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I do as I promised. I have two pizzas, a hawian one and a meat lovers on the table. I brought a pillow out from the bedroom and I'm waiting hoping to god - "hey baby" he opens the door.
"How'd it go?" I ask.
"Well...don't get mad but she's coming up right now."
"Oh okay- thats-?"
"Good I think"
"Okay well I'm gonna change then" im still wearing my pajamas which is boxers and a t-shirt.
"Thank you so much" he kisses me. I quickly run to the bedroom and change into a dark flannel and jeans. I put hair jell in my hair and spary it.
"Wow two pizzas?" I walk out and see her looking around.
"We like different types of pizza so we just get two." He says.
"Well Carlton it's nice place"
"Thank you" he says. I walk out and smile at her.
"Hi Mrs. Lassiter"
"So you lied to me?" She asks me.
"No. You're my son I suspect you to lie but Mr. Spencer here should have respected me."
"He was helping me, mom." Lassie rolls his eyes.
"From-from-" I see him mentally sigh.
"From?" She turns and looks at him.
"Look we love each other so much and eventually we're gonna be engaged." I say.
"I'll see about that"
"What does that mean?" Carlton asks.
"You're dating a liar, carlton! You never make good choices"
"You know what, yeah I lie about a lot of things. And lassie doesn't make great choices but...but...lassie! Help me out!"
"But we're not gonna break up because a few people don't like us."
"Yeah!" I skip over to lassie.
"I have to be honest Carlton. I don't support what you do. So when do get married don't call me unless its a girl." Oh. Ouch. She starts walking to the door.
"Hey you can't just do that" I say before she leaves. "He was excited for you to come. He was excited for us to become friends because one day I'm gonna be your son in law. And if you walk out that door...don't think for one second every thing will be fine after a few months" I tell her.
"I wouldn't want to call you freaks in a few months because unlike Toby carlton is not my son" she slams the door and leaves.
"Baby come here" I hold my arms
"No..its okay..can we just...lay down?" He asks.
"Yeah" I sit down and he lays his head on my lap. "Are you hungry?" I ask.
"Not really" I turn the t.v on to his favorite show.
"I love you" I run my fingers through his hair. I swear in we have kids I will never disown them. Unless...well they're a murderer. He sits up about 10 minutes later. His eyes are red which tells me he was crying. I hate seeing lassie so sad. "Thanks" he says sitting up.
"For?" I ask.
"Well for telling my mom something I wanted to for a long long time." He grabs the pizza boxes and sits back down.
"Well on the bright side we have pizza" I smile and pull him into me.
"mm I love you."
"You're gonna be okay Lassie babe." I kiss his temple.
"I'm never okay" he shrugs.

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