Part 1

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Lisa's POV

I've never liked the city. Large amounts of people, shoving past you to get where they need to be. But now I'm not in a busy city that never seems to slow down. I'm in Nashville, a calm and steady place.

Nashville has undoubtedly been the best decision that we have made so far. Without hesitation I would say that we are much happier here than we have ever been before. Personally, I've found myself here. I feel much more at peace with who I am and what I am capable of doing in the future. I feel like I'm more confident and I don't need assurance from other people.

Everyone here that I have met is so accepting and welcoming. I love that even when you don't know people here they still seem to have an interest in you. It's a really friendly environment to be in.

Me and my family have started to get to know people through different things we are involved in. Mostly, we have met people at church. We go to a church that has a lot of young people around mine and my siblings age. So I really enjoyed getting to know more people and learn about them.

Today we were invited to go over to someone's house for a barbecue. It's a bbq that the church is putting on as a social event. It's a way for everyone who goes to the church to get to know each other outside of just Sundays.

I was just finishing up on getting ready so that I could head downstairs to leave. Me, Christina and Amy are all driving together and meeting the rest of our family over at the party. Once I finished touching up my make up I walked down the stairs and grabbed my bag.

Christina- "Amy! Lisa! Are you guys ready to go?" I heard Christina yell from the front room. I walked in the room and heard Amy yell that she was coming as she walked down the hall.

The party was over at our friend Jenna's house. She was super sweet and we have been getting closer to her for a while now. I've also become friends with another girl named Bri who was going to be there tonight so it should be fun.

Jenna lived about 15 minutes away from us so it didn't take us long to get to her house. By time we got there, we already saw quite a few cars parked on the curb of her street.

When we walked in Jenna's house we were immediately greeted by Bri.

Bri- "Hey!" She said kindly while giving us each a hug. After saying hi to Bri, Christina and Amy went to go find Jenna while I stayed back and talked to Bri for longer.
Lisa- "Oh my gosh there are so many people I don't know here. I felt like I knew a lot of them but clearly I don't! Haha"
Bri- "Who don't you know? I'll introduce you to people!" I started pointing to different people and Bri started introducing me to them. I met so many people in such a short amount of time that I couldn't remember most of their names.

I know that's bad especially since I'm going to be seeing them again. It's kind of embarrassing when you meet someone once and then have to ask for their name the next time you see them.

After I had met a bunch of different people, Bri decided to go grab something to drink while I went and sat at one of the empty tables outside. I was sitting there for a while by myself because someone stopped Bri to talk to her while she was walking back.

As I sat there waiting, a guy I didn't know walked up to me with a friendly smile. He was tall, probably over 6 foot. He had short, light brown hair as well as a light scruff on his face (see pic above). He didn't look familiar, I don't think I've seen him around before. But obviously he went to the same church as I did if he was at this party. He came up and spoke in a friendly tone.

Logan- "Hey, is this seat taken?" He said with a smile on his face.
Lisa- "No! It's all yours." I said returning the smile. I was a little confused why
Logan- "So tell me this, there's a ton of people here but your sitting by yourself? How does that happen?"
Lisa- "Well I was waiting for my friend Bri but someone stopped and talked to her, so I probably look like a loner now." I let out a small laugh.
Logan- "No not at all... I'm Logan by the way." He said extending his hand and smiling with small dimples forming on the corners of his mouth. I reached my hand out to shake his, returning the smile.
Lisa- "It's nice to meet you! I haven't seen you around before. Most of these people I've at least seen but I don't think I've ever ran into you before."
Logan- "Well I guess it would sound pretty pathetic then if I said I have seen you around before?" He said letting out a small laugh.
Lisa- "No it wouldn't. But if you did say that I would feel extremely rude now that I said I haven't seen you haha"
Logan- "Well I have seen you. I sit in the same seat every Sunday and so do you... And that could sound really creepy that I know where you sit but you sit two rows in front of me. So I promise I'm not weird or creepy even though I just made myself sound that way." He said laughing embarrassed as his cheeks turned slightly red.
Lisa- "No I don't think it's creepy! We have a pretty big family and we can sometimes be really loud. We tend to draw a lot of attention even when we aren't trying too hahaha" I noticed that he didn't have an accent when he spoke. The only reason I took notice is because most people from Tennessee have a very obvious accent.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Bri waving me over so she could introduce me to more people.

Lisa- "Oh my friend is calling me, so I better go over there. Thanks for keeping me company!" I said smiling appreciatively at him.
Logan- "Anytime." He said looking at me revealing his smile once more.
I started to get up so I could walk over to Bri when Logan stopped me.
Logan- "Wait.." He said loud enough to catch my attention. I turned around to face him and looked up at his eyes. He had bright blue eyes that I hadn't taken notice of at first.
Logan- "I didn't catch your name."
Lisa- "I'm Lisa... The girl that sits two rows in front of you." I joked with a small smirk on my face. Then I heard both Christina and Bri calling my name to get me to go over with them.

I didn't want to be rude since Logan seemed really nice but I wanted to go hang out with my friends and sisters, so I turned around after telling him my name and made my way over to them.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(: the picture above is who Logan's characters look is based off of just so you know as the story goes on(:

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