Chapter 22 - Disney!

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I could tell it was the morning and the day of Disney because I could hear the circle of life being played and both Dan and Phil trying to sing it, not the best wakeup call ever but it woke me up. I looked for my laptop to see it was on the small desk I thought "I'm sure I was editing before I slept" I went over to it and switched it on to see notes was open and it said "hi Bee, I've saved your editing for you since you were fast asleep and i didn't want you to lose your hard work. - Dan" I saved my editing once again and closed notes then shut my laptop down. I got my blue Disney 'Never Stop Dreaming' shirt then another pair of my black skinny jeans, my black converse and my grey beanie. I got changed and I had started to sing along to the Disney playlist what was being played it was currently Under The Sea. I couldn't wait to go to Disney I started vlogging "hey everyone sorry I haven't vlogged it's because I've been seeing you all at Vidcon! as you can probably hear Phil is currently playing a Disney Playlist and they both woke me up this morning by The circle of life, I mean a girl needs to sleep but not when Disney is playing. Anyway I will see you at Disney!" I covered the lends and stopped filming. I knocked on the door and i said "do you wanna build a snowman?" Dan answered "how could we Bee it's too warm and there's no snow?" I said "ok I only asked I didn't need an actual reason" he said "ready to go?" I shouted almost turning into a 5-year-old "YES! I NEED TO SEE MICKEY MOUSE!!" Phil said "what about Stitch?!" I said "omg how could I forget my favourite childhood alien!" I think I was getting too hyper and giddy but I didn't care but I did worry about everyone's safely since the last time I got hyper I had to be locked into my room before I tore the apartment to shreds so yeah that happened...

We all headed down to the lobby where we met up with many other youtubers such as Jack and Finn, Felix, Marzia, Justine, Louise with Darcy, Chris, PJ, Naomi, Marcus, Meghan and many more that's who i could only see and knew. We all headed out of the hotel we looked like an army getting into mini busses and cars just to head to Disney but it was worth it. As we set off I tried to contain my excitement but I couldn't. I pulled out my phone and tweeted one word in all caps and about four exclamation marks after it that's right "DISNEY!!!!" We had arrived and it was amazing I know I came here with Dan but during the day with everyone it felt much better. I got a notification tweet that said "@VidCon: Youtubers have now arrived at Disney, Go find them and tweet us a pic when you find them" I showed Dan and Phil the tweet and then we saw other youtubers look at their phones and we knew that we were going to meet tonnes of people I think about 1,000 people managed to get the tickets so that was alright anyway time to hunt down Micky Mouse and Stitch.

We had reached Paradise Pier roller-coaster I looked up at it and decided I wouldn't be going on it so I pulled out my camera and said "right now Dan and Phil are gonna be going on the Paradise Pier roller-coaster, and I decided not to go on it because I'm too scared and they are disappointed in me because Dan and Phil are the only 2 people on the planet who have ever gotten me to go on a roller-coaster twice in my life but this one I'm like nope I'm not going on it, they were like the Hulk ride is worse than this one, I'm like I don't care not going on it so they are in line right now so it should only take like 15mins or so for them to go on it and then I will be back with them so they can be disappointed with me" as I finished vlogging i heard two manly screams I could tell it was them I just smiled and laughed to myself. As they came off the ride it we headed to the Cars ride so I vlogged more "so we are about to go on the Cars ride we rode the single riders line and as you can see Dan has to go by himself..." Phil said "nooo" I said "Daan! me and Phil get to be on the same one" Phil whooped I laughed then he questioned "I'm in the front aren't I?" I said "yeah you're in the front seat, you're gonna be driving" he nodded "oh yeah! I'm excited" I said "I'm excited, oh we get the re- oh I thought we got the red car, false alarm" we started to have a conversation with the people in front of us saying how fun it is and Phil said "I haven't been on it before" we got on to the ride and I couldn't wait!

We have got off it and I asked Phil "what did you think of it?" Phil said "I was scared no it was really good, I was impressed it went faster than the roller-coaster, we are trying to get Phoebe to go on a roller-coaster but she just won't do it" I said "he said this was scarier" he replied "it was scarier it was more like that" making a wave motion with his hand "than the roller-coaster was" I said "I know but they were little baby ones" he said "it made my tummy go whoa more" I agreed "yeh me too" he said "I think Dan has left us, he's not gonna come back" I said "no I saw him, he already smiled at us" Phil asked "has he?" I said "he's over there, I'm gonna zoom in" Phil said "oh he's there" I said "yah" Phil put his finger and thumb in front of the camera lends and said "I'm gonna get his head..." Phil made a weird sound the said "I killed him" I said "look how far this zooms in, Dan's face wow, cool, that's fun" Phil said "it looks like he's having the best time ever with his new family I said "he's just chilling with his new friends oh look there he goes, there he goes, wow what sign was that? I don't even know I don't even wanna know what that was, oh he's going again!" Phil said "no he's back, he's back, he's fine" I said "we just got trolled by Disney" Dan got off the ride I asked "what did you think of it?" Dan said "that was like the most fun I've ever had" I said "isn't that the best ride ever" he continued "the best experience like I've ever had" I said "like that is what I said they do the ride so well, it's just like a perfectly done ride" Phil said "it is" we headed out of the cars ride now reunited with Dan.

We were walking around after i had met Mickey and Stitch when we saw some baby ducks I pulled my camera out and started to vlog "oh my gosh..." Dan said "I have nothing to offer you, where are they going?" I continued "look at the baby ducks, they are so cute" I knelt down so I could film them better I said "cute baby duckies, oh my goodness" a little girl ran away from them and I turned the camera to myself and said "she didn't like the ducks, I want more ducks, oh there guys there they go" then I realised I was in the way almost photo bombing "they are taking a photo oops" she said "we are gonna take a picture" I realised and said "oh" Dan said "quickly, quickly, vlog it vlog it" I said "I don't know what is going on" I smiled at the camera whilst vlogging multitasking at its finest, after the photos we taken there was an awkward moment till we all burst out laughing Dan said "that will be a weird one" I said "you can see me in this vlog, you can see yourself in this vlog now, ok we are pretty much done at Disney because we are tired and we have done most of urm.." Dan butted in "we've done all the cool crap yup" I repeated him "all the cool crap" and Phil said "and stuff" I continued "so I don't know what we are going to do now maybe go eat or..." Phil said "Cheesecake Factory! I really wanna go" Dan said "it's okay but I'm not like Ooo Cheesecake Factory" Phil said "I'm like uh Cheesecake Factory" I said "Cheesecake Factory" we all repeated it a few times saying it in different accents Dan said "Harry we need to go to the Cheesecake Factory" I repeated him trying to do a better American accent "Harry we need to go to the Cheesecake Factory" Phil said "I want the largest cheesecake, that was awful" I said trying to do a better impression "I want the largest cheesecake you have ever made in your life" Dan questioned in his best American accent "you recon we get cheesecake later or... coz last time we went to Cheesecake Factory you got Asian noodle salad" then Phil replied trying to do an American accent "oh yeh I heard it was a pretty nice cheesecake" Dan explained still in his American accent "it was like a cube of salad and you was like I can't eat this" Phil continued Dan sentence "I can't eat this it's too big for my giant mouth" I said trying my American accent "oh my god, I can't stand..." Dan said in his normal accent "both your accent are like totally racist" me and Phil both laughed I said "sure, but I can talk like this if I wanted to" Phil copied going back into his American accent "talk like this if I want to, oh Hello!" he went into his normal accent at the end as we had more viewers find us so I said "I'm gonna stop vlogging now" I turned the camera off and went to have a talk and take a few pictures with the viewers.

We finally got back to the hotel and I decided to end the vlog before I forgot "so we are back at the hotel, we didn't go to the cheesecake factory we went to... urm Jazz Kitchen in Disney and we are going to go to Cheesecake Factory in a few days' time since we have a few more days before we fly home, anyways thanks you guys for watching that's it for the Disney vlog and I will see you when I next have something to vlog about you guys know me Byee" I stopped vlogging and did what I normally did I flopped onto my bed. I rolled to the side of my bed picked up my beats headphones and plugged them into my phone I rolled to the centre of my bed so I could look at the roof then blasted 1234 plain white t's I locked my phone and let it drop to my side, immersing myself into the music.

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