Part 16

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~The Next Day~

Logan's POV

Lisa just showed up to my house to come hang out. As soon as she came in she ran past me, straight to my dog and began to pet her.

Logan- "Whoa I got passed up for my dog! Oh man that is so rough. I got replaced quick!" She laughed as she got up and walked back over to me. She grabbed my cheeks and stood on her toes as she pecked my lips.

Lisa- "Sorry, is that better now?" She asked with a small smirk on her face.

Logan- "Nah, I don't think so." I said smirking slightly. She raised her eyebrows and laughed. She pressed her lips against mine once more. As our lips moved in sync I could feel myself smiling through the kiss. She pulled away letting out a small laugh with a wide smirk planted on her face.

Lisa- "You smiled while we were kissing. Now I know we are good." She said smiling.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the kitchen where I had been cooking. As she walked in she had a surprised look on her face.

Lisa- "Woah! It smells so good in here!"

Logan- "Why do you sound so surprised?!" I said while laughing.

Lisa- "I didn't think you could actually cook! Haha"

Logan- "I had to learn how to cook. Matt is a terrible cook, he literally can't even make scrambled eggs! Haha"

I kept cooking while we continued talking. She came up from behind me and wrapped her arms around me and rested her head on my back.

Lisa- "I'm so hungry. It smells so good, you have to hurry." She said in a cute whinny voice, still having her arms wrapped around my waist and her head still against my back.

Logan- "It's almost done. Can you grab some plates really quick?"

After she grabbed them we got our food and went to sit at the stools on the end of my counter. As we sat down to eat we continued to talk.

Lisa's POV

Lisa- "So my sisters all texted me last night talking about how much my family likes you. So I guess you did a pretty good job of winning them over and getting their approval."

Logan- "Really? I'm glad that they approved then!" He said while letting out a small laugh.

Lisa- "I'm not gonna lie, you never seize to impress me."

Logan- "How is that?" He said with a small but confused smile on his face.

Lisa- "I've just never met a guy who has put that much effort into getting to know my family."

Logan- "I told you, I care about you. Why would I not want to get to know the people you love most? They are an important part of your life. Part of knowing you is knowing them. And besides they are pretty awesome. I loved hanging out with them." He said with a smile on his face.

We were finished eating so Logan grabbed my plate and walked to the kitchen. I followed behind and leaned against the counter as he set our dishes in the sink. He walked over to a small speaker he had in his kitchen. His back was faced towards me and I looked at him confused as I saw him turning on music. A song came on shortly after, it was a song called Speakers (Song Above). He turned back around to face me as he mouthed the words. I laughed at his dorkiness as my smile grew.

Lisa- "What are you doing? Haha." As I asked this he reached his hand out.

Logan- "Dance with me."

Lisa- "I don't dance." I laughed slightly.

Logan- "Everyone dances. Come on. Dance with me." He said smiling widely at me.

I grabbed his hand hesitantly. When I did he gently pulled me closer, putting his right hand on my waist while holding my hand with his left. I tried to let him lead but I'm terrible at letting anyone lead. He laughed as he noticed me struggling to let him lead.

Logan- "You know the rule when you slow dance is that you let the guy lead." He said while still laughing.

Lisa- "I told you I don't dance. This is why. I can't let anyone lead!" I laughed slightly while looking up at him.

Logan- "Yes you can! You just don't want too."

Lisa- "I do want to! I'm really trying to let you lead I'm just not that great at it."

Logan- "I've known you long enough to know that you like control. You like knowing that you have full and utter control."

Lisa- "What does that have to do with dancing? Haha"

Logan- "Don't be bound so tight. Just relax and let me lead. Let yourself lose control. It's just a slow dance. You don't need to have control over this." He said with a small smile on his face. I laughed and let my head fall as a smile formed on my face.

As we continued to dance I did just what he said. I let go of that over bearing control that I always want to have. He spun me and pulled me back closer to him.

Logan- "See, is it really that bad to let me lead?"

Lisa- "I guess it isn't as bad as I thought it would be." I said while laughing. There was a short time we didn't speak. The only sound that filled the air was the music that played in the background. Then Logan spoke in a gentle tone.

Logan- "You know, even in this moment right now, you still make me nervous."

Lisa- "I'm not that special, there isn't a reason to be nervous." I said in a light-hearted tone but truly believing I wasn't anyone special to be nervous over. That is one of my biggest insecurities; believing that I am not significant enough for someone else to actually care about.

Logan- "The thing is, you are insanely special. It's just too bad that you don't see how truly exceptional you are."

Lisa- "That's really sweet. But I'm really not that exceptional Logan." I said as we were still slow dancing. My head was rested against his shoulder when I let out a quiet, insecure laugh.

Logan- "You are. And I'm going to tell you and show you that you are exceptional every single day until you can recognize it for yourself." As he said those words I felt a smile form on my face.

Lisa- "How can you do that?"

Logan- "Do what?"

Lisa- "Make me feel like I'm important when I'm feeling the least?"

He let go of my waist and the hand that was locked with mine. He tilted my head up slightly that had been resting on his shoulder just moments ago. When he did he leaned in and pecked my lips.

Logan- "Because you are important. You just have to acknowledge how important you are." I looked up at him and smiled as I looked into his bright blue eyes.

The way he said it was unlike anything I have ever heard before. No one has ever talked to me in such a pure and genuine way. His tone was sweet but serious. Many people can tell you something but there are only a select few who actually tend to mean it. And I felt so deeply that he truly meant every word that he said. 


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