Chapter 44 - The Aftermath

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I couldn't get back to sleep without thinking about it so I grabbed my phone and tweeted "@PhoebeBee: has anyone had a dream that has felt so real?" and as usual the likes and retweets happened and so did the comments even thought it was early people were still awake I guess it's due to all the time zones. I climbed out of bed to see I had a few scratches on my legs I pulled my onesie down so they were hidden looked out of my window and said "I feel like this isn't reality it's like I'm still in a dream"

As I was washing up i didn't really think about the dream I was more focused on what I was doing so I didn't smash or break anything. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shirtless Dan walk in I tried to ignore the matter but he asked "Bee why do you have scratches on your arms?" I said "I don't know I must of done it whilst I was sleeping last night" he wrapped his arms around my torso and asked "what happened last night you were really shaken" I said drying my hands and pulling my sleeves down "I don't want to talk about it" he said "I could tell in your voice that it wasn't just a simple nightmare like an apocalypse" I turned to him said almost in a whisper "last night I wasn't myself and that so called nightmare felt so real" I closed my eyes and I could picture what happened, I felt Dan touch my cheek I realized I was crying he said in a soothing tone "shhhh don't cry you're getting yourself worked up, if you don't want to tell me then that's fine but as I said last night you know where we are" I pulled him into a tight hug never wanting to let go. We finally pulled apart and he linked out hands and said "come on tell me"

As we sat down he said "come on Bee even if it's like a clown nightmare I don't care I want to know" I sighed and began explaining as I finished holding the tears back he said "Phoebe there is no possible solution or answer that happened I'm sorry but there isn't" I said "I don't know how or why but when I fall asleep like I did last night sometimes I end up there I have no memory of before but apparently I've been there and they say I'm different like I can control a second dream like I fall asleep like I normally do then wake up there they do that to me then I have a capability to sleep there and control that dream and wake up in the previous not real life" he said "alright that's a bit creepy and not normal" I replied "exactly and I don't know what is triggering it!" he said "neither do I but how about to take your mind off it we need to find some more songs to play on the radio tonight including the first song after the intro but before the cameras and we go live fully also you need to pick a song for the 7 second challenge if you win it" I said "alright I'll go on a search and thanks for letting me explain" he hugged me and then we kissed he said as we pulled away and leaving the room "no problem it's what boyfriends do I guess" I laughed a little and then went hunting for songs.

I sat down wrapped in a blanket since I was a bit cold I had found my 7 second song which would be She's So Gone by Naomi Scott and after a few moments I had found the intro song it was I'm In Control by AlunaGeorge. Phil brought a coffee in for me I thanked him put my laptop to the side, I looked into my coffee questioned "why me?" he looked confused he asked "why you? What?" I said "it doesn't matter" he pulled me into him and he began to stroke my arm relaxing me I fell asleep in his arms and everything was black I felt something or someone pushing on my chest making it difficult to breath I was on the brink of passing out, my last breath escaped from me but as I was giving up hope I felt someone shake me and say "phoebe wake up" over and over I opened my eyes to see Phil he could tell I wasn't myself he said "another nightmare?" I said "you could say that all I was going to do was take a quick nap" he said "it's alright all happens to us" I smiled and sent the songs to Dan to see if the songs were available in the system to be played and I heard Dan shout "you can have them and I haven't heard of She's So Gone" I shouted back "good it means it's a surprise if I win the 7 second challenge! Ooo that reminds me I need to type some questions" I picked some easy ones and some difficult but you never know the easy ones may become difficult when you are under pressure.

As you might have guessed it was the first Monday of the month so we had to host the internet takeover I still wasn't feeling right but I had to put on a brave face and act like I wasn't traumatized in my dream last night. I got changed into my black jeans, a white shirt that says I'm Not Perfect, a blue and black check shirt tied around my waist, for my shoes they were my knee high converse boots and I also raided my wardrobe to find my black beanie which had Geek sown into it, my outfit was complete. I grabbed my radio 1 pass which had a horrible photo on but it can't be worse than Dan's trust me on that!

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