Part 47

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Logan's POV

I got back in my car, sitting in disbelief. I don't know why but I let myself get my hopes up. I let myself think that maybe she would love me just as much. That maybe she would jump back into everything we used to have... That maybe she missed who we were just as much as I did.

I started driving. I only wanted to go one place. It took about 15 minutes but I finally got there.

I got out of my car while grabbing my bag and walked up to the front door. I knocked and after a few moments the door opened.

Lucas- "Uncle Logan!!" He said happily as he hugged my legs. I bent down to give him a hug. A few moments later my sister walked up from behind him.

Kendall- "Logan?!" She asked with a happy smile on her face. "Oh my gosh. What are you doing here?"

Logan- "I wanted to come harass my sister for a couple days. I know I didn't call or plan anything but I'm off this weekend and I was hoping I could stay here and visit for a couple days." I said forcing myself to smile even though that was the last thing I wanted to do.

Kendall- "Of course!" She said while giving me a hug and inviting me in.

We walked into her house as I went to set my stuff down. Immediately Lucas wanted to play so we went outside and started playing in his cars.

Lucas- "When are you coming back here forever? I miss you." He said in a sweet voice.

Logan- "I'm not sure yet buddy. It will be soon though. But hey, while I'm here we are going to have tons of fun!"

Lucas- "Can we go to the park, and play video games, and get ice cream?" He asked excitedly.

Logan- "Duh! We have to do all of those things."

Lucas- "Is Lisa going to come too? She doesn't come with us to fun places anymore." I looked at him not knowing what to say. I wasn't surprised he asked about her. I figured he would at some point, I just wish it wasn't today. But she spent a lot of time with him while we were together. So like I said, it doesn't surprise me that he seems to miss her.

Logan- "I think Lisa is busy. But you and I will still hang out tons. I promise." He smiled at me and started driving his car around more. I turned around to see my sister.

Kendall- "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

Logan- "Is it that easy to see?"

Kendall- "The minute I saw you on my doorstep I knew it wasn't because you were coming back to Tennessee. I know that it has to be because of her. What's going on?" She asked as she gestured me to sit next to her on her back patio steps.

Logan- "Why can't I get over her Ken? Why can't I wake up and not care about her? I've dated girls before her and it was never this hard."

Kendall- "That's not how it works. It sucks, but there's no way that you can just wake up one day and not care about someone you love."

Logan- "I'm never going to get her back."

Kendall- "It's hard for you to let go because she is the first person who made you comfortable enough to open up. She was the first person that you didn't emotionally callous yourself too. You gave her apart of yourself. The reason it's hard to let go now is because you can't get back what you have already given."

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I looked down and saw Lisa's name. I looked at my phone confused then I glanced at my sister to show her who it was.

Kendall- "You need to talk to her. I'll stay here with Lucas, you go inside." I nodded my head and smiled appreciatively at her.

Logan- "Thank you Ken." I headed towards to door to go inside.

Kendall- "Hey... tell her everything. Everything that you feel. Don't let one thing go." I smiled at her and nodded. As I walked through the back door into her house I slid the phone open.

Logan- "Hello?"

Lisa- "Can we talk?" She said quietly.

Logan- "Of course. Do you want to meet up so we can talk?"

Lisa- "Yeah... Can you come over to my house tonight at 7?"

Logan- "Yeah. I'll be there."

Lisa's POV

I don't know why I called him. I shouldn't have but I wanted to hear his voice. I want to see him again. I have to.

I need closure. This could be it.

Logan's POV

I reached down and put my phone back into my pocket and felt something else. I pulled it out and looked at it. If this isn't a reminder for why I need to fight for her, then I don't know what else could be.

What do you guys think Logan found that reminded him of why he needs to fight for her? I love hearing what you guys have to say! Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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