Part 43

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Logan's POV

I have been working a lot lately. It's kept me focused on what I said that I would do; give Lisa space to heal while I fixed my mistakes. I've been working on different ways to try to help Dan. Which has meant me staying at the hospital and talking to different people to get their advice on how to help him.

I know that if I find something that can help Dan, he will try it. Even if we try a thousand different things that don't work, he won't give up. It's not in his nature. So if he won't give up, then neither will I.

Since I have been working so much and trying to help Dan, I haven't had a lot of time to just relax. So today I am hanging out with Matt and Bri. We hung out for a while at our house then we decided to go out.

We were never people who could sit around and do nothing all day so we decided to go on a hike. There are a lot of different hiking trails in Tennessee so it wasn't hard to find one that we all haven't done yet. We ended up driving to Memphis to a trail that was really popular in that area.

As we started hiking up the trail I couldn't help but feel really happy in that moment. When Lisa and I broke up, I spent most days really upset. I would just work or think about something else in order to distract myself. But I never felt truly happy in those moments because a distraction is just temporary. That's why this moment was so awesome. I'm here with two of my best friends and I know that they have my back through everything. When everything in my life has felt temporary, it's nice to know that they aren't.

Bri's POV

As we were hiking Matt decided to run up a hill to take pictures. While Logan and I continued walking I felt like this was a good moment to bring up something I wanted to talk about.

Bri- "So I don't know if you've heard or not yet."

Logan- "Heard what?" He asked confused.

Bri- "About Lisa and the new guy."

Logan- "Yeah.. I've heard."

Bri- "How do you feel about it?"

The only reason I was even asking was because I was worried about him. I wanted to make sure that he was okay and that he wasn't upset. He is like a brother to me and he has always been there for me and Matt. So I wanted to be there for him too.

Logan- "I don't know yet. I just know that if she's happy, then I guess I'll be okay with it."

Bri- "You don't think there is a way you could get her back?"

Logan- "I can't do that to her again. I can't be the selfish guy who puts himself before her. So no. I don't think there is a way. And even if there was, I don't think it would be good for her." I looked straight ahead as I responded.

Bri- "You're going to find someone Logan. I promise you will."

Logan- "Yeah... I hope so." He paused for a second and then continued while we waited for Matt to come down off of the hill.

Logan- "So this new guy, is he a nice guy at least?" I shrugged my shoulders.

Bri- "I don't know him too well yet, so I'm not sure."

Logan- "Well make sure he is a good guy. That's your job as a best friend." He said laughing slightly causing me to laugh as well.

Bri- "And what's your job as the ex boyfriend who is still in love with her?" He smiled knowing I was joking and laughed as he looked over at me and responded.

Logan- "To threaten to kill him if you tell me he is a jerk." I laughed again and nodded my head.

Bri- "Alright that sounds like a good deal."

He's handling this well. I know that he is and I'm proud of him for that.

I want them to be happy. Whether that is together or apart doesn't matter to me as long as they both end up in an incredible place in life. My thoughts were ended when Matt came down the hill and Logan spoke up.

Logan- "So I've been meaning to tell you guys something for a while now." Me and Matt both looked at him confused.

Matt- "Yeah? What's up man?"

Logan- "I'm going to go to this medical program to try to learn as much as I can to help Dan."

Bri- "That's awesome!" I said, knowing that this could be something to make him happy.

Matt- "That's incredible! When does it start? What are you going to do in the program?"

Logan- "It's basically me shadowing a physical rehabilitation team and they are going to teach and show us as much as we can so that we can take it back to our own work."

Bri- "So it's not where you are working now?"

Logan- "No. It's actually in Colorado. I heard about it a few months ago when Lisa and I broke up and I thought it would be nice to go back home for a while. I think being around my family and going back to my home town for a while might be nice."

Matt- "How long are you going to be there?"

Logan- "Probably a few months. But you two losers are going to come visit me. Because who else would I third wheel with?" He said with a smile on his face.

Bri- "Of course we will visit! Neither of us have been there before, besides we will miss you!"

Matt- "Me too! We could come out for sure!" Matt said smiling widely at him

Bri- "Seriously that's awesome. You're going to get so much out of this experience."

I know that Matt and I will miss Logan but maybe this is good for him.

Maybe this will be the one thing that can finally bring him peace.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say.

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