Chapter 35 - Becoming Bee

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It was a few weeks later I was still on crouches but I was getting used to them I heard the buzz for the door I rushed down the stairs trying not to fall down them and break my other leg. I answered the door and he said "Parcel for Miss Phoebe Lester" I said giddily "yes that's me" he said "I just need you to sign for it" he handed me the device and I wrote my signature the best I could and handed it back to him, he gave me a few letters and I said "thank you" he started to walk away so I closed the door and hopped back upstairs. I burst through the lounge door jumping up and down Phil asked "Phoebe why are you this giddy?" I said "ahhhh I have to film this!" I ran/hopped for my camera and tripod and quickly set up I said "I will explain everything on camera" they sat by my side I began to record "Hey Guys! So as you can tell I'm really giddy and Dan and Phil are confused don't worry it's nothing bad but I just received this in the post..." I held up the package and said "now for the past few months I've been doing something for you guys and here it is!" I began to open it and Dan said "just to let you guys know me and Phil don't know nothing about this" I pulled it out and showed the camera "I made a book! It's called Becoming Bee and will be released this weekend!" Phil interrupted "woah wait hang on so when you said you were going to the bbc or heading to town not that you were heading to meetings?" I said "yeh sorry for the lies but it was worth it I wanted to see your surprised faces" I opened the book and I said "I'm only going to read a small section" I flicked to the intro.

"Becoming Bee

The intro: You know my name and my Youtube story but do you know what happens off camera? Well let me tell you from the beginning.

Here's some facts about me:

Name: Phoebe Michele Lester

Internet Name: PhoebeBee

Birthday: I was born on 30th January 1987 and you're probably wondering that sounds familiar well if you didn't know it is also my twin brother Phil's too we were exactly 5 minutes apart and he was the first born which makes him older.

Height: 6ft 2.8"

Favorite Colour: Purple

Animal of Choice: Duck

Weakness: Spiders

Special Power: Can procrastinate for over 2 weeks

Quote: "I'm not lazy. I'm just on my energy saving mode."

That was a bit of my book and that is all you are going to get because I don't like spoiling things!" I couldn't wait for the book to be shops so people could buy it. I said "anyway I need to go rest as a few weeks ago I was filming and I accidentally did this" I lifted my leg up to show the cast which was now signed by Alex, Kira, PJ, Dan and Phil also little doodles "that's right I broke my leg I fell down the stairs, I will probably do a whole video on it sometime soon so I will see you guys later hope you enjoyed this announcement video if you did give it a like and don't forget to subscribe to Dan and Phil I will put a link on their faces and if you are new to this channel click on my book to subscribe! Byeee Guys!" I covered the lends now was the time to hop up the stairs so I could edit.

I was on twitter and I decided to post a random tweet saying "Writing can be hard at times but at the end of the day so can life, you may have writers block but an idea can spark at any moment weather it's something you do daily or a memory of something. It can be difficult you never know where the story will go everyone has their own creative streak some people may be good at writing music others like to write a fantasy world, what I'm getting at is you may think it's not good but you don't realize the effects it has on people and that's what I've learnt I take other people's experiences and make them into words because you are writing as another character it's like a new person you create them and make their future." I posted the tweet and I instantly got people replying to it questioning it I typed another tweet saying "guys I'm fine trust me no need to worry about my last tweet it doesn't mean anything" I began to edit putting in cool effects but not too many, it was a short video so it was easy enough it's not like a gaming video which take forever. I was finally done editing I transferred it to youtube so it could be uploaded. I grabbed my crouches and headed to the lounge I walked in to see Phil sat upside down on the sofa and Dan in his internet browsing position. I sat in-between them and I asked "Phil why the heck are you upside down?" he said "I'm comfy" he then tried to move but he tumbled forward resulting him falling onto the floor me and Dan laughed and all Phil said was "oww" Dan got up and helped him he said "Phil I never knew you were so flexible" he replied "I'm not that flexible I don't know how I did it" I grabbed my book and I decided to read it through even though I created it I still wanted to look at each page and remember the memories that were created, it shows me growing up and how my life was until now the only thing that wasn't in it was mine and Dan's relationship that was something I couldn't put in it would cause too much hassle and I like how it is now maybe in the future but right now I don't know what the future holds.

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