Chapter 10 - Hair Dye

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So it was officially Dan's birthday you could tell it was as he wouldn't stop singing "It's my birthday, it's my birthday I'mma gonna spend my money!" This also meant tonight we was going to go see Muse. A few days ago the tickets and passes arrived in the post and its normally Phil who goes down and collects it but this time it was Dan he said "here's a small package for Phoebe" I said "thanks" I didn't open it since Dan was basically stood there so I dashed to my room and opened it there was an envelope to Dan and all our stuff for the show I was still a bit confused about the envelope so I shouted "Phil I need help I can't get it to work!" A few moments later Phil walked in I said "close the door" he closed it then I held up the envelope I asked "How did Muse know it was Dan's birthday?" Phil was looking around the room I questioned him "Phil? What did you do?" He sighed and sat down on my bed "Fine I emailed them letting them know that we had vip tickets and informed them that it was Dan's birthday" I smiled and said "alright let's go give the birthday boy his card" got up and headed to the lounge to see Dan playing Skyrim I said "Dan this is for you it must have got muddled up with the package" he sat up and took it from me he opened it and he began to read the card "To Dan, Happy Birthday hope you have an awesome day would love to meet you in person some day From Matt, Chris and Dom (Muse)" all we heard come out of Dan's mouth was "WHAT THE F**K!" I laughed and said "me and Phil have planned something for you tonight we are going in 6hrs so be ready" I was about to leave when he asked "Bee how did muse know it's my birthday?" I said "I dunno maybe the listen to Internet Takeover or watch your videos" I headed to my room to start getting ready it might only be 11am but I have to make sure. I heard a ping on my phone and it was Phil he had tweeted "@amazingphil: I'd like to wish @danisnotonfire a big Happy Birthday :D" I smiled at my phone then favorited it, I was scrolling through Instagram when I saw Jenna Marbles with purple hair I get most of my beauty tips from her and Zoe I messaged Dan and Phil asking "do you think I would look good with purple hair?" Then I attached an Instagram photo of Jenna with purple hair and sent it I heard their text tones go off, let me try explain them go through the tones setting on an iPhone find the most annoying one and the weirdest one and there you have it! I got a reply back Dan said "it's your head not mine" and Phil put "guess we are going into town" I laughed but it was true, I put my phone back on charge and grabbed some black ripped jeans and my Tyler Oakley team internet shirt. After doing the usual stuff like brushing my hair and teeth then putting light makeup on I slipped into my converse and put my bag onto my back and headed to the door this is normally the point where I shout to Dan and Phil to make them hurry up but they were both stood there and Dan was holding the camera still don't know why. We had reached Oxford street and managed to find Boots I stood in front of the various colours then Dan said "and here you have Phoebe trying to decide which purple to go" I laughed and said to him and the camera "it's hard you know do I want to go cosmic purple? or ultra violet?" I had decided to go with ultra violet I check if it was permanent and also what shade it would make my hair, it was permanent and it would go a nice purple not too bright but not too dark so I was happy with my choice. I headed to the till and put the dye on the counter she scanned the item and said "that's £4.25 please I pulled out my card and put it in the machine as I was putting my pin in the girl that was serving me asked "are you Phoebe Lester?" I took my card out and said "yup that's me" she said trying not to fangirl "can I please have a photo? I've watched yours, Phil's and Dan's videos all the time" I said "sure 1 sec" I got my phone out and called Phil "hey don't ask come to the tills" he said "alright on our way" we ended the call and I signed her phone case as I had finished that I said "there's a few people who I'd like you to meet" she looked in my direction and saw Dan and Phil walking towards us she said "oh my god no way urm Happy Birthday Dan!!" I laughed and explained what had happened. We headed out and went into a few more shops like Disney, HMV and Lush let's just say we treated ourselves even though it was Dan's birthday saying that he made me buy a bath bomb for him in Lush.

We had finally returned home I looked at the time on my phone 3hrs before we have to leave I shouted "Less than 3 hours before we have to leave!!" This means I'd either have to film tomorrow and dye my hair now or I do both, I decided to do both I grabbed my camera and acquired a few lights from Dan's room I switched the camera on and then pressed record "Hey guys, Phoebe here! Today is a bit odd but don't worry nothing bad is happening I just thought it's time for a change..." I lifted the hair dye up and continued "yup that's right I'm dying my hair goodbye natural hair colour" I pretend to be sad then I said "since my hair is so long I need an old shirt and a helper" I clicked my fingers then went off camera changed into my decorating shirt then sat back down and clicked again so I could edit the awkward changing bit out I said "shirt done now for my helper..." I shouted "PHIL!! I need you and bring a towel!!" a few moments later he walked in I said "I can't dye my hair it's too long can you help me?" He agreed and began to put the plastic gloves on whilst I started to prepare the dye, I screwed on the top and handed it to Phil to shake I grabbed the towel and put it around my neck and then pulled all of my hair out so it was laid above the towel I asked "ready?" He said "yes are you?" I nodded I trusted Phil since he had gone blue before he said "3...2...1 no going back now" I felt the cold dye well this was it. Phil had finished dying my hair so we were just waiting for the dye to develop which took half an hour and since I was still filming I whispered to Phil "shall we sing happy birthday to Dan on camera" he nodded we counted down the shouted together "DAN!! Come here!!" He came in singing High School Musical then he asked "wait is the camera on?" I laughed said "yup it is and its staying in the video" after singing happy birthday and doing a few more random things it was time to wash the dye out of my hair, I filmed the colour start to wash out of my hair and turning the water a pinky/purple which looked cool, I stopped filming and fully washed my hair and using the conditioner sachet that was in the box. I grabbed my hair dryer shuck it towards the floor just in case they wanted to play a prank on me but lucky nothing was inside, I turned the camera on and then the dryer. My hair was finally dry I said "TaDa! And that's how you dye your hair, anyway that's it for this week's video guys since we are going out for Dan's birthday tonight so I need to get ready! Thanks for watching don't forget to like and subscribe below and comment if you could dye your hair any colour what would it be? Byee" I covered the lends but no rest for the wicked I still had to get ready I shouted "1hr 30mins before we go!!" I went to my wardrobe and pulled out my 'nothing to wear' shirt with my denim jacket over the top then my wore down black skinny jeans then my knee high boots which basically makes me the same height as Dan, I threw some light makeup on put the tickets/passes in my bag grabbed my phone, purse and keys then ran out of my room. I was convinced we was probably going to be late.

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