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"Shawn no" lassiter sayd as I sit next to him.
"Awh come on" we've been dating for a few months and he's now mad at me because I'm in his case.
"No" he moves away.
"Hey this could be fun. Our first crime being together." I move closer.
"Fine. But I'm still mad at you" lassie says and uncrosses his legs.
"Does this mean I can-"
"No" he swats my hand away from his leg.
"Rude lassie." I roll my eyes
"Hey Spencer help me" he says sitting up.
"Ugh okay I just want go spend time with my boyfriend but no be sure he wants to work" I sigh.
"Spencer" he warns.
"Shawn please lassie" I tell him and look at the paper work. I slide my hand onto his thigh again. He hasn't pushed it away so that's good. I had a crush on Juliet first but then lassie started to get...appealing to me like in ways I'd have dreams about him and would get nervous when I was around him.
"Hey" he chuckles as I move closer to his crotch.
"Cmon just stop working for two seconds" I whine. "Pay attention to me"
"Ok I get it lunch?"
"Ah yes now you're speaking my language."
"Okay where do you wanna go?" He stands up.
"Its up to you"
"Spencer I was being a complete ass. I was ignoring my boyfriend for work so you choose"
"Lassie." I look over at him. "You pick or I will have to come over there"
"What would you do to me?" Lassie wiggles his eyebrows.
"You little...fuckery come on" I grab his hand and walk us both outside. Me dating lassie..never did I think I would. And never did I think it'd be ok with cheif well yeah we haven't cleared it by her yet. Actually the only people who know are Gus and my dad. My dad because Lassiter couldn't keep his hands off me and he kissed me...right jnfront of my dad. We both panicked but then I told Henry everything. The part where I was bi which he had no clue about? Cmon man I brought home a football player in High school and I would say he was great but he wasn't. He had a nice body but was not great in bed. But I had to act like I was enjoying it. I described how I saved lassies life and how he took me on a date which supposedly only a work dinner but I know man his vibes were clear. And as in vibes I mean he played he pulled my chair out he ordered fancy wine he treated me like a princess. Everybody knows you treat a girl-well partner like a human, princess, goddess, princess and then human again. But he did it differently. It was more like scum, person, scum, princess, goddess, and we're still on princess. My dad was shocked and then happy and now he's back to being henry.
"Babe" Lassiter says. I hum a response still semi stuck in my day dream. "What'd you want?" He asks. I look around and see we're at good times. Ah good choice lassie baby.
"A number 3" he orders our food. I think Jules is picking up on it that something is diffrrnt between him and I. He's not telling me to go away or physic stuff isn't real he's sorta kinda treated me good at work. How Gus found out is great. I decided to bring lassie some lunch one day so I told Gus its to get him on our good side. We walk into the station and he was the only one there so I accidentally called him babe. Gus froze and didn't know what to do. His best friend just called some guy who he thought hated us babe. Gus put together the dots. Lassie was being nicer, I was bringing him food, I would text a lot when not around Lassiter. We had to get a hour long lecture why this is bad, don't date him Shawn. And do you really wanna date a guy who knows what your thinking all the time. It was great. He still thinks its not a great idea but you can't right love man.

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