Part 45

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Logan's POV

This is all taking so much longer than I thought it would. I've been in Colorado for 7 months now. I'm not done here yet, but my time is ticking.

I can't wait any longer. If I do, I might lose her forever.

Calling her wasn't the way for me to do it. I know that I have to tell her how I feel in person. So I'm going to do just that. Yesterday I asked for the weekend off and booked a flight back to Nashville.

Right now, I'm sitting in the airport waiting for my flight to be called. The entire time I've been sitting here, all I have been thinking is that this could potentially be the biggest mistake I make. But even if going back to tell her how I feel is a mistake, it will be the greatest mistake I've ever made. 

She can turn me down or she can take me back, I don't care as long as she knows how I feel.

My flight was finally called and I boarded the plane. It's not a long flight. It takes about an hour and a half to reach Nashville. But I know that the entire time I'm going to be playing out every single scenario of what could happen in my head.

As I sat in my seat and the flight took off, that proved to be true. I thought about every possible thing that could happen.

I may go and knock on her door just for her to not be there at all. I could go knock on her door just so she could slam it in my face, telling me to never come back again. Or she may say that she hates me and never wants to see me again. Or she may open the door, and tell me she loves me but can't be with me. She would list out all of the reason we wouldn't work then tell me she is sorry but we can't do this. Or she may open the door and list all the reasons she is mad at me but then take me back.

There are infinite ways that it could play out. So many ways it could go wrong and maybe a couple of ways it could go right.

It scared me to think about what could happen but for some reason, I wasn't letting the fear stop me. Because what's even scarier then being turned down by Lisa, is her not knowing how much I care about her.

I would rather be turned down by her a million times then for her to not know exactly how much I want to be with her.

No one knows I'm coming back. This was a complete spur of the moment plan. I don't know where I'm going to stay or what I'm going to do as soon as I get there. I don't know if I will go straight to her house or if I'm going to stop myself before I even get the chance.

I closed me eyes trying to relax. I tried to stop thinking about how this could go wrong and tried to think about how this might be alright.

Even if it's not, at least she will know that I never gave up.

Christina's POV

I've talked to Logan quite a few times since he's left. I didn't think he would give up. But at this point I feel like he must have. He hasn't come back for her or tried to talk to her in any way.

Today was the first day since they broke up that I saw Lisa without the necklace he have her. She wore it every single day no matter what. No one ever said anything to her about it because we didn't want to make her feel bad, but we always knew she wore it because she still loved him.

But now she took it off. Maybe she is trying to push herself to let go of him.

Brandon's nice. He is a good guy and there's no denying that. But it's easy to see that he isn't like Logan. 

Logan would have done anything to protect her. If it came down to it, Brandon would probably put himself first. Brandon wouldn't deal with pain to prevent Lisa's, but Logan would. Brandon would stay with her on the phone if she was upset, but Logan would make it his business to come over and make sure that she wasn't upset alone. Brandon tolerates the things that Lisa struggles with, Logan made her battles his own so that she didn't fight them alone. 

Brandon loves her because he thinks that she is perfect... Logan loved her just as much even when he saw the things that made her imperfect.

Lisa's POV

I took the necklace off this morning. I didn't get rid of it. It's sitting by my bedside. But I need to go today without it. I need to see if I can let him go fully, just for one day. He's not in my life anymore. It's time to stop holding onto everything that reminds me of him.

And as stupid as it may sound, that key is like holding into everything that we used to have.

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