Part 2

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~1 week later~

Logan's POV

Today me and some of my friends are going to this bonfire. I have a group of friends that I have known for a long time. I'm closest with Tyler and Matt but I've been friends with this same group of people since high school. I got to know most of them because of Tyler and Matt. Matt is dating Bri so I've become friends with her and the people she's close with as well.

I got in my truck and headed out to where we were having the bonfire.  We decided we would have the bonfire out by this little lake that wasn't too far away. It was the perfect place because there was a lot of space and we wouldn't be bothering anyone with noise if we got too loud. It was about 8 at night when I got there. Most of my friends were already there when I pulled in.

I got out of my truck and was immediately greeted by Tyler. Shortly after Tyler greeted me, Matt came up and did the same.

Matt- "What's up man! It's about time! I was worried you weren't going to show up."

Logan- "I'd never bail on you losers! You know me, I just don't like to show up too early!"

I walked with Matt and Tyler over by the fire and started greeting other people. Matt and Tyler are my best friends but both of them are in relationships, so I usually end up being the third wheel whenever I go out with them. Matt and Bri are super cool about including me in everything and trying not to make me feel that way but I usually do no matter what. So I wasn't surprised when after only 15 minutes of being there, they both went to hang out with their girlfriends.

I was sitting in one of the chairs that was set up by the fire. I didn't sit close to anyone else, I just went to the area with the most empty seats. While I was sitting by the fire I looked across from me to see Lisa sitting in one of the chairs. I saw that both seats next to her were empty and I decided to get up and go sit with her.

Lisa's POV

I was sitting by myself, enjoying the music and fire that I was sitting around. I wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around me. But I noticed someone sat down next in the chair next to me. I looked over to see Logan looking at the fire first, then glancing at me with a smile on his face.

Lisa- "Hey! I'm sorry I didn't notice you come over."

Logan- "I know, you seemed like you were in some sort of trance just then." He said with a small side smirk on his face.

Lisa- "Kind of haha! I love bonfires... I love sitting around the warmth and listening to music and just enjoying the night. Again, I probably look like the loner. Every time I see you I'm sitting by myself."

Logan- "Well I happened to be sitting alone too, so don't feel too bad haha."

Lisa- "I saw you get here though and you seemed to know every single person here. How are you the one that ended up alone?" I said laughing slightly.

Logan- "Well my best friend is dating your best friend, so naturally they are hanging out... And I guess I could have hung out with anyone else but I wanted to come talk to you." He said in a slightly flirtatious tone.

Lisa- "Oh yeah. And why's that?" I said not intending to sound flirtatious but it ended up coming out that way.

Logan- "Well let's look at my other options of people I could talk too." He said letting out a small laugh. He started nodding his head towards different people and continued. "I could go over there and hang out with Taylor and Jessica but all they do is talk about Victoria's Secret and getting their nails done which I will never be able to keep up with. Or I could go talk to Adam and Trevor but they usually only talk about hunting which I also don't do so I wouldn't be able to keep up with that either. And my last option would be going to talk to Tyler and his girlfriend or Bri and Matt, which would both make for extremely awkward third wheel situations." He looked back at me and let out a small laugh. "So I guess by default I'm stuck with you." He said jokingly as I elbowed him and laughed.

Lisa- "Not true! I am a privilege to be stuck with!"

Logan- "Oh is that right?" He said laughing with a sarcastic tone.

Lisa- "Absolutely! And you still had options. You chose to come sit over here." I said smirking slightly. I was flirting with him more than I intended too. I think I was flirting so much because he was doing the same thing. Every time something came out of his mouth it was in a flirtatious tone.

Logan- "Well I feel like we kind of have some type of bond. You are a third wheel with Bri, I'm a third wheel with Matt. I mean, I think we are destined to be friends! So if we are meant to be friends I had to at least come over here and talk to you." I laughed at his slightly sarcastic comment.

Lisa- "Destined to be friends? Hahaha. Well what if I don't want to be your friend?" I said with a small side smirk on my face.

Logan- "Well based on the fact that you never seem to notice me, ever, I would think you don't... And I don't want to sound arrogant or anything but I'll have you know that I am an incredible friend. Like the best. Definitely a solid 10 out of 10."

Lisa- "10 out of 10 huh?" I said laughing more.

Logan- "Yeah I'm the best friend someone can have! And you know I'm still a little hurt that you always tend to look over me so much! I feel like you owe me a chance to show you how great of a friend I am." He said with a small smirk on his face.

Lisa- "Alright, well since you are 'stuck with me' and I'm stuck with you it seems like you have some time to convince me. Tell me something about you." I said smirking back at him.

Logan- "Alright. What do you want to know? I'm an open book. Just tell me where to start."

Lisa- "Alright, well why are you sitting over here with me when those girls over there are clearly fawning over you?"

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below! I love hearing what you guys have to say!(: I will be updating often so I hope you guys check back and continue reading!

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