Part 14

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~1 week later~

Logan's POV

I just got out of the shower and I was starting to get dressed. I was going over to Lisa's family's today to have dinner. I didn't want to look like I was trying to hard but I also wanted to make a good first impression. I'm not sure if they know that we have gone on a few dates or not. I've hung out with Lisa almost every single day this past week, so I feel like at least her sisters must know.

As I finished getting dressed I walked down the stairs and grabbed my phone. Lisa said she would come pick me up this time and that we would drive over to her parents house together. After I grabbed my phone I heard a knock on the door. I went to go answer it to see Lisa smiling widely on the other side.

Logan- "Hey! How are you?" I asked happily, while giving her a hug.

Lisa- "I'm good! What about you? Are you ready?"

Logan- "Yeah I'm good, let's go!" I said smiling gently at her.

Lisa's POV

As we drove over to my family's house Logan was acting a little weird. He was still joking around and talking normal but I could tell something was a little off.

Lisa- "What's up, is something wrong?"

Logan- "No nothings wrong." He said while looking over at me with a smile on his face.

Lisa- "Oh okay. You just seemed a little off so I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

Logan- "Yeah I'm good. I, uhm, I'm just a little nervous."

Lisa- "Why are you nervous?" I asked while smiling slightly. He paused for a second then answered.

Logan- "Because I care about you a lot and I don't want your family to hate me. I don't want to ruin things." I glanced over at him with an appreciative smile. He looked over at me and let out a small laugh while shaking his head.

Logan- "Was that a really pathetic answer?" He said, still laughing. I answered in a serious but happy tone.

Lisa- "Not at all. It's actually really sweet to know you care that much."

Logan- "Does your family know that we've gone out a quite a few dates recently?"

Lisa- "Yeah they know that we have gone out. They are excited to meet you. Don't be nervous, I know they will like you." I said with a reassuring smile.

Logan- "How are you so sure?"

Lisa- "Because I don't introduce dumb guys to my family. I only introduce the special ones that I know I want to be with." I looked over at him and saw his eyes staring straight ahead but a cute smile formed on his face, revealing his dimples. 

As we pulled up into the driveway we got out and walked up to the house. As we entered I could tell Logan was still a bit nervous. When we walked in the house I was greeted by my mom first. Logan shook her hand with a wide smile on his face.

Logan- "Hi, I'm Logan. It's so nice to meet you!"

Lynne- "It's nice to meet you too! I've heard a lot of great things about you."

Logan- "I'm so glad to hear that! I've been really excited to meet you, Lisa is always talking about you guys." He said with a smile on his face.

After meeting my mom, he met my dad next and then my siblings after that. He was really polite and well spoken. I could definitely tell that he wanted to make a good first impression.

As the night went on I saw him talking with my family to get to know them and I couldn't help but smile when I looked at him. He made such a huge effort to talk to everyone and get to know each of them, which is a lot to do in my family.

Christina has always been the most protective but she has already met Logan several times because of how much we have been hanging out, especially in these past couple of weeks. So since she has already met him in passing she didn't seem to be drilling him with questions. Then I noticed Logan walking into the other room to go talk to Christina. 

Logan's POV

I walked into the family room to go talk to Christina. Christina has been really nice but I can tell she's also very protective.

Based on the time I've spent with Lisa in these past few months I know that her family is really important to her. I feel like doing my best to get to know them will prove to Lisa that I'm actually serious about her and that I don't want to be just a fling. My thoughts were broken when Christina spoke up.

Christina- "Wow this is the first time we have even been able to talk! Normally you are just picking Lisa up or passing in and out."

Logan- "I know! That's why I wanted to talk to you, I feel like I haven't even gotten the chance to get to know you guys yet."

We small talked for a while before Christina started asking things that I knew she actually had an interest in.

Christina- "So what are you guys? Are you two exclusive or are you just figuring it out right now? You two have spent so much time together in these past couple of weeks that I didn't really know what to think of it."

Logan- "Well we haven't really had that 'talk' about being exclusive, but I don't have interest in anyone besides her."

Christina- "So you just haven't had that talk yet?" She questioned with a confused tone.

Logan- "I want to give her time to figure out what she wants. She was kind of hesitant with getting to know me and I don't want her to feel like I'm rushing her into anything." She laughed slightly at my response and smiled as if she knew something I didn't.

Logan- "What?" I asked while laughing at the strong response she gave just through her facial expression.

Christina- "Lisa isn't dumb. She wouldn't spend nearly as much time with you as she does now if she didn't want to be with you." I smiled slightly at her answer.

Logan- "I know you guys mean a lot to her. She talks about you and your family all the time. I really hope you know I've only got good intentions. I know that words mean nothing, it's actions that prove it. But I like your sister a lot and I hope that I get the chance to show all of you that I have good intentions."

Christina's POV

I could tell in that moment that he was being one hundred percent genuine... And I could also tell that he was crazy about her. I've met a couple of guys that Lisa had an interest in before Logan, but none of them seemed as serious and grounded as him. Maybe he is the guy who will make a difference in her life. Maybe he will be the start of mending those broken pieces she still holds in her heart.


Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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