Part 5

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Logan's POV

I turned around and started walking back to my car. As I was walking I was deep in thought. I stopped after a few steps and turned around. I jogged back over by Lisa's car before she got in.

Logan- "Wait before you go, I think we need a change of plans." She looked at me confused.

Lisa- "Oh okay, if you have something to do today it's not a big deal."

Logan- "No I don't have anything to do. I just think we should go right now." I smiled gently.

Lisa- "You want to go right now?! Hahaha"

Logan- "Yeah! I think I was wrong about wanting to adventure. I don't really care about an adventure right now. I just want to get to know you."

Lisa- "I thought you wanted an adventure? I thought adventuring was your thing?"

Logan- "It is my thing... But for some reason, I feel like just getting to know you is an adventure all in itself. Maybe it's not the place that makes the adventure, it's the person."

Lisa's POV

I couldn't help but blush slightly at his remark.

Lisa- "Are you sure that's an adventure you want? Getting to know me might not be the adventure you expect."

Logan- "That's the point. I like the unexpected." He paused for a second with a small smile still on his face. My blush didn't fade. I could tell my cheeks were still slightly red. Luckily he continued.

Logan- "Can we just go get food and talk? I know it's lame and typical. And it's still not a date. I really just want to get to know you a little better." I smiled at him while feeling my cheeks redden again.

Lisa- "Yeah. That actually sounds great."

Logan- "I can drive and once we are done I can drop you back off here so you can get your car, as long as that works for you?"

Lisa- "Yeah that's perfect!" I followed beside him, walking over to his truck. He wasn't parked far from me so it only took a short time before we reached his car.

As we got in his truck and started driving, I began to ask him questions. He said he wanted to know me, but oddly enough I found myself wanting to know him much more.

Lisa- "So since your adventure is getting to know me, you have to tell me about you too."

Logan- "Alright what do you want to know?" He asked happily.

Lisa- "What do you do? Are you going to school or working or anything?"

Logan- "I graduated from college 2 years ago. Now I work at the hospital in physical rehabilitation. What about you? What do you do?"

Lisa- "I make and put out music with my sisters. It's something we've done for a long time. And I know it probably sounds typical since so many people in Nashville are in music but I love it!"

Logan- "No it doesn't sound typical, that's awesome! I think being passionate about what you are doing is incredible and clearly it's making you happy." He said with a sweet smile growing on his face. We continued to make small talk until we pulled into the parking lot of a breakfast cafe.

We went inside and sat at one of the open tables. Immediately a waitress came over and took our orders. After she left, I looked back over at Logan and continued talking to him.

Lisa- "So tell me about your family. You've seen my huge family but I want to know about yours."

Logan- "Well I have 2 sisters, one is older and one is younger and I also have a younger brother!"

Lisa- "You don't have a southern accent, are you not from here?"

Logan- "No I'm actually from Colorado but my family and I moved up here when I was in high school." He changed the subject quickly from his family when he spoke up again.

Logan- "So tell me something cause I'm having a hard time figuring it out."

Lisa- "What's that?"

Logan- "Why are you so hesitant around me?"

I leaned forward and rested my elbow on the table.

Lisa- "Why are you so interested in me?"

Logan- "You didn't answer the question." He said in a flirtatious tone and I replied back in the same way.

Lisa- "You didn't answer mine either." I said smirking at him.

Logan- "Why are you so difficult?" He said shaking his head with a side smirk on his face.

Lisa- "I told you, this is an adventure that even you might not want. I'm complicated."

Logan- "Well, I like a challenge." He said, still in a flirtatious tone. I smiled while biting my lip as I shook my head. He spoke up again but this time in a more serious tone.

Logan- "You want to know why I'm so interested in you? It's because I feel like you're different. I don't really know how yet, I just know that's what I feel. I know you may never be interested in me, and that's fine. But I'm not sure why you've written me off so quickly, you don't even know me."

Lisa- "But I do know guys just like you."

Logan- "What kind of guy is that?"

Lisa- "The kind of guy who is cute. At first he may seem sweet and nice, kind of flirty. But then as time goes on you realize he is just like every other guy. He makes you fall, then he leaves and doesn't look back."

Logan- "You think I'm that guy?" He asked in a disappointed voice.

Lisa- "It's happened too many times for me to not believe that's what will happen."

Logan- "It's not like you've known me for a long time, so you have no reason to trust me... but I'm not that guy. And I never plan on being that guy. But that's something that you won't even find out unless you get to know me." He paused for a second and locked eyes with me.

Logan- "I told you that I just want to be friends. And I'm going to show you that I'm not those guys. I just hope you are able to see that." He smiled at me gently.

Lisa- "I don't doubt that you're a good guy. I wouldn't be here if I didn't think you were. I'm just scared because I've thought that many times before." I said smiling back gently.

Inside I was thinking something different. It scares me that he could show me that he's not like those guys. It scares me to think that he could be an amazing guy. I don't want to fall for some guy. I've been happy alone. I don't think I'm ready to give that up yet.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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