Part 28

354 17 5

~3 days after break up~

Logan's POV

I don't know what happened. I don't know how a few weeks changed us so much. These past few days I have done nothing but question everything that I have said and done. I tried to replay in my head if I did something wrong. 

I couldn't think of anything, but I know it has to be something. I know that there must have been something I had done wrong. Why else would she do this over the phone? Why wouldn't she come to me and try to talk to me about it if there was a problem? 

In these past 3 days I have gone to work but then I come straight home after. I don't want to be out around people right now. It's pretty embarrassing when people ask how me and Lisa are and then I have to explain that we are no longer together. To get dumped over the phone is a pretty pathetic story. 

At this point not many people know, but obviously Matt and Bri do. They are my best friends so it didn't take them long to figure out something was wrong the other day. For the most part they have been giving me space. They know that I'm not good at dealing with feelings right away so they respected that I didn't want to talk about it. But when Bri came over tonight they both sat around trying to cheer me up. 

They brought over take out food to our house and we sat around watching movies and playing games. For a while it took my mind off of it, not 100 percent but it was a nice distraction. I appreciated them even trying. After a while Matt walked out to the kitchen to throw stuff away and get something to drink. Bri looked over at me and I could read it on her face that she wanted to know something.

Logan- "What?" I asked as she was still looking at me with a sorry facial expression.

Bri- "Are you okay?"

Logan- "I'm fine." I said plainly with no emotion behind my voice.

Bri- "You know you can talk to me or Matt whenever right?"

Logan- "Yeah I know that." She paused for a second until she finally spoke up by asking a question.

Bri- "What happened?" She said in a sympathetic tone.

Logan- "Come on, you and Lisa are friends. I know that you must know by now."

Bri- "I don't. She hasn't even told me that you two broke up yet." I shook my head and spoke under my breath.

Logan- "Probably because it was no big deal for her." I didn't think she would be able to hear me but she did.

Bri- "Logan, you must be blind to what's going on."

Logan- "What? What are you talking about?"

Bri- "I highly doubt that she isn't telling me because it's 'no big deal to her.' I think she isn't telling me because she can't talk about it without being upset. You know Lisa, and you know that the one thing she fears is pain."

Logan- "Bri no offense but the last time I took your advice I ended up screwed. I tried not to read into it and look at where that got me."

Bri- "Look, I know that you are hurting right now. I know that break ups suck. But break ups don't mean the end." I looked down at the floor as I answered.

Logan- "I don't know about that. You didn't hear the things she said. It seemed pretty final to me."

Bri- "What did she say that was that bad?" She questioned in an unsure way.

Bri's POV

Logan- "She said that our relationship was a mistake... That I was a mistake in her life. I've been referred to as a mistake in my life before with everything that happened with Dan. Now, I'm a mistake to her."

I could tell he was hurting but I know that there was something else going on in his mind. I've know him for a long time and I know that there is something deeper and further than just what he is telling me.

Bri- "So you're just giving up on her?" He looked at me with his eyebrows scrunched together and a surprised look on his face.

Logan- "You think I'm giving up?"

Bri- "It kind of sounds like it." I said a little disappointed because I know how good they have both been for each other.

Logan- "Have you ever known me to give up on something great that easily?" I smiled slightly at his response. 

Bri- "So you are going to try to get her back?"

Logan- "I'm not going to try, I'm going to get her back. I don't really know how, but I'm going to show her that I'm the guy for her."

Bri- "Do you think she will want to get back together?"

Logan- "I don't know. I don't really know what's going on in her mind. Clearly something I did wasn't enough for her. I just know that if I don't try to show her how much I love her now, then I didn't deserve her in the first place. So I have to try. I have to show her..."

Bri- "Show her what?"

Logan- "Show her that no matter what, I love her. That I'm the guy who will love her no matter what."

I smiled at him and asked him one final question.

Bri- "When are you going to talk to her?"

Logan- "I think I need to give her some time. I can't be selfish with her and right now. I know that she needs this time for just her. So I'm going to respect that. But I'm also going to make sure she knows that when she is ready, I'm here." He paused for a moment then continued.

Logan- "Do you think I'm crazy... for wanting to fight for her?"

Bri- "The best kind of love makes you do crazy things... Crazy isn't bad. I think you need a little crazy to get what you truly want in life."

Seeing and hearing the way he talked about her made me realize that he would do anything for her. He would stay away if she said to leave, he would come back if she needed him there, he would pick her up when she was at her lowest, and he would stand back and cheer her on at her best. I don't think you truly understand how much someone can love another person until you witness that yourself. I witness it every time I see them talk about each other. I just hope they can see it for themselves. 

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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