Chapter 18 - The Answer & Dinner

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Thoughts flew around my head I could hear voices saying "just say yes!" it was like he was the answer to most of my problems the reason I am happy, the reason of my smile and the reason I am the person I am today. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Dan falling off my bed in anticipation for my answer I heard him say "oww that hurt but the floor is quite comfy though" I laughed and got off the bed to help him up I said "come on Dan get up you can't lay there forever I need my boyfriend" I offered my hand and helped him up he said "so I take it that's a yes?" I smiled "of course you Muppet it's a yes" a smile grew on his face I headed to my bathroom to fix my make-up it was difficult since I had panda eyes but I soon sorted it I walked back out and Dan picked me up and started to spin me around in his arms. We heard someone clear their throat we stopped spinning and fell on to the bed it was Zoe and Phil I think the dizziness was making it hard to see Zoe asked "so why were you two spinning around like mad heads?" we burst out laughing Phil asked "guys what happened whilst we were at the convention?" I said "urmm nothing...what about you Dan did anything happen?" he said "not that I believe I think I went to sleep for a few moments and then we were both bored so we began spinning" Zoe said "haha very funny guys but seriously what happened?" I said "well Dan fell off my bed" Phil said "Phoebe you are not helping" I replied "but he did though" Phil said "right Zoe take Phoebe, I'll take Dan we are going to get it out of them!" I shouted to Dan as she dragged me to her room "DAN DON'T TELL THEM ANYTHING!!" Zoe perked up "aha! there is something!" I stood there in silence. As I reached Zoe's and Alfie's hotel room Zoe was determined to get the answer but I wasn't going to make it easy for her that would be no fun! she sat me down on the bed and said "Phoebe explain to me why you and Dan were spinning in the middle of your room?" I said "we were celebrating Dan falling off my bed" she said "really Phoebe really?" I replied "yeah! damn I should have filmed it" she said "Phoebe concentrate, what did Dan say to you?" I questioned "is this about Phil's chocolate stash in his suitcase I swear he needs to find a better hiding place" Zoe flopped on to her pillow and said "this is useless!" I could tell Zoe was fed up and she wanted to know so I finally gave in and said "I will only tell you if you take me back down to Dan and we can tell you together" she sighed "fine since you have driven me insane for the past half an hour" we headed out of her room and to Phil's room we knocked on the door, Phil answered and said "anything?" Zoe replied "nothing but I know where all your chocolates keep disappearing" he looked and me I looked down and smiled Zoe asked "did you get anything out of Dan?" Phil said "nope only that he uses your hair straighteners" Phil let us in and I sat next to Dan who was on the bed I nodded giving him the signal we could tell them we said "guys we have something to say..." Dan continued "me and Phoebe are together" then I chipped in "but we want to try keep it a secret we don't want fans knowing or the media it's just going to be friends and family that know" they agreed and Phil said "well we better start getting ready" I asked "ready for what?" Zoe laughed "the official Vidcon youtuber dinner" I said "that wasn't on my schedule" she smiled "it's an annual thing come on I'll help you get ready" I followed her into my room and she picked out my short glittery black dress with sequin bodice, the last I wore this was Dan's birthday. I grabbed the dress and got changed in the bathroom then walked out and Zoe stopped me and said put these on they were my black sequin shoes that matched the dress I slipped them on then she matched me in to the bathroom I said "Zoe I can do my own make up you know" she said "I'm the beauty vlogger in this situation so therefore I win" I sighed since she knew she was right "alright fine you win just don't make me look like an idiot" and to make it worse she covered the mirror so I couldn't see myself damn it Zoe! After what felt like a lifetime she said "right make up done now what hairstyle?" she pulled out her phone and muttered to herself then she began.

A few minutes later she uncovered the mirror and I saw myself with a milk braid and the most astonishing make up ever I was speechless she said "you like it?" I said "Zoe I absolutely love it! thank you soo much" we went to hug and she said "be careful with my art work" I laughed "I will try" she said "right now for me to get ready" I said "oh shoot I totally forgot you had to get changed too and stuff" she said "Phoebe I have everything picked out and it will only take me a few minutes to do my make-up and hair" I let out a sigh of relief "thank god" she headed to the door "bye Phoebe see you at the dinner and congrats too" I smiled "thanks Zoe, byee" she left and now was the dreaded wait for the dinner.

I heard the familiar knock I opened the door and said "good evening Daniel" he said "whoa I..I..I mean good evening Phoebe; may we head to dinner together?" I asked "what about Phil?" he walked out "I'm here" then he tripped over Dan's foot and went flying to the floor typical Phil, I helped him up and we headed down for dinner. We got to the elevator and someone shouted "hold the door!" we turned around to see Joe running to the elevator whilst trying to put his suit jacket on, he made it and he said "thanks for stopping it" Dan said "welcome" we made it to the ground floor picking a few more people up along the way like Jenna, Sawyer and Rebecca.

We headed in and we were instantly met with hundreds more youtubers, everyone was dressed up smart apart from a few people like Colleen who was Miranda and she was wearing her purple jumper and red jeans also Gozell who was all dressed in green. We all began to take our seats Phil was to my left and Dan was to my right once again, across from us was the Suggs and Alfie.

It was after dinner and apparently it's party time! we headed into the Beverly Ballroom where the party was being held and loud music was already playing I only just heard that "Joe Weller and Lilly Singh are having a dance battle" this was going to be good since I know Lilly can dance. After about 3 rounds Lilly had won all the girls cheered and any boy who was supporting her did too. It was coming up to 4am so I decided to call it a night and head to my room as I was walking out of the party Dan stopped me and asked "Bee where are you going?" I said "I'm heading to bed I'm absolutely shattered I've been up since 6:30 and I really think that I should get some sleep" he said "let me walk you to your room" I said "Dan you don't need to I know where it is and you need to look after Phil" he said "yeh I guess someone has to look after my partner in crime" he looked sad I said "Dan don't be sad go enjoy yourself" I hugged him he smiled a little bit and then we parted ways I began to walk to the elevator I walked round into the lobby to the elevator. I made it to my room I took my shoes off and sat on my bed I felt the bracelet and I smiled to myself, I noticed Dan and Phil hadn't closed the partition door so I sneaked in grabbed a few chocolates from Phil's suitcase and also acquired Dan's grey YouTube hoodie. I snuck into my own room closing the door I ate a few of the chocolates Dairy Milk best choice ever! the next thing I have to do is get changed out of this dress I put on my pj's which I got for my birthday then I slipped on Dan's hoodie. I set an alarm and climbed into bed. What an eventful day I just had, I closed my tired eyes and went to sleep ending another amazing day with a smile.

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