Chapter 27 - Why?

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I can't believe he did that the f**king liar I trusted him then he does something like that! I cried into my pillow hoping it was a dream but I knew it wasn't I screamed "Why me? Why the f**k does everything go wrong when I'm in the equation?" I heard a light knock then Phil's voice "Phoebe are you alright? You know Dan didn't mean to..." I said revealing my face still sobbing "Phil do I look alright? the guy who I had fallen in love with is now completely blanking me like I don't exist it's like he only sees you! It's like it was before when it was just you and him and I was in Manchester but it's making me feel like I'm a ghost. I feel like every time I trust someone and feel safe with them they destroy it and I thought he was different but I guess not..." I cried into my pillow more I felt Phil rub my back he said "Bee don't cry you make the sun hide" I smiled a little as he said that I said "Light!" he said "hey that's my saying!" I sat up and hugged him I said "Phil, I'm glad you're my brother" he hugged me tighter and says "I'm glad you're my sister"

It was some time later and I realised I was tucked up in bed I knew Phil would have probably done it I got out of my bed walked out of my room and saw Louise and she said "oh honey what's wrong?" I started to explain and she said "aww come here" she pulled me into a hug I said "thanks Louise" we ended the hug and she said "well I am going to be waxing Dan's legs as he didn't upload a certain video on time and I will now make it more painful for him because he did that" I said "Lou just don't mention it on camera none of the viewers know" she said "no problem anyway got to wax someone's legs now" I smiled and said "good luck" as I walked to the kitchen I heard "Hello Internet! So today I'd like to talk about promises..." I almost walked into the glass door trying to listen to Dan film but lucky I didn't face plant into it I opened the door and searched for food. Once I had a mountain of food all balanced on a plate I decided to head to the Sub-Apartment room and just let all my emotions out the good thing about that room is that it's soundproof, I slowly sneaked passed the lounge where Dan and Louise were filming then I heard Dan shout "Motherf**ker!!" Which made me jump a little causing the plate to go uneven and resulting my Oreos dropping lucky they were in a packet I heard Dan say "Phil was that you?" I picked up the Oreos and scurried to the room I wanted to burst into tears so that is what I did.

I couldn't cry anymore why did I feel this way was he my soul mate? I cleared my tears and decided to make a video I set everything up and did a quick audio test I sat down and pressed record "Hey Guys! It's Bee sorry for not recording in ages I've been at Vidcon and if you hear Dan shouting and swearing you'll have to watch his video anyway I'd like to talk you guys about trust. You may ask why I am wanting to talk about this well I think it's important, if you think about it you trust a lot of people for instance crossing the road you trust the driver to keep at the same speed so you can get across or what about your phone you trust people with it or even friends you trust them to stay in your life. I mean I'm just a person with a camera right now but to you I'm on your computer screen but you trust me that I will make your day happier!" I was holding back my tears I said "anyway guys I'm going to go help Louise with Waxing, Byeeee" I covered the lends and I let tears fall once again why was I torturing myself like this? Trying to be happy trying to act like nothing happened like my life was perfect only if they knew... But they couldn't.

I turned the camera and lights off then got the SD card and headed to the lounge where I saw Phil he said "Bee are you alright?" I said "I'm okay I just want the truth" I heard Dan and Louise heading to the lounge I got up and scurried to my room I heard Dan say "Phoe-" before I closed my door I slid down to the floor with my back resting against the door I felt someone at the otherwise of the door I heard them say "I wonder how biology can explain the physical pain you feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone." I knew it was him then he said "Phoebe I know you can hear me so listen, you are a human with one life and it's up to you to make it the best life you can whether if it is with me or not your still my best friend's twin sister and nothing is going to change that" I knew he was right I said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that." The quote meant so much to me it's like yin and yang dark and light without one there is no other and that is what I felt with Dan he was my yin to my yang, The light to my darkness. I heard him get up and leave I didn't want to confront him yet so I continued with moving between rooms till I thought the time was right.

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