Part 21

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~3 weeks later~

Lisa's POV

Today Logan and I are going to hang out with Matt and Bri. There is only a few more weeks until I leave for tour so we all wanted to hang out before I left. We decided to go to dinner at this tiny restaurant in Nashville.

Me and Logan have been going out with them a lot lately. I mean it's not too big of a surprise since they are both of our best friends. But since we have been hanging out with them more it made me realize that I'm going to miss them a lot when I leave. I'm going to be gone about a month and a half which doesn't sound that long but when you are on the road day after day, it gets tiring. You miss the people you can't see and you just want to be at home in your own bed.

After me and Logan pulled up into the parking lot of the restaurant we walked towards the door. As we were crossing the street Logan reached for my hand. I playfully pulled it away and smirked at him. Messing with him is one of my favorite things to do. When he saw the smirk grow on my face he raised his eyebrows and let out a small laugh.

Logan- "Oh so you want to play that game huh?" He said with a large smile on his face that had a tint of a mischievous smirk.

Lisa- "What game?" I said sarcastically with an even wider smile.

Logan- "Oh you're so on!" He said as he laughed and turned towards me. He picked me up, throwing me over his right shoulder and began to spin around.

Lisa- "Ahhh! Logan put me down!" I squealed while laughing.

Logan- "Tell me you love me and I might consider it!" He said playfully, while laughing. In between my uncontrollable laughs I managed to speak.

Lisa- "I love you! Now put me down!" I felt my face turn red from laughing as he set me down when we reached the curb. I looked up at him to see a wide smile on his face. He leaned down and pecked my lips then pulled away with a cheeky smirk on his face.

Lisa- "You are kind of crazy sometimes, you know that right?" I asked while laughing. He shrugged his shoulders up and continued.

Logan- "That's what you get for pulling your hand away with that big smirk on your face." He said while letting out a small laugh. I rolled my eyes while laughing.

Logan- "You love me for it. Admit it." He said looking at me with a smirk.

Lisa- "I know. Now I'm going to have to live without those annoying antics for over a month."

Logan- "I can still mess with you while you're on tour. I'll find a way, don't worry!" He said in a joking tone.

We walked into the restaurant and got a table. We were there early so we knew that Bri and Matt wouldn't be there for a while. While we were waiting Logan and I playfully bantered.

Then the conversation turned back to tour. He was still remained happy and light hearted like he usually was.

Logan- "So how long is your tour exactly?"

Lisa- "6 weeks."

Logan- "Six weeks?! Who am I supposed to hang out with? My life is going to be so boring." He said while laughing.

Lisa- "It's only a little over a month! Besides you were exciting way before I came into your life. That month will fly by for you."

Logan- "No, you make my life way more exciting. But, I suppose that I can be the loser to hang out with his dog and wait patiently until you get back." I smiled gently at him.

Lisa- "You're going to be okay with this right? I mean it's only temporary."

Logan- "Yeah I'm going to be fine." He looked at me a little confused as to why I even asked.

Logan- "Are you going to be okay with it? You seem worried about it."

Lisa- "Yeah. I'm just going to miss you. I love that I'm able to see you and have you close to me all the time." He smiled and shook his head. He looked down and nodded at the key necklace he gave me that was hanging around my neck.

Logan- "That key around your neck... That's your way to keep me close to you. That key is like having my heart with you all the time. Whenever you wear it, know that I'm with you." I smiled as I grabbed the key that was hanging from my neck. I leaned over and pecked his lips. As I did I heard Matt's voice.

Matt- "Ugh gross, new love!" He joked as him and Bri came to slide into the booth.

We sat and talked with Matt and Bri while we ate dinner. I was having fun but in the back of my head I couldn't stop thinking about the doubts I had in my mind.

I've never been in a serious relationship.

I love him. Actually, I'm completely in love with him. Which is why I'm confused.

I'm gone all the time. There are so many days that I'm away. I put so much of my focus into my career and the music that we are making.

Thinking about tour made me realize something. Maybe I'm being selfish by being in a relationship with him. How am I supposed to focus on him when I have so many other things going on in my life right now?

I can't leave him. He has been so good to me, and he makes me happy. But for some reason I can't stop the doubt about the two of us flowing through my mind.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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