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I walk into the station and go into Vicks office. "Detective thought I told you to stay home"
"I thought I had to give my statement I mean...that's what we usually do?"
"Don't need one, we have plenty."
"Is there anything you need done?" I ask. "Paperwork? A case?"
"Yes. Go home and relax" she shoos me away. I walk out and see Juliet.
"Calrton? I thought you had the week off?"
"I do" I tell her
"Okay...what're you doing here?" She asks. "That was rude"
"Shawn has things to do. I've already cleaned, rewatched all of the back to the future movies and went grocery shopping." I sigh. "I think he's mad at me."
"Why?" O'Hara looks up at me from her computer.
"I think he doesn't want to get married. He says he does but he seems so distant now."
"I thought that proposal was fake?"
"It was but then I proposed for real." I smile shakingly.
"Yeah he said yes but the freaked out today when we started talking about it. I told him we can go slow and it settled him down but then we started just relaxing and falling back into our regular ways and he just got spooked it seems like. He just jumped up and said he has to go he didn't say much after that. Just got up and left."
"Looks like your fiancé is here." She nods behind me. I turn around and see shawn walking in.
"Hey jules- lassie..what're you doing here?" He asks looking at me.
"I was bored and didn't know where you went so I thought I'd come here."
"You could've called me?"
"Hmm..tried that you left your phone at home." I get up
"So you're mad at me? For leaving my phone there? Sorry"
"I'll be at home." I start walking away. "Wow Carlton. You're being such a baby." I turn back around and just stare at him.
"You left me today. I planed on just staying in with you. We could've talked about the wedding. Instead you left!" I shout a little too loud having people look over at me. "I should've known..everybody I love leaves me. Everybody I should've known this wouldn't last. I mean me? Me? Actually being happy for once?" I swear you start crying I'm going shoot myself. "I'll be at home." I roll my eyes and start walking off before I actually do cry in front of the whole station. I get turned around quickly.
"I'm not leaving you. I needed to think about us. I've never been in a serious relationship. Well with Abigail but I never even thought about marriage. So I'm sorry I got scared. But I'm not leaving you. We're gonna get married we're gonna grow old together and have kids that have to sneak us pudding in our nursing home." Shawn says practically whispering. I nod already feeling tears sting my eyes. He pulls my head closer to his and we push our lips together. "IM MARRYING LASSIE!" he shouts as we pull away. They start clapping.
"You're in to far to back out now."
"I think its the other way around." He Chuckles. "Now let's get tacos"

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