my palms I quickly put my hands together and rubbed to get rid of it as I had a fear of it getting out of hand and a storm or any bad weather inside isn't a great idea, I reached for a small glass because I cannot take tablets without water for the life of me and took the tiny white tic tacs of doom.

I walked out of the kitchen to see Phil dressed in his yellow hoodie and Marvel pajama bottoms he saw me and hugged me and said "I had a bad feeling you was in trouble and Dan is the fastest out of us both so he went to get you" I pulled away and questioned "Dan? Fast? you got to be kidding me!" he laughed and said "well apparently he does shift if he loves something or someone that much" we heard Dan say "I heard that and I wouldn't have just left her in the middle of London christ, she'd still be on the floor if you went Phil" we all laughed and I was glad I was back home and no threat above my head. I headed to my room that was now black and the odd bright light shining across the wall as cars passed the street, I looked out of my room like I did before I faced Jordan and I knew nothing could be the same anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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