Part 17

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~1 month later~

Logan's POV

Over these past few weeks Lisa has spent a lot of time with my family. My siblings all love her and both of my parents like her as well. But my nephew definitely loves. He met her one time and all he does is ask when he gets to see Lisa again.

I'm babysitting him today while my sister is at a conference. I decided to call Lisa and ask if she wanted to come over today. I picked up my phone and dialed her number while my nephew was playing with legos.

Lisa- "Hey babe! What's up?" She answered happily.

Logan- "Hey! I was wondering if you were busy right now?"

Lisa- "No I'm free! Why, what's up?"

Logan- "Well do you want to come hang out with me and Lucas? He misses you, I miss you, and I have a huge tub of ice cream to eat today. I mean I don't know how you could turn all of that down." I felt a small smirk growing on my face.

Lisa- "Lucas, you and ice cream. Wow, I guess you're right. There's no way to turn that down."

Logan- "So I'll see you in a little bit then?" I asked happily.

Lisa- "Yeah, I'll leave right now." She said back happily to me.

After we hung up my nephew came and started jumping up and down on the couch. I picked him up as we ran around the house playing together.

Lisa's POV

I just left my house to go over to Logan's. I needed to get out right now. I have constantly been feeling old insecurities coming up again. That's the root of my problems. My insecurities are the reason I can't overcome my anxiety. I try so hard to let them go but I can't. I've had this overwhelming feeling that I'm not enough. That what I am doing and who I am isn't enough for someone else. I tend to pick out flaws in the way I look or in my personality and eventually it begins to wear me down.

It's really hard to describe to someone who doesn't have anxiety or experience panic attacks what it feels like. Honestly, if I had to describe it I would say that it feels like the world is against you, even if its not. Everything and everyone around you could be perfect but there is something inside of you that tells you it's not. Another common thing is that if everything does seem perfect, you feel like it will all come crashing down on you at any moment because you don't believe that something great can happen to you. But how can you describe that to someone who doesn't truly know what that feels like?

My thoughts were interrupted when I pulled up to Logan's house. I walked up and knocked on the door. I heard Logan yell to come in. When I walked inside I saw Logan and Lucas playing twister. Logan looked up at me and smiled.

Logan- "Sorry I didn't come get the door, I couldn't leave the mat!" He said laughing. Lucas then looked up at me with a wide smile. He stopped playing twister to run over and give me a hug. Logan then came over a few moments after and pecked my lips.

Logan- "You look amazing." He said in a quiet but sweet voice. I smiled at him and pecked his lips once more.

Lucas- "Can we go outside and have some ice cream?!" He asked excitedly.

Logan- "Yeah lets go!" Logan replied in an even happier tone.

I followed behind Logan as he went to the kitchen and got bowls to put the ice cream in. After he did we walked outside and sat on his back porch steps and at ice cream. While we ate our ice cream Lucas told me all about how he went to go see the ninja turtles movie. I love little kids especially because everything excites them. They are always so easily excitable.

After a while, we finished our ice cream and Logan grabbed our bowls to take them inside. I sat on the back porch with Lucas while we waited for Logan to come back. While he was gone Lucas was telling me about how he wanted to be called Raphael like the ninja turtle. I laughed as I agreed to call him Raphael from now on. He looked up at me while his eyes widened.

Lucas- "You need a nickname too!"

Lisa- "Okay whats my nickname?!" I asked him while looking at his over joyed smile.

Lucas- "Uhhhh... I don't know. Uncle Logan calls you beautiful. I don't know what that is but that can be your nickname!" I laughed with an even wider smile on my face. Logan walked back out after and saw us laughing. He came up from behind Lucas and grabbed him while tickling his sides.

Logan- "What are you two laughing about out here?!" He said laughing while still tickling Lucas.

Lucas- "Nothing!" He said while laughing hysterically as Logan tickled him. When Logan stopped he picked Lucas up (Pic Above).

I have never looked at someone and instantly become so much happier than I was only a few hours ago. But in this moment, while I looked at Logan holding his laughing nephew with a huge smile on his face, I couldn't be any happier. I don't know why he makes me feel so special. I don't know why I'm happier around him. But I know that when I am around Logan, those fears and anxieties I have slip away. They don't haunt me when I'm with him.

I don't know what is scarier; the fact that he is able to take all of those anxieties away or the fact that if he leaves I would be losing him and the happiness he gives me.


Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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