Part 44

316 17 4

~4 month later~

Lisa's POV

So I've been seeing Brandon for almost 5 months now. It's really nice to find someone who makes me happy again. I didn't think I would find that in anyone else.

Brandon is a really nice guy and my family seems to approve of him as well. I love him. It's not the same love I had for Logan but I'm just guessing that will come in time. I'm hoping that eventually I am able to find the same love that I felt for Logan.

I know it's probably not best to be thinking about Logan when I am with Brandon, but I can't help but be curious. When I talked to Bri a few months ago she told me that Logan had moved back to Colorado temporarily. I haven't asked about him since then but that doesn't mean that I didn't want too.

If it was my choice I would be talking to him every single day. I would make sure he was okay and that he was happy.

When she did tell me about him leaving, she said he would only be gone for a few months. Since it has been more than a few months I was assuming he would be coming back soon. To be honest, I want to see him.

Brandon doesn't know much about Logan. I didn't tell him anything because I didn't want him to know. If he did know about Logan, he would know that no guy has or probably ever will make me feel the way he did. So I gave very little detail to him about Logan.

And everyday when I walk around with the key around my neck, I know it's me holding onto Logan. Not in a relationship way. Not in a way that I feel we will get back together. I keep it with me to remind myself that he is strong, and that he will be okay, just like I will.

Logan's POV

I'm staying. I'm not sure for how long and I don't know if it is the right decision, but I can feel myself getting closer. I know that if I stay with this program for a little bit longer I will figure it out. I will find a way as long as I have more time.

I'm at the hospital shadowing doctors 6 days out of the week. It's a really intense program because they want you to get as much information as you can. I'm on a break right now and I decided to go sit in the on-call room.

As I walked in the room I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. There was no way I was getting a call to come back to work already so I didn't know who could be calling me. When I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the caller I.D I saw that it was Christina. It wasn't unusual for me to talk to her. I kept up with her a lot actually. Not just because of Lisa but because of her whole family. I liked knowing that they were doing well.

I slide my phone open to answer the call.

Logan- "Hello?"

Christina- "Hey! How's Colorado?" She said happily.

Logan- "It's good! How is everything going with you? Anything new?"

Christina- "Not really, we are just working a lot."

We small talked for a while longer about random things. Then she spoke up about what she was probably intending to call me about.

Christina- "So, I just wanted to tell you first."

Logan- "What's up?"

Christina- "I think she is happy again. I think she has found herself and she is doing a lot better. I know I promised you I would tell you when she's happy, and right now I believe that she has gotten to that place." I smiled slightly to myself, happy that this is the call I finally got. I've been waiting for this call for months.

Logan- "I'm really glad... Thank you by the way. For keeping your promise and for telling me when you don't have to."

Christina- "Can I ask you something?"

Logan- "Of course."

Christina- "Are you happy yet?"

Logan- "I think I'm gonna get there really soon." I said genuinely.

Christina- "Can I ask you something else?"

Logan- "Yeah."

Christina- "When you get there, are you going to come back to Nashville and get Lisa back?" I sighed quietly to myself.

Logan- "I think you and I both know that she is happy with some other guy."

Christina- "Not as happy as she was when she was with you."

Logan- "I'm sure she is."

Christina- "You love her still. I know you do. And she loves you still. So why are you two giving up on each other? Why aren't you guys fighting? You're entire relationship was you two fighting for each other. You would go up against anything to make sure she was happy and she would do the same for you. Nothing ever stopped you guys from fighting except for when you came up against the one battle that scared you the most... Yourselves. So why are you giving up?"

Logan- "What if I can't make her happy anymore? Besides this guy seems like a good guy, right?"

Christina- "Yeah he is a good guy. But he isn't you. You changed her for the better."

Logan- "Maybe it's been too long."

Christina- "Somehow, I just think that you could walk into her life days, months or even years from now and it would still be you. I always thought that no matter what happened, it would be the two of you... I know you are going to end up somewhere amazing whether you are with her or not. But I hope you've got some fight left in you. Who knows, it might be worth it."

Her words got me thinking. But I feel like if I leave here right now I'm not going to be able to help Dan.

I have to get this done. I have to figure this out here as quick as I can. She's right. I've got to get her back. I've got to fight.

She's worth the fight. Hopefully, she thinks we are worth the fight.

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