Part 6

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Lisa's POV

I was over at Bri's house hanging out with her today. I started telling her about the other day when I went with Logan to go get food after church. I told her everything that happened and what went on. She let me tell her about everything before she said or asked anything.  Once I finished telling her the story she had a small smirk growing on her face.

Bri- "When are you going to admit that you may have a little bit of a crush on him?"

Lisa- "Hahaha I can't admit something if it isn't true!"

Bri- "Why not?! He's obviously into you!"

Lisa- "I mean he's definitely got my attention but I just don't know if I want to jump into talking to a guy yet."

Bri- "Okay, that's understandable. Honestly I just haven't seen him interested in anyone for a long time. He has his smile back. Me and Matt both just agree that it seems to be because of you."

Lisa- "His smile back? What do you mean?" I asked confused by what she meant.

Bri- "Yeah. He's a really good guy, but he's been through a lot."

Lisa- "What do you mean? He seems so happy I just kind of assumed he was always that way."

Bri- "I've known him for a long time because of Matt. I've learned he is that way in front of people. He wouldn't ever let anyone think he was upset or mad because he doesn't want anyone to think less of him. He is really hard to read because he will fake his own happiness for others."

Lisa- "Why would he fake his happiness for other people?"

Bri- "Usually because he is trying to make other people happy. But he also doesn't like when people pity him. He doesn't like when people feel sorry for him."

Lisa- "What exactly is it that he's been through?"

Bri- "I think it's probably best you find that out from him."

Lisa- "How am I supposed to do that after I basically rejected even a friendship between us?"

Bri- "Logan is a pretty understanding guy. I don't think he is going to hold it against you if you want to know him more. Besides I'm pretty sure you have him wrapped around your finger already." She said laughing.

Lisa- "I don't know about that hahaha!" I paused for a second and continued.

Lisa- "I think I'm just scared."

Bri- "Of what?"

Lisa- "Of catching feelings for him then being hurt."

Bri- "You've been hurt before haven't you?"

Lisa- "Yeah. And now I'm scared that it could happen again."

Bri- "I know heartbreak sucks but unfortunately heartbreaks happen before you find the one you are meant to be with. You could be missing out on being with someone incredible just because you fear what has happened in the past."

Lisa- "You and Matt have been together for years. Did you have a heartbreak before you met him?"

Bri- "Yeah. I was in a really toxic relationship and even though I went through a really bad time, after it was over I realized that it just showed me what I actually want in a relationship."

Lisa- "How did you know that you wanted to start trusting again?"

Bri- "When I finally realized that not everyone is the same as the people who have hurt me before." I nodded my head as I took in what she said.

Bri- "You know not everyone is going to hurt you. You and Logan may talk and end up having no interest in each other. But I know both of you and for whatever it's worth, I think you guys could be really great for each other. He's a really nice guy. He deserves a chance."

I sat there nodding in agreement. I knew she was right. It's just hard to let go of your fears. It's scary to think of the endless possibilities of how it could go bad. But ultimately, I knew that I couldn't let my fears run my life.

Lisa- "I think you're right. I just don't know what I'm supposed to say to him now."

Bri- "You'll know when you see him. Just be honest. Everyone appreciates honesty."

Me and Bri hung out for a while longer after that. But when I finally went home I decided I wanted to text Logan. I couldn't wait until  the next time I saw him to finally talk to him. What Bri said about missing out because of fear of the past really stuck with me. All I could think about is how I could be pushing myself away from people who could be great for me.

I pulled out my phone and went to Logan's contact.

Lisa- Hey! I just wanted to say that I think I was wrong. I think I judged you too quick and made you out to be someone that you aren't. I did warn you that knowing me is an adventure you might not want because I'm complicated. But if you still want to risk a potentially terrible adventure, then I'm in.

My thumb hovered over the send button until I finally decided to send it. I laid down on my bed while I waited for a response. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't text back at all. But for now I guess I'll just wait to see.

It's time for me to let go of the past and look for what's ahead of me. I can't be afraid of being hurt forever.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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