Part 34

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There is a flashback scene to a moment that I intentionally didn't put into the book until now. Just want you guys to know so you aren't confused or thinking you missed something!

Logan's POV

Lisa- "So the last place had significance to it. What's so special about this place?" She asked while looking over at me with a small smile. I spoke seriously but with a smile forming on the corners of my mouth.

Logan- "This is the place where I fell in love with you."

She looked at me with a confused smile.

Lisa- "This is the place you fell in love with me?" I nodded my head as I looked back at her.

Lisa- "What was it about this place?" She asked, still smiling.

Flashback to their fourth month as a couple...

Me and Lisa were sitting at her house bored and we decided to go to this karaoke bar. It was one of Lisa's favorite places to go because she loved hearing random people jump up on stage and sing. She was fascinated by the random talent that would show up on stage. So I was pretty used to going there. It isn't really one of my favorite places to go but she loves it, and it's gradually starting to grow on me. I don't know why because it's still not something I would think to do with anyone else.

But she always looked up at the stage with a bright eyes and a happy smile. I don't know what exactly it is that runs through her mind when she hears a song or a new voice but I know that it must be something incredible. Her mind works in a way that no one else's does. She just seems to see the world in a different way. A better way.

But tonight when we were at the same karaoke bar we had been to dozens of times, something different happened. In Nashville there are tons of people who can sing. It's called the music city because that's what is so common around here. So generally people who get up and sing are confident and excited. But there was one teenage girl that Lisa saw and she couldn't tear her attention away from her.

Lisa- "She wants to sing so bad, I can tell." She said under her breath so that only I could hear.

Logan- "Don't you think she would jump up there to sing if she wanted to?" I whispered back a little confused.

Lisa- "She looks nervous." She kept looking over at her, distracted for about 10 minutes. She then turned towards me to speak up.

Lisa- "I'll be right back." She walked over to the girl without another word.

The next thing I know I see Lisa getting on stage after the guy who was singing got off. She pulled the girl on stage with her and started singing. The girl was a little shy at first but I could tell that Lisa was encouraging her and that she felt more comfortable singing with Lisa then she would have felt alone.

She kept singing through the first song and then onto another. They sang 4 songs together and I couldn't help but look at her with a wide smile the entire time. When they finished singing they got off the stage and Lisa walked back over to me.

Logan- "We've been here so many times and you've never gotten on stage to sing."

Lisa- "Well, I was her once... Scared and not knowing if I could do it. I know it's just a karaoke bar but to her that was a big deal. I could tell. Putting yourself out there isn't easy so I didn't want her to have to do it alone."

I looked at her with a wide smile and pecked her lips... I'm in love with her. And this is why. She is the goofiest person who never takes herself seriously. But then she shows her heart.

Trust me, you've never seen real beauty until you've seen the heart she has.

End flashback...

After I explained this day back to her she looked at me with a straight face.

Lisa- "How come you never told me that before?"

Logan- "I don't know." She looked at me with the same straight face. She tore her eyes from mine to look straight ahead then down at the clock in my car.

Lisa- "It's been 3 hours." She said in a plain voice which was really hard to read.

I drove her back home and the entire ride was full of silence. She kept her eyes straight ahead and so did I. She looked lost in thought most of the time.

When we pulled into her driveway I got out and walked her to her door. She turned towards me when we reached her door and finally looked as if she was going to say something. But instead of saying anything she looked at me then crashed her lips into mine.

When she pulled away she looked back up, locking her eyes on mine. A small smile formed as her lips curved up.

Lisa- "I love you. I don't know what tonight means for us. I don't know if you even want to be with me again. But I love you. And I need you to know I love you. I want to go back to who we used to be when we were together."

I smiled at her widely and pecked her lips once more.

Lisa- "I just have one question." She asked in a happy tone with a smile still on her face.

Logan- "And what's that?"

Lisa- "Why did you pick those places to take me?"

Logan- "It was never about the places. It was about you."

She wrapped her arms around me and held me tightly.

Lisa- "Thank you for never giving up on me."

Little does she know that I would never give up on someone like her. I told her one of the very first times we talked... I don't give up on any adventure.

That's what our relationship has been. Two strangers who met and have been on a roller coaster adventure to try to figure each other out. Now I know one thing...

I'll never give up on this adventure.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(:

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