Chapter 1

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Hey guys, how are you?

Kat Graham as Keyna.

Hope you are fine.

So this is a new book, I hope that you'll like it. Let me know if you do.

This book will be written in three POV's just so you know: Third person and the two characters.

The book is unedited do expect and excuse any errors.

Thank you.



The alarm clock rang loudly through her room.

"Fuck", she yelled as she got up.

She made her way to the bathroom and had a short shower. She then got into navy blue jeans , a plain white shirt, a large knitted sweater and black sneakers. She pulled out a bag from her wardrobe and she put all the things she would need. She picked her phone from the charger and closed her hair into a pony tail.

She ran to the kitchen in her apartment and got a travel mug and filled it with black coffee and locked her apartment on her way out. She ran down the stairs and into her black celica and drove off to work.

An hour later, she arrived at ' Blue Rose Dry Cleaners' where she worked.

"You're early today."

"Yeah I know," she said as she made her way to the staff room. "I thought I should do some work and let you go right now since you had asked me to have a day off ."

"Oh you're too kind sometimes," said Ashley the blue eyed blonde haired girl. "But I've just arrived less than thirty minutes ago."

"Look Ashley, you're only going to get one chance to leave this place and come back tomorrow. Or if you want you can just work all day and miss the day you had planned to spend with Spencer," she said as she took off her shirt and and put on her work shirt with the logo on it.

"What if the boss finds out?" Ashley asked worry laced in her voice.

"Don't worry okay. I'll talk to her and if anyone knows Joelle like I do, they'll know that she wont get angry because of this."

"You're sure?Because this is my second job and I really don't want to loose it Keyna."

"Don't worry you wont loose it. Now go and enjoy your day," said Keyna as she smiled at Ashley.

"Are you sure that you're going to be okay alone?"

"Yes I'll be fine and besides, I wont be alone. Troy is coming at around noon. Ill be fine."

"But noon is so far away," complained Ashley.

"Don't worry about me okay. I'll be fine.Trust me."

"Okay. Take care. See you tomorrow," said Ashley as she hugged Keyna.

Ashley was reluctant on leaving Keyna alone because of her former life experiences. She dreaded being alone and she would hate someone she knew to go through what she herself had gone to. After Ashley left, Keyna went into the office and started doing some files when she heard a bell at the door that meant that a new customer had arrived. She got up and walked over to the counter with a wide smile on her face.

"Good morning welcome to Blue Rose Dry cleaners. How may I help you?" she asked.

"I would like this suit to be laundered very well." said a short brunette haired lady with glasses.

"Sure," said Keyna as she picked the suit and hanged it on a rack.

"When can I pick it up?" asked the lady.

"You can pick it up on Thursday at five p.m." said Keyna as she scribbled some notes, " And what name do I write on the receipt?" she asked.

"Malcom. Malcom Coleman."

Shock was written all over Keyna's face. " Malcom Coleman like the Malcom Coleman?" she asked.

The lady just nodded.

"So you must be his new asssistant huh?"She asked.

"Yes. I am. You know him?"

"No not really. I just launder his clothes and we have met a couple of times. I knew his former assistant Kate. Do you know what happened to her?"

"No I don't. All I heard was that they fought and then he fired her and she just disappeared just like that. And then he hired me."

"That's weird," said Keyna as she handed the receipt to the lady. "Well it was nice meeting you."

"You too. I'm Melanie by the way."

"Im Keyna. Emphasis on the y."

"Okay. I should go. Again it was nice meeting you Keyna," said Melanie as she walked out.


So guys this is chapter one. I know that its short and all but it was just an intro. More is coming.

Okay bye :)

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