Part 13

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Lisa's POV

I looked across the table at a guy who I had far more admiration for. He has had challenges in his life yet he still is sitting here trying to make me feel better about an issue I struggle with.

We talked a while longer about situations and feelings from the past. When our pizza was brought out to the table we changed the subject to a more light hearted conversation. We went from deep and emotional to joking around with each other. I laughed as soon as I saw him beginning to eat his pizza.

Lisa- "What the heck! Who eats a pizza like that?!" I asked while laughing as he ate the pizza from the crust side first.

Logan- "There are no rules to eating pizza! Besides the crust is the best part I can't wait until the end, I have to eat it first!"

Lisa- "No on eats the pizza by starting on the crust side!"

Logan- "Wrong! I do!" He said while laughing.

We talked about random things for a while until we finished our food. Once we did, we got up and headed out to his car. When we got in the car I turned the music down slightly to talk to him longer.

Lisa- "You don't follow any of the stereotypical rules that there are." I said while I looked over at him.

Logan- "Stereotypical rules? What kind of rules don't I follow? Haha" I smiled as I watched the dimples form on the side of his face while he drove.

Lisa- "You eat pizza weird, you go do dangerous and adventurous things, and you definitely don't follow the typical guy dating rules." He cut in immediately after I finished and responded while laughing.

Logan- "What?! Hahaha. Typical guy dating rules? What does that even mean?! I've never heard of dating rules."

Lisa- "They aren't actual rules! They are just things that guys always do and you don't do any of them!"

Logan- "Okay fine, give me an example!" He said as he continued to laugh.

Lisa- "When we first met you chased after me. Aren't guys always supposed to play hard to get?"

Logan- "You were already playing hard to get so I couldn't do that too! One of us had to be available!"

Lisa- "Okay, okay fair enough! My point is that you aren't like the typical guy that I'm used too."

When I finished talking Logan laughed and then looked happily at the song that popped up on his shuffle list.

Logan- "Yes! This is the best song!" I smiled at his excitement as I turned up the volume slightly.

I listened intently, trying to figure out what song it was. As I sat there for a while longer I couldn't figure out what song it was. I liked it, but I definitely hadn't hear it before.

Lisa- "What song is this?" I asked as I started to get into it more.

Logan- "Its called The Way We Were. One of my favorite songs ever. The fact that you've never heard this is a crime! You are a musician! I thought you knew of almost every song."

Lisa- "I thought I did too but not this one! I can see why you love it. It's awesome!"

As we pulled up to a stop sign just outside of my neighborhood he began to sing the lyrics out loudly. He is a terrible singer but it just made the whole ride ten times funnier. He looked at the road and then back at me as he continued to scream the lyrics.


As I caught on to the lyrics of the song I sang the lyrics back with him, making my voice equally as terrible. I started laughing uncontrollably at the way he was singing and the facial expressions he made.

The song finished just before we pulled into my driveway. My laughing died down as we got out of the car and he walked me to my door but my smile didn't fade away. When we finally reached my front porch he spoke up first.

Logan- "Thank you for tonight. I really haven't talked to many people about the past because I don't like to think about it but for some reason, it was comfortable with you... And thank you for telling me. I feel like I actually know you now... I know that might not have been the easiest thing to talk about but I'm always here to listen if you ever want to talk about something like that again." He smiled gently at me as I looked up into his bright blue eyes.

Lisa- "The same thing goes for you. I'm always here for you... I know I've never experienced anything like what you have gone through but I want to be here for you whenever you need it." I saw him bite his lip and smile slightly.

We sat in silence for a few moments and he began to slowly inch closer to me while leaning in. I felt his hands wrap around my waist, as I leaned in I felt his lips crash into mine. I was tense at first, hesitant as usual with him. But then I slowly eased up. He pulled away and looked down at me with a small smile. He spoke quietly but still with a smirk on his face.

Logan- "So tell me, these 'dating rules' that you were telling me about, are there also rules about how long I have to wait until I call you next?" I laughed slightly as I looked up at him.

Lisa- "After a date you are supposed to wait 2 days to call, but please don't let that be the rule that you actually decide to follow. Hahaha."

Logan- "No, that's a stupid rule. Besides I know you want to go drive in a car and duet with me again."

Lisa- "Yes that's what I dream of!" I said sarcastically while he let out a laugh.

Lisa- "Do you want to come over to my family's house for dinner next week?" I saw a smile forming on his face.

Logan- "Yeah, I would love that."

Lisa- "Alright cool. I'll send you details when I figure everything out."

Logan's POV

Logan- "That sounds perfect. I'll talk to you then." We finished saying goodbye as I headed back out to my car.

I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face. She's different. It scares me to know how quickly she was able to get such a deep part of me. I tend not to share my life with people. But it was almost instantaneous with her.

I'm falling so hard for her.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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