Part 8

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Logan's POV

I woke up late this morning and decided to go take a shower. When I got out I put on a grey baseball shirt with Navy blue sleeves and jeans. When I finished getting dressed I went over to my night stand to grab my phone. When I looked at it I saw a text from Lisa.

Lisa- Hey! Me and my sisters just finished so I'm free for the rest of the day!

Logan- Okay I just finished getting ready, I can pick you up in like 15 minutes if that works for you?

Lisa- Yeah that sounds perfect! I'll see you in a few(:

I walked downstairs and to the kitchen to get my keys off the counter. I quickly got them and headed out my front door to the car. As I was driving over to Lisa's house I couldn't help but have my mind stray.

I was glad that Lisa texted me last night and that we are hanging out today because I didn't want to be in the house. I needed a break from thinking. I needed to take a break from remembering the past.

Because right now all I could think about was how if I had done one thing different, maybe I wouldn't have to live with this feeling. Time hasn't healed any feelings that I have about that day. Every single feeling is still present. I just choose to ignore them as much as I can. I choose to push them aside by doing things that make me happy.

I had been so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize how quickly I got to Lisa's. I shook my head slightly as if I was trying to get rid of my overwhelming thoughts all together. When I finally pushed that day out of my head I got out of my car and walked to Lisa's door. I've gotten good at pretending like everything is okay. Today is no different. All I have to do is put on a fake smile and pretend like the past isn't still killing me inside.

Lisa's POV

I heard a slight knock at the door and went to go answer it. As soon as I did I saw Logan smiling widely at me.

Logan- "Hey! You ready to go?"

Lisa- "Yeah absolutely!" I walked outside my door, shutting it behind me as I walked to his car.

On the drive over to the hiking trail we were laughing as we talked about things we used to do as kids. It was a really random conversation that jumped topics a lot but it was funny to see how happy Logan was. He lit up like he was still a little kid.

When we pulled up, we got out of the car and started walking the trail. The conversation continued to be random, not really staying on one topic.

Logan- "If you could do anything in the entire world what would you do?"

Lisa- "I have absolutely no idea! Hahaha. I think I'm kind of already doing everything I want to do. What about you? What would you do?"

Logan- "I would get in my car and drive to every single fun place I could think of."

Lisa- "What are some places on that list?" I said smiling at him while looking at how happy he was.

Logan- "I don't think it would be a particular place. It would be the things I would do. I would definitely go white water rafting. I don't know where I can do that but I would find a place and go. That's the number one thing that I want to do next."

Lisa- "What is it with you and adventuring?" I asked while shaking my head and laughing.

Logan- "I don't know. I guess it's just a part of who I am." He said shrugging his shoulders with a small smirk on his face.

Logan- "What about you? I've honestly never met someone like you before. I can't really figure you out."

Lisa- "Is that a bad thing?"

Logan- "No, but usually I'm pretty good at being able to figure people out. But for some reason I just can't quite wrap my head around you." He went from a casual smile to a flirtatious smirk.

Lisa- "Why is that?" I asked smirking back.

Logan- "I just think there is a lot more to you. I think you are deep and not quite ready to be seen."

Lisa- "What do you mean not ready to be seen?"

Logan- "I mean I think that no one gets to see all of you. You don't allow everyone to get to know the true you. Only very few people get to see who you really are. And those people, have to be the most trusted and special people in your life." I smiled at his response as I looked over at him.

Lisa- "I could say the exact same thing about you." He laughed slightly at my response.

Logan- "Really? Most people say I'm an open book and that I'm pretty easy to read."

Lisa- "I think it seems like you are easy to read, but really that is just a cover of the complicated part that no one can see."

Logan- "Maybe so. I don't know."

Lisa- "You don't know if you are easy to read or not?" I said laughing slightly.

Logan- "I think reading yourself is harder to do then anything else."

We had finally reached the peak of our hike and looked out. Hiking is a beautiful thing. It's a bit tiring to get there but once you are it's worth the trek. I looked out and then glanced over at Logan. He had a wide smile on his face while he looked out. After we had sat at the top talking and joking around for a while we decided start walking back down. Once we had gotten to the top, our conversation was super light hearted and the way down was no different.

Lisa- "Have you come up this trail before?"

Logan- "All the time! This is one of my favorite things to do! I hate working out and this just feels like a more fun way of exercising." He started speaking immediately after he finished his statement.

Logan- "Do you want to see something cool?"

Lisa- "Duh! Doesn't everyone?"

Logan- "Okay, hold on!" He said while picking me up on his shoulders (Picture above).

Lisa- "Oh my gosh! Are you crazy! What are you doing!?" I said while laughing loudly at him.

Logan- "Just look around! Trust me! Besides I'm saving you from having to trek through the mud! So just appreciate the free lift!" He said while laughing

Lisa- "Oh my gosh! I can't let go of your shoulders I feel like I'm going to fall!"

Logan- "You aren't going to fall! I've got you I promise! If you want to adventure you can't be afraid of something like this!"

Lisa- "But what if I fall!?" I asked while laughing and holding onto his shoulders nervously.

Logan- "You are on my shoulders and I'm holding onto you. You won't fall! Just put your arms up, just like if you were about to go skydiving. You said you wanted to do that right? Just fake it til you make it and then you won't be scared!"

Lisa- "Is this what adventuring with you is like? Expecting the unexpected?" I asked much less nervous now that I felt secure enough that I wouldn't fall.

Logan- "Pretty much. You tired of adventuring with me yet?" He asked while laughing. He squatted down so I could get off now that we were down the hill and past the mud. I paused for a second before looking over at him with an appreciative smile.

Lisa- "No. I actually had more fun today then I ever imagined... It was a really long, stressful morning and I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go out today because I was so stressed out. But now I'm glad I did. Thank you for taking my mind off of things.... I really needed it today." He smiled sweetly as he looked over at me.

Logan- "Well, if you ever need to take your mind off things again then let me know. I would love to ruin my brand new running shoes to walk through the mud for you again." He said while laughing.

I laughed as I looked down at his mud covered shoes. When I looked back up at him I couldn't help but feel a wide smile grow on my face. I didn't ever think that he would be the one to make my feel better when I was having a bad day. But he did.

This is what scares me. I can tell that now that I've put my walls down, I'm catching feelings for him.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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