Part 41

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Logan's POV

It's been 5 days since Lisa and I broke up. I was keeping my distance but I still had one more thing that I needed to do.

Christina and Lisa are really close and when we were dating I became close with her too. I know that Christina just wants what's best for Lisa and so do I. I picked up my phone and went to Christina's number to call her.

As the phone rang I got nervous because I know how protective Christina is. After a few moments I heard her answer.

Christina- "Hello?"

Logan- "Hey." I said hoping she wouldn't hang up right away.

Christina- "Logan I don't think calling me right now is such a good idea. I know the reason you broke up and I know you did it to help her, but you can't call. If she finds out you called it will make it harder on her."

Logan- "That's why I didn't call her... I called you. I don't want her to know that I even called."

Christina- "Logan it's not-"

Logan- "Christina please. Just give me a couple minutes. You know I wouldn't call unless it was important." I cut her off, hoping she would hear me out.

Christina's POV

Christina- "Okay." I agreed. "What's going on?"

Logan- "Her anxiety is back and I know that you know that already but I really need you to be there for her. I can't because I know that I'm just getting in the way and it's killing me to not know how she is doing." I could hear in his voice that he was worried. I tried to reassure him.

Christina- "She's strong Logan. She's gonna be okay."

Logan- "I know that she is. But if she's having a panic attack and it gets to far, please... call me. I have to be there for her... I have to be here for her now she just can't know it."

I honestly thought they would never break up. But I know why he did it. He was right. He was a distraction and she doesn't love herself so that doesn't help her position.

He has the best intentions with her. He has never had anything but good intentions which is the reason I'm talking to him now.

Christina- "Logan she has panic attacks, if I call you every time you won't be able to move on either."

Logan- "Okay. But just promise me one thing?"

Christina-"What's that?"

Logan' "If she has a panic attack walk her to her room and put on one of those black and white movies. The stupid quite ones where no one talks. She thinks those are funny and since it has no noise it doesn't add to her being overwhelmed... Sit with her. Don't leaver her. She'll say she wants to be alone but she doesn't. She just wants someone to comfort her. She's going to tell you to leave to prove in her own mind that she's right about people leaving. So stick by her. Don't let her panic alone. When she realizes that she's not alone she will be okay... I can't be there for her anymore. But you can. I know that you don't owe me anything so you don't have to do this for me. But do it for her. She needs to be happy."

I sat on the other end of the phone amazed at the fact that he knew exactly what to do. I've been with Lisa through everything but I couldn't figure out how to help. He did it in less then 2 years.

I could hear how sincere he was. He didn't quake once. He was determined to get me to agree.

He loves her.

Christina- "I promise." I could hear him sigh almost as if he was relieved.

Logan- "Thank you. Seriously." I paused for a moment.

Christina- "No. Don't thank me. But I am thanking you. You are the only person who has walked into her life by choice and put her first. I know that you want to be with her, but you still chose her well being over your own happiness... I can't thank you enough for that."

Logan- "You can do one thing to thank me." He suggested.

Logan- "When she figures out how to love herself... Can you let me know? I just need to know that she is happy and that she is okay."

Christina- "Of course... You're a good guy Logan. I hope that one day when she does find herself, you'll be the one she ends up with."

Logan- "Me too."

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