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Next step. Meeting the mother. If lassie and toby both came out of her I'm afraid what she's like. He dad died in a car accident when he was 17 so he's out of the picture, sadly but also thank god. We just got done catching somebody for murdering Rodger Jeloc. And now I'm watching lassiter break him. He's so hot when he interrogates people. Unfortunately cheif and Juliet are with me in here so I can't do anything but watch and imagine what we could be doing right now if all these people weren't here it'd be just us and I would be that bad guy and he'd have to punish me and have me handcuffed OK no grandma dirty sponges sharks...LASSITERS BROTHER. ahh thank you toby. I relax again.
"Okay! I murder Jeloc!" He shouts. The grin on lassies face makes me so happy. Little things like that makes me think he might be a murder.
"He's good" Jules says.
"I can see why you like him Spencer"
"Actually I like him for his personality..wow I never thought I'd say that aloud." I chuckle.
"He doesn't have a personality Shawn" gus says.
"Really?" I ask.
"He likes his gun" gus says.
"And me" I tell him.
"That's it"
"He likes history and breaking people?" Jules says.
"See my boyfriend is a great man" lassie walks in and smiles.
"That I am"
"Yes and as much as I hate sharing work with him he's still good. Not as good as me though"
"Oh really?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah" I nod.
"Cmon" he grabs my arm. We walk up To random cop and he starts telling him how he is- "you're a murderer and you need to not break! Do you understand me!?"
" we wanna see who's better at breaking people. Will you be our murderer?" I ask.
"Sure?" We hall him into the interrogation room.
"Lassie you go first" I tell him.
"Fine." He goes in and I start timing. 15 minutes and he's already confessing.
"Watch how its done Carlton" I click my tongue saying his name and go in there.
-It feels like I've been in here for two hours. Why don't he tell me he did it!?
"You know what? Lassie you win! But oh don't you dare think you get to touch me tonight" I walk out.
"I'm better" he sings
"I hate you"
"We both know you mean love." I can just tell he has a huge smile planted on his face. "Hey where ya goin?" He asks as I walk past his desk.
"I gotta meet up with my dad." I tell him.
"Oh okay yeah go on" he says.
"I'll come over tonight." I say. "I'll bring pizza and we can watch star trek?" I ask.
"Ok" I walk over and kiss him and then leave. "Love you?" I hear him say. I drive to my dads.
"What do you want?" I ask
"Well I want to talk to you about Carlton"
"Okay?" I sit down.
"I really like him, shawn but...think about your future. Does he wasn't kids? Does he want to get married? Will he move out of his apartment?"
"I think, yes and probably." I nod.
"He wants to get married?" He asks.
"Yeah we've sorta talked about it and from what I've gotten he wants too."
"Okay what about kids? What about moving in? Shawn I know you love him but talk to him about this."
"I will. We're in a point in our relationship where we're both super duper happy"
"Good then talk to him about it" he stands up and walks away. "I like him shawn but I want you to think of your future"

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