Part 18

447 21 12

2 Days Later

Lisa's POV

It's so overwhelming, this feeling that I'm not enough. I want this to end. I don't want to feel like a product of my past emotions.

I could feel myself trying not to cry. I don't know what to do to get rid of this feeling. Honestly, I just want Logan. When I'm around him things don't seem to hurt as bad.

I can't be in my house anymore. My heart is racing. I just need to leave. I grabbed my keys and got in my car. Only about 10 minutes later I found myself pulling into Logan's driveway. I walked up to the door and knocked lightly. I heard footsteps as he came to answer the door. As soon as he opened it I felt tears welling in my eyes from the overwhelming emotion.

Logan- "Lise? What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Lisa- "I'm sorry I know I didn't call. I just needed you."

Logan- "No you don't ever need to call it's fine." He said as he grabbed my hand and led me inside. We went upstairs to his room since Matt was downstairs. As soon as we got up to his room he shut the door and looked at me concerned.

Logan- "What's wrong? Talk to me." He said sweetly as we stood in his room.

I felt tears stream down my face and my heart beginning to beat faster. I tried to pull myself together before I started to speak but I couldn't.

Lisa- "I just don't know how to make this feeling go away. I can't handle it anymore."

Logan- "What feeling?" He asked as he looked deeply into my eyes. When I spoke, I spoke quickly hardly pausing for breath.

Lisa- "I feel like everything is going to collapse on top of me. My mind is constantly racing about all the things that could go wrong. I feel like I'm always about to have a panic attack because of how my heart is racing. I just don't want to feel this anymore Logan. I don't know what to do."

He didn't say anything, just pulled me into a tight hug while I cried against his chest. My heart continued to beat extremely fast. His arms were still tight around me as he rubbed his thumb against my back.

Although my heart was still beating fast I could feel it starting to slow down. We were in complete silence as he held me. The only sound was muffled cries that occasionally escaped my lips.

After a few minutes I could feel myself starting to relax. I spoke quietly.

Lisa- "How did you do that?" I said with my arms still wrapped around him.

Logan- "Do what?" He asked quietly.

Lisa- "How did you know calm me down so quick?" I asked confused as a couple of final tears fell from my eyes. Logan spoke quietly once more.

Logan- "When I was in school for rehabilitation they told us that if you press your heart close to someone else's heart, then eventually your hearts will beat at the same time. That's what they do when they can't seem to control a baby's heart beat." He paused for a second and then continued. "I didn't know if it would work, but I figured that maybe if I held you long enough maybe your heart would slow down to the pace of mine. As if it would sync up." I smiled slightly before I responded.

Lisa- "It worked..." I paused and then spoke quietly, nearly whispering because I didn't know how to say what I wanted too.

Lisa- "Why do you do so much to help me? Why are you always putting me before yourself?"

Logan- "Because I love you...So much. And that's what you do when you love someone."

I looked up at him with a small smile and wide eyes. I put my hands on his cheeks and pecked his lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him as I whispered in his ear.

Lisa- "I love you too."

Logan- "You've helped me more than you know. I promise you that I'm going to help you too. I told you, you are exceptional. I'm not perfect. I know things may feel like they are falling down on you but they aren't... Even if life itself is hurting you, I promise you that I won't."

I smiled up at him. I know he's hurting too. I can see it when he thinks of his friend who is hurt because of the crash.

What's different about Logan though is that he looks like he is hurting the most when someone he loves is hurting. That's how I know that I'm not making a mistake by loving him. He's selfless and caring. It's who he is.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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