Part 15

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Lisa's POV

After a while Christina walked back out to where I was sitting. While Logan was in the kitchen getting a water Christina sat down by me. She spoke in a low tone so that only I could hear.

Christina- "Just in case you want to know, I approve. He seems really good for you." She said while smiling.

Lisa- "How could you know something like that so quickly?" I said unable to hold back the small smile at her approval.

Christina- "Because he talks about you differently then the guys you liked before him. I just get a good vibe from him. He seems to care about you a lot." I saw Logan walking into the room from the kitchen. He came and sat next to me and I looked at him with a small smile.

While we were all talking Logan pulled out his phone to look at a text. I didn't see what the text said but I could tell by the look on his face it must not have been a good one. His smile faded while he read it. He put his phone back in his pocket and instantly forced a smile again.

This is why I couldn't read him. Because I feel so deeply that he is upset and that he is hurting but he just puts a smile on his face every time I get a glimpse of that vulnerability that seeps through.

We hung out with my family for about an hour longer and then we decided to leave since it was getting late. I said goodbye to my siblings as Logan went out and said goodbye to my parents. He thanked them for having him over and for dinner. He was super polite and I could tell that my dad really liked that. As we finished saying goodbye we walked out to my car so I could drop Logan off at his house.  As soon as we started driving Logan began talking happily about tonight.

Logan- "Your family is awesome. Your little brothers are hilarious!"

Lisa- "Well I think they all really liked you too so I'm glad you had fun!" I said with a smile on my face.

Logan- "I hope they did. I had such a good time. I'm really happy you invited me to come tonight." He said while looking over at me with an appreciative smile. I spoke up almost immediately after he finished.

Lisa- "Well I think they were happy to finally meet my mystery boyfriend." I said while laughing then I quickly realized what I just said. If I wasn't driving I would have face palmed instantly. I just dropped the boyfriend bomb completely unintentionally. I looked over at Logan to see if he noticed. He had a small side smirk on his face.

Logan- "Boyfriend huh?" He said with his smirk growing.

Lisa- "I didn't mean to say that, it just kind of slipped out." I said laughing and trying to make it sound like no big deal. But inside I was questioning how I even said that.

Logan- "I kind of like it actually." He said in a flirtatious tone while looking over at me with a small smile.

Lisa- "Yeah?" I questioned with a smile on my face.

Logan- "Yeah. I wouldn't mind introducing you as my girlfriend. As long as that's okay with you." He said with an even larger smirk. I smiled and bit my bottom lip.

Lisa- "Yeah. I kind of like it actually." I said quoting him in a joking tone.

As we continued to drive back to Logan's house he sprung into different random conversations. He was telling me about how when he was younger his family would sit together on Christmas Eve and watch Christmas movies.

Logan's POV

Logan- "You know, when I was younger I used to be scared to watch The Grinch. I always hated when they turned it on and I would cry until they turned it off." I said while laughing.

Lisa- "The Grinch?! How old were you? haha"

Logan- "I was like 5, don't judge me it was still pretty traumatizing! The Grinch seemed like the scariest thing ever when I was that little."

Lisa- "Do you watch it now?"

Logan- "Yeah now I do! I mean I got over it pretty quick but still for that short time I hated it!"

Lisa- "That is such a great Christmas movie! I'm so glad that you like it now because that is one of my favorite movies! I love it!"

We continued talking until she finally pulled up into my driveway. I sat in the car for a few moments before I spoke up.

Logan- "Thank you for everything." I said in a genuine tone, unable to find the words I wanted to say to her.

Lisa- "You don't need to thank me for a night with my family." She said laughing. I laughed slightly while shaking my head.

Logan- "No I mean thank you for giving me a chance and opening up to me after I opened up to you. I don't really know why, but I'm just always happier when you're around." 

Lisa's POV

I smiled widely at his sweet tone.

Lisa- "It's funny, I was thinking the same thing all night." 

Logan- "How is everything with the feelings from the past that you had? The last time we talked, you said you still have panic attacks sometimes. How are you doing with that now?"

Lisa- "It's a process, but I'm trying to get past it." I said with a weak smile, felling insecure about the past.

Logan- "I'm always here you know. I want to help you and be here for you regardless of what it is."

Lisa- "How about this, the next time I get that feeling I will call you and the next time you are feeling unsure about the past then you call me?" I said half smiling.

Logan- "Deal." he said smiling gently.

Logan- "Do you want to come over tomorrow night? I will make dinner and we can watch movies or just hang out. I mean, not to brag or anything but I am a pretty amazing cook so I don't think you will want to miss it." He said smirking and laughing slightly.

Lisa- "Amazing cook huh? I guess I can't turn that down then." I smiled at him while he leaned over the center counsel and pressed his lips against mine. When he pulled away he spoke up again.

Logan- "Good, because I'd much rather hang out with you then sit on the couch with my dog all night." He smirked as he leaned in and pecked my lips once more. He pulled away and spoke quietly.

Logan- "Goodnight. Text me when your back so I know you got home safe." I smiled at him gently.

Lisa- "I will. Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow." 

As he walked up to his front door I smiled and ran my hands through my hair. How could I go from wanting nothing to do with him to falling this hard for him in only a few months? Its scary that he has such a hold over my feelings in such a short amount of time. This is what I was trying so hard to avoid. 


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