Part 25

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~1 week later~

Lisa's POV

I was getting ready for our show tonight when I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked down at the caller i.d.

It was Logan. I have barely talked to him at all in these past few weeks. Honestly, I've been avoiding his calls a lot this last week.

Every time I think about him, I feel like I'm hurting him. Even though he may not know it yet, I don't think I'm the one for him. I don't think I am the girl who is going to give him everlasting and undying happiness. If I can't even maintain my own happiness how am I supposed to do that for someone else?

I feel like this tour has turned into me being lost in a never ending state of confusion. I don't know what to do about Logan.

It shouldn't be this hard. Love is supposed to be easy. I know that I love him. I just don't think my life and his are compatible.

My life is completely different from his. I can't get this thought out of my head that maybe me and Logan just aren't meant to be. Maybe we were never supposed to be together. Maybe I made a mistake by falling for him.

This is what I was trying to avoid all along. I didn't want to be with him because I didn't want to let him hurt me. Now he isn't even trying to hurt me but I still feel like I'm breaking inside. Even though I love him, I think he is going to hurt me just as badly as I may hurt him. I think we are going to end in a tragic disaster.

After my phone had stopped buzzing I felt another buzz with a text that popped up. It was from Bri.

Bri- Hey! I miss you! I hope you are having a great time and I can't wait to see you all when you get back!(:

I typed back a response telling her that I missed her and I couldn't wait to see her then pressed send.

Logan's POV

Lisa- Can't wait to see you! I hope you are doing good! I miss you!(:

I looked at Bri and I knew she could tell I was disappointed.

Bri- "Maybe she was just busy. I'm sure she is dying to call you. You guys are crazy about each other."

Logan- "Yeah I'm sure if she was crazy about me then she might actually return my calls."

Bri- "She has a lot going on. You can't hold that against her."

Logan- "I'm not. I'm not holding her being busy against her. But I think the fact that you got a response in a matter of seconds and I was ignored says a lot about where we are right now."

Bri- "You can't possibly think that you guys are in a bad place."

I shook my head as I let it fall back against the couch.

Logan- "No I don't think. I know."

Bri- "Logan, you guys are amazing together. You are going to be fine. This is just a part of her life."

Logan- "I can feel her pushing me away. Not just because she is ignoring me. It's because I can feel her emotionally detaching from me."

Bri- "I think you are reading into this too much."

Logan- "I'm not reading into anything Bri!" I said with raising my voice, not quite yelling but not a regular tone either. I looked at her immediately regretting it.

Logan- "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I'm just frustrated." Me and Bri have been friends for a really long time so I didn't mind opening up to her. I also relied on her for advice when it came to relationships because I feel clueless most of the time.

Bri- "What's going on Logan? What's this really about? There has to be something more to why you are so upset." I paused for a moment then responded.

Logan- "After the accident, I didn't think I would ever let anyone in. I didn't think that anyone would ever become so incredibly important to me... But then she came along. I love her Bri. The reason this is such a big deal is because she makes me feel like I'm not hurting anymore... I lost a part of myself in that crash, and when she came into my life it was like I got that part of me that I lost back... I didn't let anyone in because I didn't want to risk the pain of losing someone else." She looked at me like she was finally understanding what was going on in my head.

Logan- "I didn't ever plan on falling in love or being with anyone. Now I can't see myself without her... That was the risk I didn't want to take, and now that I did I feel like I may be losing her."

Bri- "You really love her don't you?"

Logan- "Yeah. More than anything."

Bri- "So you love her. Do you trust her?"

Logan- "Yeah, of course I do."

Bri- "Then you have to trust that she isn't going to break your heart. You have to trust that she has nothing but good intentions. You have to trust that your love is enough for her. You have to trust that you have made an incredible decision by putting your heart on the line for someone else... She loves you. I know that she does, without a doubt in my mind... So don't doubt the love that you two share. And don't read into it."

Logan- "And if I'm not reading into this and something goes wrong? Then what?"

Bri- "Then you find a way to work it out with her or move on. But for now, don't even think about that. Because you two are together. So just focus on that." She said with a small sympathetic smile growing on her face.

Logan- "Thanks for always being here for me. I'm really glad I have you and Matt as friends. I don't know what I'd do without you guys." I said with an appreciative smile.

I know now that she understand how much Lisa means to me. But I don't think she understand why I'm reading into this so much. I remembered one night a few weeks before Lisa left, she looked at me like I was the cause of her pain. Like I was going to be the one to break her heart. I think that's what she is feeling as she is sitting halfway across the world right now. I think she truly believes that I am going to hurt her. That I will be the one to break her heart after she let me in.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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