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"Congratulations" dobsen says. We arrested the crew we've been trying to catch for about three months now.
"Thank you" I smile. Gus took shawn home he was stressed about the case but I assured him I wasn't going in. After an hour or two they left. Its currently midnight now. After 12 hours I can finally go home. I grab my stuff off my desk and drive home. I walk in and see shawn asleep on the couch with the t.v on. I smile to myself and turn it off. I kiss his forehead and then shake him awake.
"Hey" he moans and sits up.
"Wanna go to bed, baby?" I ask.
"I can't get up. I'm dead" he jokes.
"Then I'll have to carry you" I pick him up bridal style. "Can you open the door?" I chuckle. He leans down and pushes it open. I lay him on the bed. 
"Thank you" he kicks his jeans and socks off. I pull my slacks off and unbutton my shirt. "How was the case?" He asks.
"We finally got them. They're in jail and I can't wait to pull you next to me and kiss your neck and lips." I sigh and walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I push the covers back and lay down.
"You smell like sweat" he mutters into the pillow.
"Its okay I probably smell the same." He rolls over until he pushes against me.
"Yeah we both need a proper shower" I wrap my arms around him. He sighs happily.
I roll over and see the bathroom door cracked and humming from the shower. I smile thinking about how I will get to hear this forever. The shower turns off and I see a little of his legs from the door but nothing else. The door slides open and he walks out in his towel he insists on having. Its small and blue it barely covers anything.
"That's not aloud" I smile stretching.
"I think it is very aloud." He smirks pulling a pair of boxers out. "Do I smell good now?" He leans down and kisses me.
"Very I have to go shower now so we both can smell good. I swing my legs off the bed and get up.
"I will be making waffles." He pulls on a shirt and then walks away. I make the bed and then get into the shower. I want the wedding in the fall but he wants it in the summer. I think it'll be too hot. I walk out fully dressed in jeans and a shirt. I don't go to work today until 3. "Wear that forever" he nods licking chocolate syrup off his finger.
"Do that forever" I walk behind him and kiss his neck.
"Hey I was thinking we could run Gus some waffles?"
"I think that sounds fun." I go to the window and see its cloudy. "We might wanna hurry it looks like it might rain"
"Okay I'm gonna put on shoes. Can you grab the syrup, butter, chocolate syrup and the chunky peanut butter?" "Who puts chuncky peanut butter on waffles?"
"Gus" he gets up and grabs the stack of waffles wrapped in saren wrap.
"Let's go" I say slipping my shoes on and grabbing my hoodie and keys.
"You really want gus and I to get along don't you?" I ask
"Yeah..he's my best friend an you're my boyfriend and I honestly couldn't pick between you two."
"Oo that is not something you say in a relationship Shawn" I chuckle. "But I get it. Best friend since grade school compared to a guy you've known for 4 years which you're inlove with. I don't expect you to pick baby." I'd hold his hand but he is holding onto the pancakes for dear life. I park in front of the psych office and we GI in to see gus on his computer.
"Hey buddy, lassie thought you might like come waffles?" Shawn says. He looks up and smiles.
"Really? Lassie?" He asks.
"Ah yes my boyfriend does care for my best friend." He sets them down on the counter and pulls three plates out. "I made 9. 3 for each of us?"
"Sounds good."

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