Part 32

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2 months later...

Logan's POV

I've done it. I've given her space. I am still giving her space. But I hate it. I just want to change her mind.

No matter how much I try to forget her, I can't. I don't know what it is about her, but it's like when she walks into your life she leaves such an impact that when she decides to walk away it leaves you feeling like you have a gap left inside of you. It's like she walked in and imprinted herself permanently in my mind and when she decided that she had enough of our relationship, she didn't take away the memory I have to stay with.

That day a few months ago when I was over at her house, I just didn't believe she was over me. I still don't. She had the key necklace that I gave her in her pocket. The only reason I noticed is because a tiny part of the chain was hanging out of the top. I could tell that was it... She kept it. She might not have had it around her neck, but it was close. So it must have meant at least enough to her to keep it, even then.

There is a huge part of me that is so determined to get her back. I want to fight for her. I want to show her that I care about her enough to fight for her. She's worth the fight.

But every time I try to fight for her it's like something gets put in the way. Some distraction or moment of chaos gets in the way and I don't do it.

I'm going to win her back. And I'm not going to be the guy who mopes around while he's trying to win her back. I'm going to be the same guy I was when I got her in the first place.

I saw her a few weeks ago at the store with her sister. It was a bit awkward but we talked. Then once we went our separate ways I realized that I won her over by showing her who I was. Just me, nothing more and nothing less.

Bri told me the other day that there was some guy flirting with her a lot recently. She said he is definitely trying to get with her. I knew why she was telling me.

I know that she isn't going to be single forever. Eventually she is going to go out with someone else.

I was in my car driving when I grabbed my phone and opened it to Lisa's name. When I got to a stop light I stared at my phone for a while, unsure of what I should do. Maybe I shouldn't call her because I don't know of I can take her rejecting me. But then I thought about how I promised her that I wouldn't leave and I wouldn't give up. The only way I would do that is if I could see that she no longer believed in what we had.

I clicked the call button before I continued to overthink it. I need to talk to her before she is completely over us; before she falls for someone else. I just wanted to be straight forward with her. I don't want to regret not calling her just because of fear.

It rang several times. I was expecting it to go to voicemail but then I heard Lisa answer shyly.

Lisa- "Hey." She said in a sweet voice.

Logan- "Hey." I said happy but surprised she picked up. I continued quickly after so there wasn't any awkward silence.

Lisa's POV

I was surprised to hear from him. Honestly, I thought he had lost hope in me by now. I didn't think I would hear his voice again. And even though I broke up with him, hearing his voice still managed to make me smile.

Logan- "So I've been thinking a lot lately..." He paused and I spoke up after a few short moments of silence.

Lisa- "About what?" I asked still happy to hear his voice, even if I was confused about what he was talking about.

Logan- "Do you remember when I told you that I never give up on any adventure?"

Lisa- "Yeah." I said with a slight smile on my face. I was happy that he wasn't able to see me, because I know he would be able to read my every thought just by looking at me. When he spoke again it was different. It was the same way he spoke to me before I broke his heart. It was full of hope and joy. I felt like I could see him smiling when he responded to me.

Logan- "I can't give up on this adventure. Not yet. Not until you give me one more chance." As he continued to speak I felt like he was smirking the entire time. "Give me 3 hours. Let's adventure somewhere, anywhere. And if in those 3 hours you still don't want to be together then I will give up. I'll let it go." I laughed slightly as my smile grew.

Lisa- "And when exactly do you plan on taking me on this adventure?" After I finished speaking I heard a knock on the door. I walked towards my front door to answer it as I waited for his response.

Logan- "Well-" I opened the door to see Logan standing there with the phone still up to his ear. He had a cheeky smirk on his face that I could finally see and I couldn't help but smile as he responded.

Logan- "I was kind of thinking right now."

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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