Part 50

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~1 year later~

Logan's POV

I sat on my bed and looked across the room at the key necklace that hung off the knob of my dresser. As I stared at it, I couldn't help but think back to that day.


Last night I left the ring sitting there in front of her. Today I'm headed to the airport. I'm leaving in 15 minutes. I got a text from Christina earlier and she wanted to meet with me before I left. I agreed and told her she could come to my sisters house. I heard a knock on the front door and I knew that it must have been her.

I went and opened it to see Christina standing there with a weak smile.

Christina- "Hi." She said friendly but her voice was filled with sympathy.

Logan- "Hey."

Christina- "I know that this is the last thing that you need right now, but I had to come give you this." She said as she reached out her hand and gave me the tiny box that held the ring in it.

Christina- "Lisa couldn't keep it and she thought it would be best if I came here to give it to you." I stared down at the small box as I held it with both hands. I kept my head down so she couldn't see the pain in my eyes.

Christina- "Can I ask you something?"

Logan- "Yeah." I said quietly as I kept my eyes down at the box in my hands.

Christina- "Why didn't you tell her that you called me? Why would you keep that a secret?"

Logan- "I knew that if I told her that, she would have been upset with you... You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one who asked you for help. So I didn't want her to take the frustration she has with me out on you. You're her sister and an incredible one... Our relationship was already broken, I didn't want to take the chance of ruining your relationship too." I looked up to see her eyes glazed over with tears.

Logan- "Don't be upset. Lisa and I have done that enough for everyone." I said forcing a weak smile on my face. She hesitated, spending several moments in silence before speaking up.

Christina- "I'm so sorry that this didn't work out the way you wanted it too."

Logan- "It's okay." I said lying to her face.

Christina- "I guess I better let you get going." She said pointing down at the packed bag lying on the floor behind me.

Logan- "Yeah... I guess this is goodbye for now." I said feeling like I was losing part of the family I've grown close to. She leaned in to give me a hug. When she did she spoke quietly in my ear.

Christina- "Thank you for always protecting my sister."

Logan- "Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean I won't be around. I'll always be here to protect her... I promise." She let go and looked down at the box in my hand. She continued in a quiet tone.

Christina- "It's beautiful by the way... I hope you find someone amazing to give that too. Whoever it is, she will love it." I smiled weakly at her knowing that I couldn't give this ring to anyone else. I couldn't. It would just remind me of Lisa.

Logan- "Thanks Christina... I'm gonna miss you guys."

Christina- "We're gonna miss you too...Have a safe trip back."

Flashback Ends.

A year has passed. Today she is getting married to Brandon. It's a new chapter of her life.

She spent a chapter of her life with me. But sometimes things have to come to an end.

I'm just a guy, who loves a girl, who didn't love herself...But now she does.

Letting her be happy with someone else may be the reason that happened. As much as it may hurt right now, I would let her go a million more time if it meant her being able to love herself the way she does right now.

Love doesn't always work the way we want it too. Sometime you lose the one you thought would be forever. But just because it doesn't always work, doesn't mean it wasn't incredible.

I will always love her. I will always respect her. And I will always find her happiness more important than anything else.

She's the girl that you dance around in the kitchen with having to remind that she is not always in the lead. She's the girl who is so stubborn that it makes you want to scream. She's the girl who loves her cat more than she loves most people. She's the girl who will pull a stranger on stage to sing karaoke with her. She's the girl who will make you feel strong, even in your weakest moments.

She was a stranger who became the most important person in my life. But now she has a new life. She starting her next chapter. Now it's time for me to start mine.

If I remember anything about her, it won't be the pain of her leaving. I choose to remember the happiness I felt when I was around her.

Logan- "I was wrong about wanting to adventure. I don't really care about an adventure right now. I just want to get to know you." I said with a wide smile on my face.

Lisa- "I thought you wanted an adventure? I thought that was your thing?" She said with a smirk.

Logan- "It is my thing... But for some reason, I feel like just getting to know you is an adventure all in itself. I don't need a place for an amazing adventure. I just need a person."

Lisa- "I don't know if this is an adventure you want. Getting to know me might not be the adventure you expect."

Logan- "That's the point. I like the unexpected... Besides, I don't give up on any adventure."

Flashback ends.

She is incredible. Our adventure didn't end. It was one filled with memories that will live on forever. Right now, our adventure has become one that takes two seperate paths. Maybe one day, our paths will cross again.

But even if it doesn't, I'm okay and I know she is too. She was right, it wasn't the adventure I expected. But I do know one thing.

I wouldn't take back that beautiful, broken, happy, heartbreaking adventure for anything.

Love requires sacrifice. Giving her up was mine. I'm happy with my decisions. I know that they led her to a place of everlasting love for exactly who she is.

She was an adventure. She is one that will never be removed from my mind. That's how I know that she was an adventure worth sacrificing for.

I hope she knows that she was the greatest adventure of my life.

The end!
Thank you guys for reading this story! I love you all so much! Thank you for sticking around until the end! Let me know what you guys think about how Lisa and Logan ended!

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